Anyone into weightlifting/working out??

17 July 2003
Dallas, TX
Hey if any of you are into working out and weightlifting, Ive been on this program for a couple of years now and it is bad a**, it really works. It helps u gain muscle and cut up, I literally went from 170 to 205 of muscle in about 4 solid months on the program. check it out if your interested, its called MuscleNow, go to and if you decide to get it, tell them that I referred you, good luck, and feel free to ask me any questions.

[email protected]
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I'm in the process of bulking up right now, it'll take me a few to read that whole page.

I'll get back to you.

I work out 4 times a week for 15 years now. I bench 360lbs. It is my stress reliever.
been lifting on and off for about 4 yrs now. its hard without a workout buddy.. my body weight is stagnant in 155-163 lbs 5'8". people say i look heavier but not according to me. my goal is 180 lbs and cut up. im 23 and my metabolism is still very high.
Hey- you dont necessarily need a workout buddy to workout with intensity. And if your gettin burned out easily, it might have to do with your diet (that was my main problem). Nutrition is your steroids for gettin big.
I used to work out 5 days a week ... but i hurt my AC joint doing bench press. I have been out for about 8 months now, and it is just starting to get better. I am now working out 4x a week, but I can't do near what I used to. It sucks :(
I was in the gym 2 times a day 5 days a week for about 3 yrs ... now my business takes up too much time to allow for that and keeping a good relationship (with my girlfriend and my NSX ;) ) anyhow... if you are serious about strength and size you need to check out the site <br>
Those workouts are very intense, and in my first 5-6 months I was doing almost double my previous highs in major muscle movements like squats and military press ... not for the faint of heart though!
I believe as long as you work hard at it, and keep at it, you will get big/cut/whatever you want. Diet is more important than working out itself. I believe at least 60% of the whole workout package.
Your right, I think diet counts as much as 80% of your weightlifting and workout for gettin big and cut. You can do a million sets at the gym for 5 hours, but its not gonna do anythin if your not followin a proper diet.
what kinda diet do u guys recommend? Lots of protein, low carbs? Do u guys take any of those shakes? Creatine? I took creatine for a while, definitely helped me gain strength quickly, but i read some negative stuff about it and stopped. I've pretty much leveled out at my current strength. Having a tough time breaking out.
Diet depends entirely on what you are looking to achieve ... either way it is important to get on a schedule and eat more meals (5-6) spaced evenly throughout the day ... this will give your metabolism some consistency and make it easier for you to see results when you adjust parts of your diet. <br>
If you want to be lean the best way to start a diet is to clean it up. By that I mean start eating good healthy food, no fast food! Start by eating foods that are high in protein and low in fat. You need to eat a lot of good calories. Get your protein from all the lean red meats, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs and always use a good protein powder ... but a shake is no substitute for solid food! You also want to eat a lot of good quality carbs such as potatoes, rice, grains, yams, whole grain breads, oats, cereals and fruits. You don't want to over-restrict your carbs because it will mess up your insulin levels and metabolism. The one thing you might want to do is keep the fat a minimum unless you're getting some unsaturated fat such as peanut butter or fish oil. I used to keep my carb intake at about 30% of my total caloric intake. So for example, if you're eating 3000 calories, then about 900 calories or 360 grams of carbs is where you want to be. The rest is from 60% protein and 10% fats. Now of course if you're carb-sensitive, then you can always adjust from there but you need a starting point. If you are carb-sensitive and they make you hold excessive amounts of water, then you may need to deplete them a bit for a couple days. If you do deplete and it's only for a day or two, then it will not impact your strength. Any more then that and you may start to feel an energy loss.<br>
If you are looking for size, priority one is protein and a lot of clean calories! Calories will give you the energy to add size and mass, and the protein will repair the muscles and help them grow. As a general rule of thumb, eat high protein, moderate to high carbs, and low fat. This means a lot of the stable protein groups like lean red meat, chicken, fish, tuna fish, turkey, eggs, etc. Carbs should come from rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pasta, oats, whole grain cereals, breads, and grains. You need to aim for 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Cut out the sweets and cut out the junk. You should try to have protein and carbs at each meal.<br>
As far as strength, whenever I hit a wall and couldn't get over a certain weight, I would change up my routine around that muscle. If you do the same few exercises for a muscle, it kinda "learns" the motion for lack of better words ... try using lighter weights and going slow and more extended one week ... and the next week go heavy and to failure in 1 or 2 sets ... that always got me to another level.
if any of you have a program including diet and would like to share with me please don't hesitate to do so.

i eat like a bear, i workout pretty hard but results are very very slow.

i need help..

Tararan- gettin big and cut naturally comes from inner determination and motivation. RESULTS should be your motivation. That means following a good program, hittin the gym 5 times a week w/ intensity and sacrificing good tastin food for healthy not good tastin food (note: anything that tastes good, is NOT good for u). I'm 205 and eat 600 grams of protein DAILY, do u think I do that just for the hell of it? NO, its cuz im devoted to working out and having a bad ass body that girls drool over, and that to me brings alot more satisfaction than sittin on my ass eating pizza and watchin sportscenter wishing I was out meeting girls.
i work out for myself and my job. i just like to stay healthy.

the girls part are just bonus.. just like owning an NSX. car first then girls comes.

who got good program for someone who wants to gain more?
I did BB from 1993 to 1999 (during my study, where it was easier to have A LOT of free time for the gym).

4x workouts a week.
6x muscle groups, 2 per workout.
5x meals per day and two shakes+banana/fruit.

18 weeks bulking up at 4500 calories.
6 weeks cutting down, with ECA ;) . Maybe somebody knows this... :D I hate cardios, so no other way for me... :p

I was 205 lbs, 6% Bodyfat, 300lbs benchpress, 300lbs squat, 400lb deadlift.

Finished study and started working in the IT world. No more 5 meals. Work related meals (no rice, chicken and water tuna anymore). Only 2-3 workout per week because of work stress. No ECA (you do not want to be that nervous at work)...

In the first year I lost 15lbs of muscle. In the second I lost other 10 lbs. :( :( :(

My personal conclusion? Being HC works only if you have way too much free time... :D
In 2000 I also bought my first NSX, the BB thing passed on a seocnd level (and I always tought that NOTHING was as important as it!!!). :D

Anyway, my trainer (an ex-pro) did not accept excuses like "I eat a lot but I cannot grow/bulk". It does not exist. The trick is count your calories, really, write the down. They have to be around 3300 to start with. If every month you do not pack 1lbs increase of 100kcal. If it does not work, another additional 100kcal. And so on... but you need to write down everything you eat.

If you get more than 2lbs of weight in one month? Decrease of 100kcal. Quite simple.

EAT, TRAIN & REST. No books are needed.
All this reading on working out has got me super motivated!! Man, I feel like going to work out right now! Too bad I'm at work and after I get out I just wanna eat eat eat!! :D
Anyways, I also used to workout fresh out of High School. Got really into it and got bigger then I wanted to be. Family said I was looking like an APE!! :D So, I slowly stopped going to the gym and started going out alot. Man, it's so hard to get back into the swing of things!
thanks gheba...

i guess i jsut need to take a few days off of work and just prepare a good program and get all my errands done.
gheba_nsx said:
I did BB from 1993 to 1999 (during my study, where it was easier to have A LOT of free time for the gym).

I was 205 lbs, 6% Bodyfat, 300lbs benchpress, 300lbs squat, 400lb deadlift.


205 at 6% is competition ready. That is very good. The trick really is in writing down your intakes in calorios and carbs and protein. In my program, I take measurements every 2 weeks, if i havent grown muscle wise I up calories by 500, if i have grown fat wise, i cut calories by 500.
acuransxlover said:
205 at 6% is competition ready. That is very good. The trick really is in writing down your intakes in calorios and carbs and protein. In my program, I take measurements every 2 weeks, if i havent grown muscle wise I up calories by 500, if i have grown fat wise, i cut calories by 500.

Thanks, but no, not really :p. I am 6.06 feets (186cm). So I was "in very good shape" but far from competition... 15lbs more are required at my height to enter between "naturals" ;)

Anyway, I did not check fat or not fat in what I ate. I checked my bodyfat on myself and my total weight. That's the key to check if it is really an improvement or not! :)
I competed in 3 bodybuilding shows and had a squat of over 600 as well as a bench of 425 and deadlift of over 500. I had to maintain a strict diet and sacrifice quite a bit, but it was worth it. I believe anyone with a laser like focus and intensity can achieve their goals and reach their genetic limits with a strict diet high in protein and hardcore no BS training.
I used to practice martial arts and lift, 7 days a week 4 hours a day.I would lift and run one day hit the dojo the next,these days my only workouts are martial and marital (marital is more fun) due to more injurys then anyone should ever incur. snapped and replaced acl,broken kneecap, numerous knee and neck surgery and over 20 broken bones(near fatal bike accident). man when your young you think you are invincible. oh yeah I still surf and believe me that is a workout. haha just recovered from broken ribs from surfing!

my post count is just another number for you paranoid types:D
I was able to find again a very nice inspirational article that I read MANY years ago! :D

Remember EATING is the key. There is no excuse for saying "I am skinny by nature". And eating is difficult, sometime more than training: I remember a couple of times I had to stay up, and not sitting, to be able to help ingesting all that rice and chicken. It was terrible! :)

If I think that now I am 14kg (30lbs) less and 5% more BF... but it has been fun! :p

Hope the article helps somebody
Whine-whine-whine Gheba ;)