Anyone for Hunting?

7 June 2002
In The Middle
There had to be a underlying reason for this.

Sorry and thanks guys.
I was asked to delete these by someone, out of the interest of fact finding. (Noone from prime)
You guys got the first half. One day the second half will be told.
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len3.8 said:
There had to be a underlying reason for this.
Mental problems? Sad. Funny how some people think that just because land is wooded or without improvements that they are somehow entitled to trespass on it.
This is really sad the 6th person died last night from the ordeal. This happened only a few hours NW of just have to wonder what the heck triggers someone to go off the handle like that.
T Bell said:
.. BUT if some tresspasser shot my buddy and I came running, he would be the one on the ground, not me.
He had a semi-automatic rifle - the party apparently had only one rifle between them at the time.
Not great odds.
HOLY SHI% len3.8 that is scary. Glad you are ok. Hard to believe there are still people like that. I think I would report it to someone else besides the local police.
Can't believe ignorant crap like that is still going on, Len .... sad reflection on "society" :frown:


Hunter suspect says he was shot at first
Tuesday, November 23, 2004 Posted: 2:04 PM EST (1904 GMT)

HAYWARD, Wisconsin (AP) -- A man suspected in the killings of six hunters told investigators he began firing after he was shot at first and some of the victims called him racially derogatory names, according to documents filed Tuesday.

A judge set bail at $2.5 million for Chai Vang, 36, of St. Paul, Minnestora, who is suspected in the killings Sunday of six deer hunters and the wounding of two others.

Bail was set after investigators filed documents arguing there was probable cause to hold Vang in the shootings. No charges have been filed.

Vang, a Hmong immigrant from Laos, was arrested Sunday about four hours after the shootings as he emerged from the woods with his empty SKS 7.62 mm semiautomatic rifle.

Sawyer County Sheriff Jim Meier said a dispute over Vang's use of a tree stand -- a raised platform used by hunters -- on private property preceded the gunfire.

Vang told investigators he didn't realize he was on private property when he climbed the tree stand, according to the probable-cause statement released Tuesday.

A hunter approached Vang to tell him he was on private property, and Vang started to leave as other hunters approached, the statement said. Vang said the hunters surrounded him, and some started calling him racial slurs.

Vang said he started walking away but looked back to see the first hunter point his rifle at him and then fire a shot that hit the ground 30 to 40 feet behind him, the statement said.

That's when Vang told investigators he started firing at the group, and some fell to the ground and others tried to run away, according to the statement.

Five people died at the scene and a sixth died Monday in a hospital. Two others were wounded.

The dead were identified as the landowner, Robert Crotteau, 42; his son Joey, 20; Al Laski, 43; Mark Roidt, 28; Jessica Willers, 27; and Denny Drew, 55, who died Monday at St. Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield.

Willers' father, Terry Willers, remained hospitalized Tuesday in fair condition, while the other wounded hunter was released.

Officials said the victims were part of a group of 14 or 15 who made their opening-weekend trip to the 400-acre property an annual tradition.

"This was his first time out with that group. He was delighted to be invited," said Karen Roidt, mother of victim Mark Roidt.

According to an account by authorities Monday, two or three hunters spotted a man in a hunting platform on Crotteau's land, then radioed back to the rest of the party at a cabin nearby, and were told no one who should be there.

One of the men approached the intruder and asked him to leave, as Crotteau and the others in the cabin hopped on their all-terrain vehicles and headed to the scene, according to the account.

"The suspect got down from the deer stand, walked 40 yards, fiddled with his rifle. He took the scope off his rifle, he turned and he opened fire on the group," Meier said.

One of the men called for help on his radio, and those who arrived to help also were shot, authorities said.

He was "chasing after them and killing them," Deputy Tim Zeigle said. "He hunted them down." There was only one firearm among the eight hunters and it was unclear whether anyone returned fire, authorities had said.

Some Hmong leaders had questioned whether racial differences may have figured in the shootings.

Sang Vang said his family was devastated, and that his brother has lived in the United States for more than 20 years and is a U.S. Army veteran.

Minneapolis police said they arrested Vang on Christmas Eve 2001 after he waved a gun and threatened to kill his wife. No charge was brought because she didn't cooperate with authorities, spokesman Ron Reier said. Police in St. Paul said there had been two domestic violence calls to his home in the past year, but both were resolved without incident.

There have been previous clashes between Southeast Asian and white hunters in the region. Locals in the Birchwood area, about 120 miles northeast of the Twin Cities, have complained that the Hmong, refugees from Laos, do not understand the concept of private property and hunt wherever they see fit.

Vang's arrest left some Hmong citizens in his hometown fearful of a backlash, and a group of Hmong leaders in St. Paul condemned the shootings Tuesday and offered condolences to victims' families.

"What happened in Wisconsin is in no way representative of the Hmong people and what they stand for," said Cha Vang, who said he was representing "the greater law-abiding Hmong community." He is no relation to Chai Vang.
NsXMas said:
Vang told investigators he didn't realize he was on private property when he climbed the tree stand, according to the probable-cause statement released Tuesday.

Makes perfect sense. Every hunter I know always spends their time and money building tree stands on public property for anyone to use. :rolleyes: PPPLLLEEEAASSSEEE

The court should try a new approach.The court could poll 100 people with a question. If more than 90% of the people answer the question in the same way but differently than the suspect, it voids the BS coming out of the suspects mouth. NO ONE BUILDS A TREE STAND ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. Especially in an area where there have been multiple disputes in the past!

This new system would clear up all the BS lies people tell when the are in trouble with the law.

Poll 100 people.
"Do you go fishing on Christmas eve?"

"do you where a fake beard and run for the boarder with 10k cash if you are innocent?"

I could go on forever with the lies suspects tell.