Anyone know what body kit this is?

17 April 2002
I was wondering if anyone knew what front bumper/ body kit this is.


I want to get this front bumpet.. =o)

Thanks guys for the pic help... =0)

[This message has been edited by THEPOGNSXTC (edited 26 January 2003).]
Go to the edit/delete button on his post and copy the link. For some reason, GeoCities isn't allowing hyperlinks.
<font size=1>

[This message has been edited by ANYTIME (edited 22 January 2003).]
The problem with the pic not showing up is because Imagestation doesn't allow you to link directly - however if you drop the ".orig.jpg" from the end of the URL it will display, just slightly smaller then the full-size version.
Originally posted by nsxhk:
Oh man.... you guys need glasses!

I'll second that!!
I agree w/Henry, it's not the kit from Germany, it's Kai Office...."close but no cigar"..

[This message has been edited by Deuce (edited 25 January 2003).]
Thanks guys for all your input...

I actually like the german kit better than the one that im trying to figure out what it is " kai "

Anyone know where to buy this one.... hehe

[This message has been edited by THEPOGNSXTC (edited 25 January 2003).]