Are you getting the H1N1 shot?

20 February 2000
It has thimerosal in it(unless you get the shot for pregnant women and kids under 5 ), and it's rumored that some makers are using squalene in it.
I'm thinking I would rather get the flu that to mess with that stuff, but I'm curious what others are doing.
A family doctor friend of mine said there will only be 5 million shots for the entire US. So, even if you wanted to get it, the odds of being able to get one if you're not a senior citizen or child is pretty slim.

Of course, he could be wrong.
I got mine (mist - live virus) last week. I was mildly sick (cold) when I got it but they said since I was not running a fever to go ahead and get it.

Im about as sick as I was then, 1 week later, still no fever, however, so I think its just a lingering cold. My whole family has it.
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i'm sure doug and i, along with the hoveround rangers club, have a group outing to walmart (walmart, right, doug?) to get our shots. if i read the announcement correctly, we're riding over in this new ranger transporter (naturally, doug has to sit on top in the front window seat :rolleyes:

(seriously: a number of people i know have been very ill from this flu, so i'll get the shot if i can locate it.)
i'm sure doug and i, along with the hoveround rangers club, have a group outing to walmart (walmart, right, doug?) to get our shots. if i read the announcement correctly, we're riding over in this new ranger transporter (naturally, doug has to sit on top in the front window seat :rolleyes:

(seriously: a number of people i know have been very ill from this flu, so i'll get the shot if i can locate it.)

Hal, since you miss the last Hoveround Rangers meeting, I'll explain. The question was; should we meet at WalMart and caravan our Hoverounds down to Walgreens to get our shots, or should we meet at WalMart and take the Hoveround Transporter to Walgreens. Since parking is limited at Walgreens, we decided to take the transporter. Did you get that new basket installed on your rig? PM me about the new Hoveround Ranger patches.:wink:
Is the H1N1 shot available to the general public in CA as of now?

Here in MN, it will be another month until it is.
yes ,I,my two boys and pregnant wife all got it through the local dept of health.It is very scarce right now,most of my doctor friends have not recieved thier alotments. I can't say whether it is the right choice for you.I can say that the potential for widespread infection is higher than for the standard flu virus because our immune systems have not seen this strain,so I think that as the infection rate increases there will be more folks clamering to get it.For those reading who don't know what a vaccine does,it exposes our immune system to the coating particles on the virus capsule without the full fledged infection of the virus replicating in our tissues.Thus when you are exposed to the live wild virus your immunity will blunt the infection saving you from a longer more sever sickness.
Some excellent info here:

Basically they say that the chances are less than 1% but healthy, young people are dying from this. The H1N1 virus did not take a summer break like the seasonal flu did, and the deaths are much higher than the seasonal flu.
Is the H1N1 shot available to the general public in CA as of now?

Here in MN, it will be another month until it is.

It will be available at the San Francisco VA the first of next month.
have to, for work.:mad:
I'm waiting for the H1N2. I want to make sure they ironed out all the bugs.:wink:
Nope, not getting it.

My 16yo daughter already contracted the H1N1 virus at her High School. We took her to the doctor and they tested her specifically for the strain. She tested positive. We contacted the H.S. to let them know she was infected. We were very cautious and kept her home till her fever broke. Tamiflu helped a little. She was over it in only 3 or 4 days. Luckily the rest of the family was spared.
I just heard on the local news they're not expecting the majority of the shots to be ready until December. Sounds like this might be a mute question.
no, i don't wanna get guillain barre

you are more likely to get this from getting the flu/other infections than getting the vaccine.
Docjohn is correct. The incidence of Guillan-Barre is less than that of having a catastrophic outcome from contracting the actual virus itself.

For reference, in MN the H1N1 is available, unfortunately, it is currently only given to those who are at high risk (ie. having direct patient contact). The clinics & physician offices have yet to receive their allotments. I got mine yesterday and it wasn't a big deal. In MN, the nasal mist form is the only one I've heard of that is available for adults (at least that is what I was told).

Personally, I think it is a good idea to get vaccinated. I've personally seen some really bad stuff happen to people when influenza gets really bad.
I rely on my bother in law for the front line reports,he is a emt in NE Pa.He is describing increasing H1N1 confirmed cases,many are very sick kids.The virus hits hard and fast in those under 10 (my arbitrary age range).No need to panic people,but if you decide to vacinate keep on it.Our local docs are just now getting shipments.
I read an article in the local paper.

Just wanted to correct my earlier post that my doctor friend was wrong. It's not 5 million doses but 120 million for the US. But the article did say that only 13 have been released.

I guess I will get it if it's available
I'm not getting it. I'm not planning on putting a flu shot in my system for as long as I can. Knock on wood, the last couple of years I was without a flu shot and didn't get the flue. Weird. In the past when I got it consistently, every other year or so I got the flu.

My primary concern is washing my hands regularly and trying not to shake other peoples hands (or immediately wash..)
