Anyone interested in an Alberta Meet??

Albert, why don't we just get the boys together around town here....
Lets say Sunday at 1 or 2 at the usual and plan for lunch at like your buddies place again with lots of parking on the North side.
I can start calling guys asap if your up to it.
Dan, what time is the race on and off.
Yeah, it looks like I'll be busy on the 16th attending the 3rd annual world basset races at Carvel. Harley our 10+ year old hound will be competing with about 75 other Bassets ... should be a hoot.:biggrin:

Sign in is at 11:00 am with the races starting at 2:00 PM so it looks like I'm out for any type of meet that day unless it is in the evening. I should know better and not plan anything before I talk to the wife. :redface: Hope the weather holds so you guys can have a great time.

Perhaps we can still organize a larger Alberta meet in September.

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