Anyone interested in a "regrease your window track" day?

Litespeeds said:
Hi Vytas,
Thanks for chiming in. If Sunday 5/22 will work for you, we will all plan for that day at my shop in Fremont. If we get done early, we can go for a nice quick drive. If anyone has a suggestion, that would be great. Let's say 10am on Sunday so hopefully we can all get done quickly and treat Vytas to a nice lunch.

Is there any specific grease we should purchase? If so, where should we buy it from and how many cars can the grease be used on?

Sid, count me in for the 5/22 event :cool:
I've regreased several NSX window rails but don't pull out the actual rails. I get some of the Honda grease and reach in to the rails and lube them as much as I can. It helped tremendously but the best absolute method would be to remove the rails, clean them and relube.

Replacing the window "thingies" isn't too difficult but varies from car to car. On some, the replacement goes quickly and on others it requires some filing of the "thingie" along with some muscle to get the end of the wire seated in the "thingie." This procedure doesn't require removing the window regulator at all, just the door panel.

Here's the Honda grease (part #08798-9002):


I have some latex gloves for everyone to use. I better check my stock to make sure I have enough. I will also go and purchase some of that grease so if anyone wants to use some, just let me know. I just want to make sure I have enough to go around.
Hey Vytas,
Thanks for responding. I would like to attend, but I don't know if my car will be done in time.
Please list me as a "maybe".
I'll call you later this week.
Darn! I won't be available on the 22nd. I was hoping to help you guys. It sounds like you will have lots of hands available anyway.

I think I saw it on Prime before, but if its not on here, it would be nice if someone could take pictures and do a step by step DIY of both the window track regrease and the Fix it thingy repair.
I am interested in participating - I think my driver side window requires the thingy. My schedule has not allowed me to participate in the monthly meets. Look forward to meeting some fellow bay area nsxers.
I am a new owner of a 91 and am interested in attending the regrease. I have the thingies but no urea grease or history on doing this. Is the event firm for the 22nd in either San Leandro or Fremont?. I am also interested in getting my windows tinted. Any help to confirm location, dates, times and window tinting would be appreciated.
I think right now we are planning for Sunday 5/22/05 at my shop in Fremont.
Auto Mall Tint Specialist
43048 Christy Street
Fremont, CA 94538
Take Highway 880 and exit on Auto Mall Parkway going West. At the 1st signal light, make a right onto Christy Street. Immediatley make a right into the first driveway where you see a big black sign that reads NO TRUCKS ALLOWED. I will be facing you on your left as you come into the driveway. We are located across the street from the funny looking Red and Yellow Shell Gas Station.
We can plan on meeting at 10am if that is ok with everybody.
All we need now is for Vytas to confirm for that day and time and we will have a confirmed day and time. :biggrin:
I'm fine with the 22nd and will be around to help out. See you all then. Will be great to come out and meet some fellow members since it's been a while I've been to a club lunch. Just happens that the 22nd is one of the two Sundays I'm not working this month.
I have the exact same problem and I'm in for May 22. Please include me in the list.

No sign up list. Just show up if you can and if you don't need to regrease your window tracks, this is just another excuse to get together and maybe go out for a bite to eat when we are done. Haven't had a chance to meet some of you yet so this would be a perfect opportunity.
I am going to purchase one of the high temp Honda grease and I suggest others do the same as I am not sure how many window tracks one bottle can do. If anyone needs to get in touch with me from now till then, you can reach me on my cell phone (510)303-8468. See you there.

Request - I will be out of town this day, but can someone volunteer to take pictures. Do a step by step of each project 1. Window Fix it and 2. Regrease.
Vytas has some cool tricks that make each of these DIYs very easy and we should get them catured on film (well, on media, anyway).
Anyone here from S.F. want to caravan down there Sunday morning? Just pm me and we can arrange a place to meet. I'll be leaving the city about 9:00-9:30.
Just did mine. the door panel sure is a pain to remove.

I had to adjust the tracks. which did more than regreasing. Offsetted window created more friction to the rear slash rubber guides. So expect to do some window adjustment too.

BE AWARE of Alameda COPS...
They recently towed 3 Lexus after a mini Meet.. Wrote then down for Speed contest. It was a BS situation.
Picked up some of the grease suggested earlier in this thread..

The guy at the Honda parts asked if this is what I really wanted and tried to sell me some sort of silicone based product instead. He insisted that the High Temp Urea Grease was used on main bearing for reassembly.

Fifteen bucks (including Ah Nod's cut) for the little jar!

See y'all on Sunday..Thanks Sidney for putting this together

I had the same response when I asked about this high temp grease and told the parts guy that I am going to lube the window track rails and he thought it was weird and I should use a silicone lube. The retail is almost $13 for this small jar of grease but I got a killer deal since I do the tinting for San Leandro Honda. I would have asked to see who wanted me to pick them up some but I thought the parts people would think something is fishey if I picked up so many. :eek:
Today is the big day. :biggrin:

Bring lots of sun block as it is going to be a hot one. :eek:

There are some areas that have shade but the majority of the parking lot area is under full sun. Maybe it might be a good idea to bring an umbrella or some other form of way to provide some shade. My garage is only big enough to fit 2 cars in and one of the cars that is going in there will be the one I have to tint. Anyway, call me at (510)303-8468 cell if you have any questions. See you all in a little while.
Thanks everyone who came out today. It was fun and I am sure those that regreased their window tracks are happy with the results. Special thanks to Vytas for coming out to supervise. See everyone at Hooter's. :eek:
It was good to see folks again today and meet new faces, too.

Thanks again Sidney for putting this together and letting us use your shop as a place to meet.

Vytas, your time and expertise is always appreciated. Glad you could make it.
Sometimes, eliminating the bad options makes finding the good ones easier, eh? :smile:

I saw Sidney cut them off :smile: Anyway, I would like to thank Sidney to set this up for us (especially for a new guy like me to meet other cool NSX owners) to fix the window track, and to thank Vytas for his expertise and advices. See you guys again on June 4. :wink:
Thanks for hosting the window track grease day. Great Job! I want to especially thank you for removing the “Railroad Spike” sized nail from my tire and for repairing the tire itself. See you all June 4th.