Anyone like to shoot outdoors?

20 November 2007
Puyallup, WA
Apparently while I was overseas, someone bought the land I used to shoot on down in Ravensdale. Now there are signs posted saying 'no shooting,' and 'violators will be prosecuted.'

Does anyone know of a legal outdoor shooting area? I want to do some stuff that the civilian ranges don't allow.

There's a place up north in sultan where some friends of mine liked to go for that very reason. I don't know anything else about it since I never went but i'm sure a good search would turn up the right place (how many can there be?)
Take HWY 2 east out of Monroe, drive through Sultan and as you leave the east end of town on HWY 2 you will come to the 3rd stop light just before Mcdonalds. take a left and it is called Sultan Basin Rd. Go to the very end of the road and you will have entered snohomish county's unrestricted shooting area. Have fun.
Alright, I went up to Sultan yesterday, and found a 'road closed sign' several miles in. Apparently there was damage further up, but I walked a few miles past where the paved section ended, and every time there was a spot that looked halfway decent, there were signs saying 'no shooting by order of county council. Did you mean at the end of the gravel road? How far is that?

It was 5-7 miles down the gravel road. The farther the housing developments go the farther in the county has to post the signs. Keep going, but it sounds like the land slides have closed the road to vehicles. Try map questing the road and you can see how far it goes back.. Good luck.

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