Anyone read this book? "Ultimate Speed Secrets"

10 September 2002
I saw this mentioned on Motor Week (Amazon) a while back, and was wondering if it's worth reading.


I just bought the Kindle edition and will report back on what I think.
Ross Bentley's good. I take it this a generalized summary of all the Speed Secrets books since it's called the Bible.

When I was starting out in racing after my HPDE experience, I read "Going Faster" first, then read Speed Secrets #2, 3, 4. Each of those had very specific information and exercises and plenty of good stuff for the yahoo club racer. So, I'd be interested to hear your comparison of this book to the previous books in a series.

Oh and yeah, I'd think you'd want the hard copy to throw in your track gear bag. A little quiet time and mental prep in between sessions is good.......or so they tell me. :rolleyes:
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I got it as a christmas gift from our DE organization. It's is a great read and worth the $. Even the most seasoned driver can get something out of it.