Anyone see Terminator 3 yet? Reviews?

Edwardo said:
I just saw this last night. In my opinion, this movie is far better than the second one. The plot is strong, the action is obviously top notch. Arnold is Arnold(a good thing).

Most importantly, the other actors are good. In T2, I almost could not watch it because of how annoying Edward Furlong was. He is the young actor who play John Conner. That kid totally whipped me in the second one.

For this movie, I went about twenty miles outside of Dallas. It was a great drive in the NSX and at this particular Cinemark, you only have to pay $4 for a ticket!

$4 a ticket !! :eek: It is $8.50 here.:mad:
If MYNSX says it's good, it must be good!!! :D

Hey Bill, aren't you and Arnie good mates??? How come when arnie meets the nude terminator, he doesn't use the one-liner you suggested... <B>"I'll be on my back"</B> :p
Mildly disappointed. Good plot and storyline but the action scenes and wild crashes were just too over-the-top and run-of-the-mill. Sort of lacked character in this one. Claire Danes is no Linda Hamilton.
This movie blew royally, it tries to get by on cheap jokes and so-so special effects. They need to pay me to watch this movie again, not even worth it on video. I would rather drink spoiled milk than watch this film again. BTW, I was a huge fan of T2 and the original Terminator, but this one just stunk it up. Just IMHO of course.
Cameron DID begin filming in 97!

Hi Guys, ok I have not seen T3 yet but will sometime this week.I am disappointed going in for several reasons:

Back around 97 James Cameron 'Was' involved in the writing and directing of T3, filming had already began , I even saw some teaser trailer showing Arnold driving a Harley through a wasteland with John Conner(Edward Furlong) on the back and stuff blowing up everywhere. about three months after that I saw another story that indicated that production was halted due to disputes with Arnold over him wanting 20 Million to reprise the role. Cameron then sold a theme park in FL some of the film and it was transformed into a 3D attraction. I have never seen it but have seen adds on the TV pitching it. adding further to the mess Edward Furlong(Conner kid) was rumored to be in rehab several months prior to the filming of T3(the one out now) and that put him out of the picture. now add to all this the fact that Hamilton is just to old or unwilling to shape up for the buff hardcore survivalist mommy role and you end up with a much aged Arnold a new actor as Conner and as I have not seen the flick yet dont know what they did about mom, maybe killed her off or back in the loony bin ,I will find out when I see it so PLEASE dont tell! to sum it up I am a big fan of the first two and very disappointed that all the original players are not present and Cameron would not fork over to Arnold perhaps his last big payday before he becomes a politician ;) but it could have been very different indeed if Cameron had pulled it all together because he did indeed begin filming it.lastly with the budget for T3 at 300 mil it is perhaps the next Waterworld.
Best Regards David
PS see I think about other stuff besides 'NOS'
<B>badcarma</B> : that "T3 production" you talk about was Terminator 2 3D -- it was filmed specifically for a theme park at Universal (or whoever produced T2) ... it incorporated 3D action along with real actors and required a specially-made HUGE screen.

It was never intended to be Terminator3. It's also been nicknamed Terminator 2.5. :D

It had Arnie, Patricks (t-1000), and that Edward kid ... if it was intended to be a legit T3, i doubt Patricks would have been involved. James Cameron was brought onto the project, and he wanted all the original actors because "there is only one terminator (arnie)" and he hated the idea of using cheap look-alike actors.

Your concerns are not unfounded. However, I think you will find an enjoyable movie experience in T3. As I mentioned above, Edward Furlongs replacement is a great move as the guy who played John Conner is a superior actor to Furlong (which is not all that hard to do).

It is unfortunate that Linda Hamilton is not in this flick as I think she is really good. However, the girl who is in it (Claire Dane?) is a good actress. She plays her part really well and I do not think you will be too disappointed.

I read that Arnold provided 1.4 million dollars of his own money to include a certain fight scene in the movie. I will obviously not tell you what it is, but when you see it, you will know it. It is a great scene. I like the fact that he gave some of his own money to create the movie he thinks it should be.
The movie was great. I have seen T1 like 150 times when I was a kid. The reason I use to see it so much was because I was in Mexico for 2 years and had nothing better to do. And yes I did not go to school for 2 years and I turned out OK so all that go to school and do well in it is not really for everyone.
I thought T3 was MUCH better than T2!

T1 is one of my all time favorite movies, but T2 was a huge disapointment because of the acting of Edward Furlong. To believe that he is the kid that was going to save the world was too far of a stretch for me.

T3 had a better plot and much better acting, and did you see the new terminator!!! Now don't get me wrong it is not nearly as good as T1 but was better than T2.

Of course this is just my opinion, the people who think differently are entitled to be wrong.