Anyone here own a '97 automatic NSX?

10 February 2001
Southern California
If so what is your serial # and ext/int color? My friend just bought a red/black one, which is #30, and there were 2 other automatics made before his. They are #13 and #27. He was just wondering whether his car is the 1st red/black automatic NSX-T made for that model year. (kinda lame I thought but he wanted me to ask). Thanks in advance!


2001 NSX-T
- Bilstein Shocks
- '02 OEM Wheels

[This message has been edited by RyRy210 (edited 10 February 2003).]
Originally posted by RyRy210:
If so what is your serial # and ext/int color? My friend just bought a red/black one, which is #30, and there were 2 other automatics made before his. They are #13 and #27. He was just wondering whether his car is the 1st red/black automatic NSX made for that model year. (kinda lame I thought but he wanted me to ask). Thanks in advance!


How did he know how many were made before him but not the colors?

Tire Rack me for all your wheel and tire needs.
Ext. 619

1991 Acura NSX (auto)
Originally posted by NoLuV4Me:
#18 black/tan

NoLuV4Me, is urs a 97?

Originally posted by mason@tirerack:
How did he know how many were made before him but not the colors?

He used carfax and input in sequence every serial # that took as an automatic NSX-T.

2001 NSX-T
- Bilstein Shocks
- '02 OEM Wheels

[This message has been edited by RyRy210 (edited 10 February 2003).]
Originally posted by RyRy210:
He used carfax and input in sequence every serial # that took as an automatic NSX-T.

Did he vary the check digit each time? Did he actually find results for each of the two previous cars? Did he verify that all the other earlier serial numbers produced records for a manual transmission car?
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Did he vary the check digit each time? Did he actually find results for each of the two previous cars? Did he verify that all the other earlier serial numbers produced records for a manual transmission car?

This I do not know. I just sent him an email and asked him to register so that he can answer this question himself. Thanks!


2001 NSX-T
- Bilstein Shocks
- '02 OEM Wheels