Anyone like Paintballing?

2 October 2001
I went paintballing for the first time today... it was AWESOME!!!
My legs hurt like mad, but somehow the thoughts of some sweet 'kills' numbs the pain. :D
It gives you a real appreciation of what the infantry must endure during wartime; except with live ammo. :(

I feel like the last person on the planet to try it for the first time. Anyone else into paintball???
I sometimes go painting balling and it is seriously intense....Legs are serious sore and welches/bruises all over the body...I waste about 300 balls in a span of a few minutes....need to reload and keep blasting...

I was watching the world paint ball championships...

and all those guys do is try to move up the field..and they keep blasting....the only time they stop pulling the trigger is when they run to the next bunker/barrier or when thye reload...There is no such thing as sniper..its just unload as many paint balls at the enemy as fast as you can..
uh... ill stick to being a girl and ALIVE :D
Count me in as being a girl too. :p :D

World paint ball championships??? :cool: cool. I'd love to watch that.

I learned very quickly that moving is the best thing in paintball : unless you're defending. As soon as i'd seek cover behind barrels for any period of time, i'd get stuck there. Of course, every man is off doing his own thing being a hero, so teamwork is a myth.

And NCC-1701D you're right about assaulting -- no such thing as a sniper. In one map I sat up in a bunker and tried my luck as sniping, but the balls just go everywhere. Although i did get lucky sconing a guy on the top of his head with a pink paintball. man it looked funny. :D

i was hoping this thread might spark some good paintball stories. Maybe i need to start with one.

I had managed to sneek up behind two 'OpFor' ( :D ) near some huge overturned logs. I took down one in the back from about 10 meters away and his teammate returned fire as we both dived for cover behind opposite ends of the logs. We both tried popping up and firing a lucky round without luck. I thought to myself, "stuff this"... so in traditional hollywood style, i did the most ballsy thing i could think of -- I jumped UP onto the logs (like an action hero would stand on of a car) so i was looking down on him - totally exposed - and let loose with a gun............ only to realize i was just shooting gas! I'd run out of ammo!!!! ROFL... :D All i needed was one round... just one.

He was so shocked and surprised he didn't return fire, but i felt an idiot walking off with my gun above my head (surrender) to get more ammo. :p

Surely there's got to be some guys on prime into Paintballing. It's way too cool. :cool:
I love paintballing. I played a few times with rental equipment, and liked it so much that I bought my own gear (bottom of the line stuff, but better than rental).

Unfortunately, I don't have enough friends that are interested enough in playing more than once or twice a year.

The biggest problem I have with not playing with a group of people that you know is, you go to a paintball place, and are thrown into a random group. From experience, there will usually be the following components:
1. Kids - I hate playing with kids, because they cheat their asses off. You can peg them a dozen times, they refuse to admit they've been shot. You either have to get a referee to call them out (which kills the flow of the game), or ignore them. They will also generally play in an unsafe manner.
2. Ringers - Guys that have professional level guns, that are accurate and lay down a carpet of paint in seconds, and are far more skilled than anyone else. It is no fun to be picked off from a distance that your gun doesn't stand a chance in hell of getting an accurate shot, especially early in the game.
3. Shmoes like me - guys who are out to have fun, and are no better or no worse than me.

My advice is, play with a group of people you know, that are roughly on the same level as you. This way, everyone has fun.
we used to round up a group of kids and go out and play in these woods behind our houses. We'd have teams of 10 or so and play Capture The Flag...once you're hit, you have to return to the base and have our "scorekeeper" mark down the hit location and color...then you wait 20 seconds and go back out. Thank god we had losers that just liked to hang around and not get shot that were willing to 'ref' like that.

Fights always broke out though unfortunately.

I never played organized but I bet it would be AWESOME!!
I've never done paintball, but I have used roman candles in the same manner when I was younger. Coming home with holes burned into your clothes is pretty fun!
those things hurt!!! I bought a set for my nephew a few years back for christmas. The kind with the CO2 cartridge the size of a beer bottle. While I was telling him how he needs to be careful and not shoot his little sisters with it, the little fart plugs me in the stomach from about 2 ft. This is Houston so at christmas all you need is a t-shirt, and thats all I was wearing. OUCH!!!! Reluctantly, I suited up with some old clothes and a jacket and played a few games with him and his little buddies. For 12 and 13 year olds, they were like little rambos. Kicked my butt all over the place. And when one of those balls go flying by your head. WOW!:eek: It was fun though.
I still haven't tried, i can afford too now, but hard to find in Japan!
Paintball is a 'real first person shooter!':p

A guy that used to come into my video store was training for some overseas championship. He built modified paintball guns (regulations say they have to shoot a certain amount of paintballs a second) He showed me a bruise he obtained during a game, it had every colour of the rainbow in there! Ouch!

Looks like awesome fun, i'd love to go all sylvester stallone!:D
I tried paintball.. didn't like it much for the following reasons.

1) it hurts like hell when you're hit

2) like 1701-D mentioned.. they just run up the field shooting

3) it hurts like hell when you're hit

4) the paint is messy as hell. on the walls and clothes. fields are nasty after a few games.

5) tactics, gear and weapons are not realistic.

6) did I mention that it hurts like hell when you're hit?

I am stuck on AIRSOFT.

Realistic weapons, realistic tactics, realistic gear and clothing. All hits are called on the honor system and it doesn't hurt like hell when you're hit, unless its point blank on bare flesh..

You guys should try it.. its different than paintball.
ROFL... i thought us guys were meant to be TOUGH. :D What's a little pain? ;)

Yeah, the paintballs hurt if they hit bare skin or when shot from close range. I got shot on my fingers so many times; it had me wondering what real combat must be like - u could lose a finger just like that. :( But you just have to cover up; especially around sensitive areas like the neck. I even wore a black beanie in case i was headshot. (a mate of mine said i looked like Special Ops. :D what a bonus ;) )

<B>loNfastNSX</B> : LOL i laughed so hard reading your story about the little farts shooting you in the stomach. Too bad you didn't even the score. ;)

<B>JOPRIMO</B> : lol... i want one of those... :cool:

<B>nkb</B> : Kids cheat but they give themselves away when they're hit by yelling "ouch". :D I must admit there is nothing more satisfying that 'dropping' a friend and seeing him walk. :) Ha

<B>blknsxnoc</B> : tactics are everything. maybe you needed to play paintball with some guys who also used tactics and followed orders. My mates and I used a flanking tactic on a capture the flag map. i drew their fire while two teammates flanked from the side, then we all moved in -- totally overwhelmed the op's base and escaped with the flag within 3mins of the opening whistle. The referee later marveled our teamwork. He couldn't believe how quickly and easily we dominated them. It was *THE* highlight of the day. So teamwork is possible, and that's what i love.

Shooting somebody with paint is fun, but doing it while executing team tactics is deeply satisfying.
I'm a big fan of playing paintball in the woods, or around random structures. I don't really enjoy speedball, which is the standard tournament style setup, with an open field that has a bunch of barrels or other similar obstacles.

Speedball is where it's all about laying down paint at the opponent, moving gradually from cover to cover, and basically everyone knows where everyone else is. Not much fun in my book.

I like sneaking around wooded areas, never knowing who is hiding behind a tree somewhere. Like Neo, I like getting together on a plan, and executing it. The more realistic of a scenario, the more I like it.
I would love to try paintball in an urban environment: much like Special Ops or SWAT clearing a building. Talk about suspense; sneaking through rooms. Now THAT would rock. :D

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Teamwork is EVERYTHING. Anyone can be their own hero. I guess that's why my matrix films sucked. ;) :D
Paintball is what you make it. If you play with people who just send out a continuous stream of paint and run at each other across a field, that's what you get.

If you want it to be different, set up the game so everyone gets a limited number of paintballs, like 10, for the duration of the game. Or you can have maybe one or two people on a team with unlimited paint of one color and everyone else has limited paint of another color. Then suddenly having all that paint makes you a more important target so it's not such a great thing. This is an easy way to completely change the nature of the game and forces stragegic playing instead of just painting the forest yellow.

Whatever you can think of you can play. If you just go out in a field and shoot it will get old fast. Capture the flag is OK but there are many other games that can be interesting as well. A good game for a big group is to send one hostage from each team to the other team rescues theirs. The goal is to rescue your hostage before the other team. This means you need both offense and defense. Your defense is trying to hide and protect your hostage while the offense is trying to take out the other team's defense, but they can't just go in blasting because they can't shoot their own team member who is being held hostage or they lose the game. You can also require them to get their hostage back to their base unharmed, which changes strageties once again. It's all in what you make it.

Airsoft is OK. I prefer paintball outdoors over large areas, whereas airsoft is really more of an indoor game due to the effective range of the guns. Plus you have to play with people you know because strangers tend to cheat by not calling themselves hit if they think they can get away with it. At least that is my experience.
xsn said:
Airsoft is OK. I prefer paintball outdoors over large areas, whereas airsoft is really more of an indoor game due to the effective range of the guns. Plus you have to play with people you know because strangers tend to cheat by not calling themselves hit if they think they can get away with it. At least that is my experience.

Point well taken xsn although a few of your comments are not entire accurate.. Just like paintball, there is a broad range of manufacturers and models of airsoft guns not to mention aftermarket hop-up parts that increase range, speed, and accuracy. Effective range is something that is easily overcome by spending a few dollars. Cheaters are a problem that is common to both activities.. paintball players who are hit but not splattered with paint are "technically" out although i'm sure that not everyone abides by this rule.

I think that its very safe to say that if you like one, you'll like the other although preferences vary.. My personal preference for airsoft is primarily based on realism "weapons appearance and function" and that I didn't enjoy the pink Mt. Everest I had on my forehead for 2 weeks at my last paintball outting.

to each his own.
blknsxnoc said:
paintball players who are hit but not splattered with paint are "technically" out although i'm sure that not everyone abides by this rule.
At most playing fields here in Cali, when hit, the paint must be visible and the size of a quarter or bigger. Splatter don't count. Once i got hit in the back of the head and called myself out... and guess what? No paint! Ball just bounced off. Legally I could have stayed in the game. Now i always call a "paint check" to an official when i get hit but don't see paint.

I agree there are many cheaters and most have no skills. Its easy to just wipe. But where's the fun in that? I'd rather been seen walking proudly off the field covered in paint from a last minute desparate act of going Rambo style on somebody's a$$.... than sitting in some hole being called a cheater when the final whistle blows. ;)
My oldest son is seriously into it. He has invested some real money into his gear and is even selling custom circuit boards which allow faster firing on guns with electronic triggers and power loaders. These guns are pretty suprising how good they are. He can shoot into an opening in a birdhouse at 150 ft. When he two finger fires, it puts out paint like a fully automatic weapon. and yes, most folks would consider him a ringer...and yes, he does well enough that he usually plays for free.
He is trying to convince me to manufacture custom parts for these guns out of titanium, but I am not convinced of the market for high end pieces as yet.
As for me, I get enough injuries on my mountain bike. I hate welts. I will agree with him on one point though. Paintball welts don't bleed. It is also sort of cool that the initial point of impact does not bruise, but the outer edges of the painball cause the bruise. You end up with a donut of bruising. Looks funny...
Do you play airsoft outside? I haven't seen that, other than I think a few places play in an area the size of a football field or something. I just don't see a real out-in-the-woods airsoft game working well for a number of reasons.

Sure there are cheaters in any sport/game, but in my admittedly limited experience there was more cheating among strangers in Airsoft than paintball. Maybe I was just unlucky. If I knew a large group of airsoft players I'd probably play more. As noted above paint splatters generally do not count as a kill, you need to score a pretty decent solid paint mark.
xsn said:
Do you play airsoft outside? I haven't seen that, other than I think a few places play in an area the size of a football field or something. I just don't see a real out-in-the-woods airsoft game working well for a number of reasons.

Sure there are cheaters in any sport/game, but in my admittedly limited experience there was more cheating among strangers in Airsoft than paintball. Maybe I was just unlucky. If I knew a large group of airsoft players I'd probably play more. As noted above paint splatters generally do not count as a kill, you need to score a pretty decent solid paint mark.

we play mostly outside in wooded areas.... they are scenario games like hostage rescue, and/or infiltration and elimination. Games can span an hour or more depending on the goal, number of people playing, and the size of the field. Games are geared toward tactics and stealth more than spray and pray. Calling hits is enforced stringently and we have been lucky that there have not been very many instances of cheaters.. if caught, they are asked to leave. Airsoft does not work if hits are not called and I think that everyone in the groups we play with know and accept it. Sorry to hear that your experience was not a good one.

Here is a link to a sanctioned game that was held last year..
xsn said:

A good game for a big group is to send one hostage from each team to the other team rescues theirs. The goal is to rescue your hostage before the other team. This means you need both offense and defense. Your defense is trying to hide and protect your hostage while the offense is trying to take out the other team's defense, but they can't just go in blasting because they can't shoot their own team member who is being held hostage or they lose the game. You can also require them to get their hostage back to their base unharmed, which changes strageties once again.

So basically, capture the hostage? Why not just 'the flag' so that someone doesn't have to sit there and do nothing? Oh and in CTF, the flag carrier cannot shoot if he has the flag in his hands.
With the NSX parked and cooler weather here...

I started playing paintball along with snowboarding and ice hockey.....

played indoor paintball last nite ..and for sure the most important piece of equipment is the shot so many times in the head....

Oh I got a kill story....

I moved up the field and made it to the "dorito" (triangular shaped bunker) that was about half way....saw enemy about 50 feet away in a bunker to my left.... he never saw me move up so he was open to get assaulted by my barrage of about 20 paintballs in a span of 2 seconds....I unloaded on him hitting him everywhere....a few of my shots hit him in his a@s.... he screamed in pain....he complained about getting hit there to his teammates....when u talk about welts ....think about the welts he will have for a while when ever he sits down...