Apex Blue Pearl NSX

I love it, but it would be too much for me personally. I'm getting older and like to creep with subtlety.

Hopefully we can get together soon. I really look forward to seeing your car in person.
Love the color. Great choice!
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Pre-02 Popups and Sorcery Widebody: I love it! :cool:

And agreed with the others, you need better matching seats and a more aggressive wing!
That's pretty much one of the hardest looking NSXs I've seen. I would definitely get out of the way if I saw that badboy coming! Looking good!
Great color! However, even without that awesome paint job, your car would stand out anyway. :wink:
I have the same turbo kit but i did do a lower compression motor build. the car has given me problems all summer so I am waiting till the winter to get the little things fixed to get it tuned. I am going to try and run e85 and hopefully put 550-600whp. I have my fingers crossed. I am going to redo the interior and finally get my audio setup in too.
sex on wheels... not sure what brand your type-r spoiler is looks like the seibon one because it has no arch at all...

1) get rid of that spoiler get and get a nice jetz one.. it'll give you the nice arch and won't make it look so flat
2) black your mirrors like everyone said
3) do something with the tail lights.. maybe an acura emblem blacked out in the middle? not sure.
4) give me the car :biggrin: