AOL n AIM users attn

3 June 2002
If you would like to list your screen name here so that people can put you on there buddy list please just post. We set up a chat room everynight and who ever is on at the time we send an invite to so that they can come discuss car matters and off topic things.If you do not have either here is a link for you to sign up...

Acura NsX Piiot

[This message has been edited by NyC NsX (edited 17 July 2002).]
Chillerat is my aim user.

BTW, nyc, where in Bronx do you live at? My friend was telling me he saw an NSX parked at the parking garage he used to use when he lived around Dykeman. Maybe that's you.
i live no where near dykeman im close to the whitestone bridge .... and if your familiar with this area the owner of the car wash across from lehman high school also owns a NsX...i dont know if he still has it thou.