Anyone with HKS Camp software, please help?

24 May 2000
Altoona, PA
I have had this system for over a year and I still can't figure out how to make the appropriate settings in the setup screen. If anyone has the CAMP that works properly, can you please give me your values in the setup option. I would really appreciate it. Thanks

Why not consult the dealer of purchase? Did he have the same setup? You could also call HKS USA @ (310) 491 3300. I am sure they could get in contact with HKS Japan for the appropriate setup characteristics. Good luck.

I have it, but have not installed it, yet. Are you refering to the injector size, or values that I can pull from the manual for you?
I forgot, the manual is in Japanese. SoS says to configure injectors to '240' and cylinders to '6'. Somehow, I get the feeling there is more to it. Let me know if you discover something. Thanks.
That SoS link is down, does anyone have NSX installation instructions? One of my friends is selling his CAMP system and I think I want it. I'd like to see more on the installation though.


'91 NSX
Originally posted by jsottile:
anyone?? MYNSX?

I set the injectors at 220 originally(I need to reset them as per BBSC)
I set the weight at the proper amount translated into kilograms (i think like 1500kgs.)
There are other settings that I didn'y understand because it's in Japanese (the instructions)
I just actually need to get the all the instructions translated)
Are their any specific questions you had??
I "might" be able to help.