Anyone have any OLD RAM?

NetViper said:
Well, my IT department said I cannot use outside equipment, so the P3 is all yours. I will still use the ram though as they won't have a clue if it was installed or not :)

Not an uncommon policy - stupid in this case - but can't exactly blame them for not wanting to have to support something that they didn't supply. PDAs are another example where IT departments get hard hit - supporting users trying to connect to company networks, e-mail servers, etc, with un-sanctioned devices.
Are you sure they would actually notice a new box? :D :eek: :D
To get back to the original problem - speeding up XP - there are several tweaks and tricks that will gain you a little bit of speed - shutting down services that are not needed and so on. and are two excellent sites for this type of information.
So where are you at with the memory? My 64mb is available if Len hasn't found anything but no guarantees of it working I'm afraid - I think it predates PC100 by just a little bit.
Sorry Viper, No memory for your unit...
Lotsa double sided mem. Nothing for the Gateway.
Sorry :(
len3.8 said:
Sorry Viper, No memory for your unit...
Lotsa double sided mem. Nothing for the Gateway.
Sorry :(

I doubt they use proprietary ram... but I guess it is possible.
FYI - Some PC133 RAM is backwards compatible with PC100 and PC66.
NetViper said:
I doubt they use proprietary ram... but I guess it is possible.

I wasn't speaking in terms of proprietary, more on what I have. I don't have anything to work with your system.
Again, I am sorry. I must have looked through 500-1000 pieces of memory.
4meg simms, 1meg,8,16, and a few 64(I stiil have people that use the 64's.

By the way, you are welcome. :rolleyes:
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NetViper said:
I doubt they use proprietary ram... but I guess it is possible.

Nope. Nothing proprietary about the RAM required for your pc.

Offer still stands on the 64mb that I have - yours if you want it just pm me a mailing address.
lemansnsx said:
Nope. Nothing proprietary about the RAM required for your pc.

Offer still stands on the 64mb that I have - yours if you want it just pm me a mailing address.

Done. Thank you very much!