Anyone remember this one?

9 December 2002
Knoxville, TN USA
Hey guys,

I was high bidder on this 92 NSX ( JH4NA1154NT000381 ), the guy told me he bought from a salvage auction, he assured me it had never been hit, it was salvage due to someone poking holes all around the car (with a crowbar). He said he only had to replace the front passenger fender. To make a long story short, he claimed the car was "better than new". After flying on one way ticket to Seattle (from Knoxville, TN) the car had several mechnical problems I just could not trust the car for the 2500 mile drive back. He said he would send the 10% deposit back... He now will not give me my money back... and he gave ME negative feedback??? anyway, the car shook worse than any car I've ever own at 45mph... he said that goes away at >120mph... the passenger front tire was also wore on the outside (bald), but the rest of tire was good... also from that same side there was a loud clunk everytime it hit a small bump in road. I'm now pursuing legal action to get my deposit back from him. A few weeks ago I found the car on the NSXPrime "Ouch" page (a little more than a few holes with crowbar
, it says light front end damage which is what I thought was the problem after driving it. Of course, he claims the wheels where in balance and the frontend alignment was perfect... the shake and tire wear was due to the performance, right. Anyway, any additional info about this car and it's condition when salvaged whould be greatly appreciated (I just want my deposit back), I'll eat all the the other cost for my stupidity to buy a salvage car off ebay from a person with 0 feedback ... doh!

Thanks for any assistance,
I just saw a the pic from the gallery.. sorry to hear that.
can you post the link or mail it to me of the auction? Im interested to see how it look like after rebuilt.


Sorry to hear about it.

Anyone shopping for a car should have someone local to the car check it out before completing the commitment to purchase. This could be a knowledgeable local NSX owner or a dealer (or NSX-qualified) service department - better yet, both.
Actually I did not get the car, afraid to drive it back (it was also pouring, yes, pouring gas from the gas tank). I'm still in the market, I spend about 1 hour a day looking for the right one.

I did have a local bank "inspect" the car, they appraised it's value at 32K. They obviously did not attempt to drive the car, or look under it

If anybody is looking to sell one, I would prefer a 93-95(T) in the low to mid 30's. Gotta be Red and 5spd

Thanks guys,
No the 2K was not a "non-refundable" deposit, plus he misrepresented the car. With the gas pouring out and the terrible shake I could not drive back 2.5K miles. I did make him an offer after I got back home and he refused to work out a price, so I'm pursuing legal action to get my deposit back. Had the car been drivable I would have taken it.
Originally posted by WannabeNSXr:
Actually I did not get the car, afraid to drive it back (it was also pouring, yes, pouring gas from the gas tank). I'm still in the market, I spend about 1 hour a day looking for the right one.

I did have a local bank "inspect" the car, they appraised it's value at 32K. They obviously did not attempt to drive the car, or look under it

If anybody is looking to sell one, I would prefer a 93-95(T) in the low to mid 30's. Gotta be Red and 5spd

Thanks guys,

Bradley, Hate to hear about your bad luck. Remember the e-mail to me about my black NSX in KY. I had my car listed at the same time. It is still in my garage next to a silver one if you are still interested. Im just 90mi north of Knoxville. Check out my web page.


[This message has been edited by AKUDOUSAN (edited 16 December 2002).]