Anyone have a 2002+ NSX for sale?

Wow congrats. Glad you proved wrong all the price doubters on this thread lol
Hello everyone,

I am new poster to this forum and was hoping someone might be able to help me. I just left a deposit on the '02 NSX at PFAFF McLaren (VIN:JHNA21692T000158). I know that a couple of users on the forum have had this car and I have read every single post regarding it. I was wondering though, if anybody could give me any more information on it after 2013. Is there any repairs that might need to be done soon? I know that the timing belt and water pump have been changed but I'm looking ahead for anything foreseeable.
If the Tbelt and water pump were changed a couple of years ago, you should not have any major service requirements for another 7 years.
I would recommend that you have the other Fluids changes as well, these would be....brake, clutch fluid and transmission oil, then you start your NSX ownership knowing that these things are completed.


Hello everyone,

I am new poster to this forum and was hoping someone might be able to help me. I just left a deposit on the '02 NSX at PFAFF McLaren (VIN:JHNA21692T000158). I know that a couple of users on the forum have had this car and I have read every single post regarding it. I was wondering though, if anybody could give me any more information on it after 2013. Is there any repairs that might need to be done soon? I know that the timing belt and water pump have been changed but I'm looking ahead for anything foreseeable.
Thank you for the quick reply, I can't wait to own this legendary car, i just hope that this particular one isn't going to be a nightmare.
Doubt it. Solid car with confirmed history. Honda reliability. You're fine.

The problem is some gaps in the service history and some owners had the car for very little time.

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See the gap between the hood and the bumper on the passenger side?
i find it hard to believe that it's like that from the factory.
That might just be the rubber seal being displaced a little from age or even the detailer pushing it around during the buffing. I hope you informed McLaren that you know what the previous price was and they lowered the sale price for you a little.
See the gap between the hood and the bumper on the passenger side?
i find it hard to believe that it's like that from the factory.

That could simply be the adjustment rubber on the passenger side a bit higher than the driver side. If you look again, the gap between the top of the headlight and hood is inline with the gap between the hood and bumper. There is an adjustment rubber at the corner of the hood and headlight that raises/lowers the hood to make it flush.
Well the price is more than I wanted to pay, however try finding an NSX for sale. It's hard to ask for a discount when they are the only ones around selling one. The hood alignment does bother me, but I have a friend of mine from European Auto Body coming by next week to take a look at it. I am also trading my 07, s2k which will ease the pain a bitIMG_4988.JPG.jpg.

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sorry guys, looks like i can't figure out how to post the pic properly
Sweet, Ians car rises again!

Hey, I have a bunch of super sweet and very unique and hard to find things that I wouldnt mind selling. You wont find any of these things anywhere else. Want to come check them out? Rare stuff, firm prices. But you'll be happy!
Sweet, Ians car rises again!

Hey, I have a bunch of super sweet and very unique and hard to find things that I wouldnt mind selling. You wont find any of these things anywhere else. Want to come check them out? Rare stuff, firm prices. But you'll be happy!

That is just mean. :P

Sweet, Ians car rises again!

Hey, I have a bunch of super sweet and very unique and hard to find things that I wouldnt mind selling. You wont find any of these things anywhere else. Want to come check them out? Rare stuff, firm prices. But you'll be happy!

to the new owner of ians/48.5's car, congrats+enjoy in good health! like the others have stated, i think the uneven-ness in the photo is simply the rubber piece being misaligned/shrunken over time... not accident related.

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it may be tough to find a clean lower milage 997.1 turbo in the 70s due to the US dollar situation.

my thinking is that most higher end Canadian cars will hold their value 'unnaturally' for the time being (usa cross shopping option/bargaining tool simply has little/no value).

I would like to, and had a look, but I'm afraid NA2's have priced me out of the market now..$75k doesn't leave me much cash to mod. If I have to 70's I'm going with a 997 turbo
guys, before i make the deal, is there anything i should know about Ian's car? Biobanker what kind of stuff are you speaking about?
The car is mint, you will not be disappointed.

But you better haggle the price down by like...$10K. GL!
Basic economics, supply and demand, Its very hard to get a deal when there is only one for sale. Also when one shows up it sells in a day. You can get a better deal on a porsche 997 or 991 why, because they are sitting on the lot.
It sucks that you have to pay a premium for a nsx, however I don't want to be watching barrett jackson in 20 years swearing at the Tv because i didn't buy it.
Basic economics, supply and demand, Its very hard to get a deal when there is only one for sale. Also when one shows up it sells in a day. You can get a better deal on a porsche 997 or 991 why, because they are sitting on the lot.
It sucks that you have to pay a premium for a nsx, however I don't want to be watching barrett jackson in 20 years swearing at the Tv because i didn't buy it.

Fair enough, the market is what it is.

Make sure you join the NSXCC and get the most out of your NSX ownership experience. Standup group of people and based in the GTA as well. Enjoy!

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