Anyone see Terminator 3 yet? Reviews?

I'm curious to see what people think too...because, at this point, I have very little interest in paying money to see it.
going to see it tomorrow.. will post a review... At first I thought it was going to suck. I totally love T2... I was scared of T3.. BUT the previews are looking pretty amazing... so we'll see.
Will be interesting to see if it's lost vision since James Cameron didn't write/direct it.

I just hope it won't be a fan-fiction-type movie (where T2 freaks have thought wouldnt it be cool if "arnie blows this up" or and "if the terminator wore pinky underwear" or get the point :D )
<A HREF="">CNN Review: 'Terminator 3' worth the wait</A>

<I>(CNN) -- "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" is darker and slicker than its predecessors... It also contains hundreds, if not thousands, more computer-generated images than either of those movies. </I>

Best looking Fembot since Austin Powers!


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I saw it... its pretty good, but no where near the movie T2 was. All of the the time its like they are just blowing stuff up for the sake of blowing stuff up. Arnold had one too many one-liners. The story is a little weak , but does follow true to the originals. Looks like there will be a T4 coming...
I thought it was kinda disappointing. Too predictable, not enough focus on the characters, TX dies WAAAAY too easliy.

Nowhere near as good as T2


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A key difference between the first 2 movies and T3 is that James Cameron wrote and directed the first two. He was not involved in T3. Maybe Cameron is too busy creating "Titanic 2" :D
TX dies WAAAAY too easliy.

No spoilers, please!

If I do go to see it, I don't want to go in knowing what happens.

A key difference between the first 2 movies and T3 is that James Cameron wrote and directed the first two. He was not involved in T3.

That's my key reason for not being interested in seeing this one (and the lousy trailers). I was a huge fan of the first two. I own them on DVD (I even bought T2 twice...once when DVD was new and then again for the Ultimate Edition).

Terminator was Cameron's baby. Not only did he write and direct it,some of the designs of the machines were based on his original sketches. The only things I see as positives with T3 are Stan Winston, ILM, and, of course, Arnie's involvment with it.
Saw T3 few days ago, I went in mostly for the curiosity of wondering what they can come up with. I was expecting to see explosion after explosion for 2 hours, and no plot. However, I was VERY pleasantly surprised.

The plot is sort of squeezed out from the first two, but the way they told the story, and the timeline actually worked out pretty good. I especially like the ending, especially when...., oh, I'll leave that for you guys to find out! :)

I would recommend it! I am not a huge arnold fan, nor am I am crazy terminator guy, just thought the movie was entertaining, and it's actually got a good story.
<B>MAJOR STONER</B> : NSX-T3!!! ROFL...ROFL...ROFL... I'd never have thought of that... funny stuff (how much did nsxtasy pay you to do that? ;) )

About T3... a mate of mine sent this to me: <I>"I just got back from T3 and its kind a late. Great Flick by the way, much better than Reloaded in my opinion. Starts off kind of bad but gets good quick. I give it 2 thumbs up!</I>

...sounds like the key is don't get your expectations up too high before seeing it. I wonder what they'll do when Arnie is too old to make Terminator movies? I hope they make a detailed CGI model of him now so in 50yrs time he'll still be saying "I'll be back". :D
Just saw it!

Excellent, a good plot, lots of good action & seamless CGI (not like Matrix). Better than Hulk or Matrix by far!
I just saw this last night. In my opinion, this movie is far better than the second one. The plot is strong, the action is obviously top notch. Arnold is Arnold(a good thing).

Most importantly, the other actors are good. In T2, I almost could not watch it because of how annoying Edward Furlong was. He is the young actor who play John Conner. That kid totally whipped me in the second one.

For this movie, I went about twenty miles outside of Dallas. It was a great drive in the NSX and at this particular Cinemark, you only have to pay $4 for a ticket!
This movie had better Arnold robotic remarks(such as "Get Out!" when throwing people off trucks...) but the story is no different or better than T2 which I expected. I thought it was entertaining but definitely not in the same league as the second one.
Saw it last night. It sucked! It started out great with the naked female terminator and went downhill from there. Don't waste your time. Average action and cheesy one liners...nothing special. :o