Anyone into weightlifting/working out??

rest periods are also important in workouts, 7day aweek workout are usually not recommended, you end up going backwards as your muscles have no recuperation time unless you get a LOT of sleep and rest. I train 4 days a week plus 5 days a week 6k bike rides with the gearing set on the lowest possible. martial arts training (bag work etc) 2 times a week.

As mentioned diet goes a long way to the look you want. I use muscle protein supplement as an extra, ive heard amino supplements weakensthe bones as you get older?

It sucks not having a traing buddy or people around usually its just me, hard to be motivated. In japan if you have tattoos (as i do) most places wont let you join! So now i found a very small gym in a back alley to workout in!
Working out has been my religion for the last 14 years. I reached my peak at age 21, 6 ft. 200 lbs., 31" waist, 18" arms, around 8% bodyfat. Now I'm a 32 year old married man with two kids. I've lost 15 lbs. of muscles, but I still work out 4X a week, but nothing like before. Kinda hard now with a family and a mortgage. It was fun back in the days though! Really the only thing I enjoyed most in college! :D Now I workout because it's a habit, a lifestyle and it still makes me feel good.
Dang, Roger! That's sound like a complaint about your life. Hmm, only if your wife knows.