Are you allowed to say no?

When my arm was in a cast and I couldn't drive a stick, a coworker actually asked if I wanted to trade cars w/ her for a while ( her automatic Nissan )so that I could get around. Nevermind the fact that I already had a means of getting to work. Just the idea that she asked still bugs me to this day, because I KNOW that she saw it as an opportunity to get an NSX for a month. My best interests were secondary. Bottom line, unless they're a buyer, don't ask the owner for a drive. If the owner feels generous, that's another story.
Since I have owned my car only 2 others have driven it - my ex-wife and my brother in law, both for only about 10 minutes. Although I trusted them, I was a nervous wreck the whole time. Not worth it. (I guess actually one other has driven it, Mark Basch).

Now here's another question....would you let someone test drive it if you were selling it?
I am partially to blame myself. I should have just said no when the guy asked, I simply blanked out in silence. Never saw that coming, should I say yes or no was going through my mind. There were several other NSX owners around, it is obviously that silence is a no answer, no need to even continue to persuade me. I left the meet soon after, it was otherwise a very fun meet.

I almost always let people drive my car if they ask and if it’s on their insurance.
Please correct me if I am wrong. I thought it work differently compare to rental car. You mean their insurance cover their ass when they drive someone else's car? I thought it is the registered owner's liability.

I am not sure how happy your insurance company will be when they found out that the guy who test drove your car lost control, hit the center section, flip over in air 3 times, landing on top of the cars coming at opposing traffic during rush hour on a busy street. Killing himself and the 2 others in the other car. Lets assume this is the case, whoes libility is it?

Maybe my understanding is incorrect, I thought in this case you better hope that you either don't own a thing/have big savings in bank or is in debt beyond imagination.

12AMNSX said:
Now here's another question....would you let someone test drive it if you were selling it?

If I were selling the car, I will allow the buyer to test drive it, however only after I take them out for a test ride first to give them feel of the car and show them what it is capable of. I believe it is always better to over estimate than under estimate, it give you room for error. Funny is that I have sold 2 cars privately, both times the buyer refused to test drive it. In the Supra case, the buyer was afraid to test drive it, so he had someone with experience of high power cars to test drive it and drove it home for him, very very smart move.
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12AMNSX said:
Since I have owned my car only 2 others have driven it - my ex-wife and my brother in law, both for only about 10 minutes. Although I trusted them, I was a nervous wreck the whole time. Not worth it. (I guess actually one other has driven it, Mark Basch).

Now here's another question....would you let someone test drive it if you were selling it?

some owners actually want to see some type of deposit or cash before they'll even let the buyer drive the car.. sometimes they only want to joy ride it and not buy the car at all.. like some occasions when i go to the dealerships and test out vettes, mustangs, s2000, etc. :biggrin:
I turn down everyone out of hand; I may offer but don't ask.
I bought the car, I built the car and I drive the car; its not a loaner.
If they become pushy I have no problem drawing a hard-line. I personally don't care if a pushy offensive person is offended by my denial.:rolleyes:

pizzadude said:
To me its part of the fun of owning a car like this. It totally makes someones day when you let them drive it.

Any good friend of mine is welcome. The best part of having an NSX is watching other people enjoy it. :smile:

Here's a great example, one of my favorite posts on prime:
0ctan3 said:
Here's a great example, one of my favorite posts on prime:

Say the same and laugh about it when something like this happens, there are many incidents like this on the forum, most people usually don't post about negative experiences:

Even qualified individuals can wreck a NSX:
Wrecked NSX by NSX tech

Wrecked by a dealer

Miss shift by friend
I have had a couple of people drive in my car. But these always have been people that I know and that I respect. Likewise, they respect my and the car and I knew beforehand they would be careful with the car and were capable of handling a car like the NSX.
For others the answer is simply NO. If someone asks me for a ride, it is no problem but the risk I take by letting someone drive my car is simply not worth it. I've offered my father to drive my car a couple of times and he simply refused just because he did not want to risk something that he knows I like and enjoy so much.

Besides, most people who ask if they can drive the car are EXACTLY the kind of people I would NEVER let drive car, not even my beater.

I've even been offered 100 Euro by someone who wanted to drive my car. His statement after my negative answer was "But I have a driver's license you know..." just sent shivers down my spine.
I could already picture the sight of my car having crashed at the first corner because some kid thinks he knows how to drive a NSX and was determined to prove that to his friends.
I just say my insurance policy on this car is only for me. Not sure if that's correct or not but Hargety did ask me and I said I would be the only driver in the family.
nsxsupra said:
Please correct me if I am wrong. I thought it work differently compare to rental car. You mean their insurance cover their ass when they drive someone else's car? I thought it is the registered owner's liability.

To the best of my knowledge, it depends on the insurance company. I know that mine will cover me regardless of the vehicle that I'm driving and regardless of who is driving my vehicle it would be covered if necessary. Laws differ from state to state too. Some states will have the primary responsibility be on the driver and others on the vehicle owner.
nsxsupra said:
Say the same and laugh about it when something like this happens, there are many incidents like this on the forum, most people usually don't post about negative experiences:

Miss shift by friend

These two aren't great examples. In one of them it is not conclusively proven what happened to cause the engine malfunction and may not be the fault of the friend. The other example is not even of someone borrowing the car, just initially posting for a friend so it's totally irrelevant. But yeah, the other cases make you think. :smile:

We really don't allow others to drive our car very often, but would in some circumstances if they are a trusted individual and most often with us in the car. I can only think of one instance where someone other than us drove our current car without us present, and that was Chris@SOS when he brought it to us in Tucson from Phoenix after a service one time when he was coming down with others for an NSXPO meeting.
rbirling said:
I once told someone he could drive my car if I could take out his girlfriend. :eek:

Most definitely one of those things you would have to take on a case by case basis. :wink:

So how did that work out for you, swapping rides that is? Maybe you were you thinking that he would get the car and the tree and you would get the girl and a new car? :biggrin:
John@Microsoft said:
Most definitely one of those things you would have to take on a case by case basis. :wink:

So how did that work out for you, swapping rides that is? Maybe you were you thinking that he would get the car and the tree and you would get the girl and a new car? :biggrin:

Unfortunately he didn't take me up on the offer. :tongue: Actually, he wasn't a very close friend. He had phrased the request like "This is my dream car, you have to let me drive it". :mad: Uh, no....
at least he asked, Mitch just took mine for a week or so!
aahhahah :biggrin:

its ok, I trust him, and he put a clear bra on for me and was even super kind enough to take it to the dealer for me too!!!

......I think he just wanted to thrash on my car though :tongue: :rolleyes:

but knowing Mitch, Im just glad it didnt come back with "only" 2k more miles on it :biggrin:
When people ask me to drive my car, I always ask them if they can afford to buy it if they have an accident, not fix, buy it. I have let a few people drive the car however, I know they will buy me a new one if they wreck it.
you have every right to say "no" when someone ask you. Again it goes back to liabilities. Unless they are willing to take full responsiblities for anything that might occur, I too would say know and even if they say they will take care of everything, we all know that they won't. Take my advice...when someone ask if the want to take out your pride and joy baby for a spin...just simply reply..."can i F&%k your girlfriend?" most guys will see the analogy, back off and no that you dont want to allow such a test drive and probably just laugh. If they say "yes" than expect that their girl is probably a mut and just simply sock the guy in the face cuz what sick F*&k would allow that.

talk to u laters.

lets meet up this weekend.