Anyone recommend a trustworthy powercoat shop locally?

15 October 2003
West coast!
I'm looking to get my OEM wheels done in white but don't want to let some amatuer shop do it.

Never really done this before and I would like to go a shop within driving distance so I can monitor the work before payment, etc.

Anyone here have good experiences with a local shop?

I'm looking to get my OEM wheels done in white but don't want to let some amatuer shop do it.

Never really done this before and I would like to go a shop within driving distance so I can monitor the work before payment, etc.

Anyone here have good experiences with a local shop?



I have my friend at a local Aerospace company do all of my power coating from wheels, to bikes etc.


It's clean room certified and I've yet to have a friend that was not happy with the work.

As a matter of fact the quality is so good that the regular customers don't even inspect the work prior to paying.

If ur interested I can show u some samples.

He doesn't deal with peopel directly since he works in the Aerospace company with top secret security. He doesn't want to know anyone nor u know him.

All cash.
BATMANs: What you said is pretty interesting but my question is why would a aerospace guy risk his job to powder coat parts for someone?

I have no problem trusting a person’s work if other’s can vouch for him and of course cash is no problem :wink:

However what I don’t want is to drop off a set of rims to a stranger and then if problems arise then feelings will be hurt. Having a physical shop has more accountability. I’m not saying your guy is no good but you obviously know him better than I do.

been using him for a decade.

i'd say I can vouch for him.

as to the work we can meet up for ur eyes to feast........

Sounds good - where are you located? I'd love to check out the work :)

What would a set of 4 rims cost to Powder Coat?

You should check these guys out if it doesnt work out with batman.I used them for my bike rims and they do alot of custom work.
Wheel technigues in Santa Clara (408)496-6363. Also known as SICK industries.
You should check these guys out if it doesnt work out with batman.I used them for my bike rims and they do alot of custom work.
Wheel technigues in Santa Clara (408)496-6363. Also known as SICK industries.

I know about these guys.

Good work, but almost twice the price of my guy.


My bike

I remember your taste in women so looks like this might work.

Tell your guy I have 4 rims and 4 centercaps to powercoat white....let me know via PM time frame/cost :)


Are the centercaps metal? not plastic?

If it's not metal then it can't be powder coated.

Time frame is usually a full business week, sometimes less depending if he has that color in stock and if the wheels need alot of prep work (bead blasting, removing wheel weights, etc.)

One thing to remember is that I have received some inferior grade wheels where there are air pockets that release gas during the powder coating process.

this will sometimes result in minute blemishes from the tiny bubles being trapped in the surface of the powder coat while it cools down.

Also, in white u won't see as much blemishes as black, for example.

Do you want the entire wheel powder coated? if u want the lip to be masked off so that there is no powder then i can't guarantee a perfect result with my guy. I've yet to see a perfect result from masking off powder coating since it's harder to work with than painting when it comes to masking certain sections.

U might have to go with wheel techniques which is more expensive and they might charge u extra for that labor cost. I've seen their work for masking, but it's OK at best according to my standards.

To keep things simple just have the entire wheel powder coated. If that is the case you are looking at $300 for the entire set. Wheel techniques charges $500. If the center caps needs to be painted since if they are plastic then it will be an additional $250. yea, I know it's alot of $$$ for the caps, but they have to buy the paint in gallon size. If you are on a budget the best option is to have them painted with a spray can or drop them off at a body shop that happens to be painting a white car (hopefully close to the wheel color) for cheap or free.
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Bat: I don't know if I told you but I'm just having my OEM nsx silver wheels power coated so quality should be no issue as these are mint oem wheels with virtually no damage :)

I want the entire wheel powder coated white. I will take care of mounting and balancing the new tires afterwards as these are going onto my s2000.

OEM center caps are plastic (just checked at home) so I will take care of getting those painted white with the RED Honda logo afterwards.

Awesome price! I will let you know once I have time to get the last 2 tires dismounted from the wheel this week.

Do you want to be the first car to have powder coated "glow-in-the-dark" wheels?

yes it really does glow in the dark like anything else out there.

Light it up in the garage, and drive out at night and it looks ghostly.

It will cost more since the powder is a little pricier and there are multiple layers.