Anyone following the situtation in Taiwan?

Half-Million Taiwanese Protest Election
4 minutes ago

By STEPHAN GRAUWELS, Associated Press Writer

TAIPEI, Taiwan - A half million people swarmed into Taiwan's capital on Saturday to protest the disputed presidential election, while <b>China hinted that the turmoil might provide a reason for it to take control of the island.</b>


The rally started peacefully — a contrast from the day before when about 2,000 people stormed the Central Election Commission headquarters in Taipei. The mob broke glass windows and scuffled with police in an unsuccessful attempt to delay the formal certification of the election's results.


Lien also demanded an independent investigation into the bizarre election-eve shooting that lightly wounded Chen and might have given him a crucial last-minute boost at the polls.
Got the papers this morning. 500,000 + protestors gathered in front of presidential palace. China is ecstatic. The world is laughing. Stupid morons. Rant over. *sigh*
There are ridiculous amounts of inconsistencies and facts of events that suggest the “assassination attempt” was staged.

Judging by the bullets holes on the vehicle that was carrying Chen and Lu, the bullets would literally have to “turn” to injury them the way they did as suggested by ballistic experts. The wound on Chen’s lower abdomen looks to be a surgical cut instead of a bullet wound as suggested by one of Taiwan’s leading expert on ballistic injuries. The fact that there was a plastic surgeon with Chen before Chen was shot is another provoking fact. If one looks at the picture the moment Chen was “shot” the blood stain is on one side while the picture showing him going into the hospital says the blood stain is on the other side. And does Chen’s blood defy gravity? Why doesn’t the blood seep into the pants area like everybody’s should? Chen and Lu chose not to go to a hospital approved for presidential use just 3km away. They chose instead to go to a hospital over 5km away, not approved for presidential use, and privately owned by people closely associated with Chen. The few weeks leading up to the “shooting” that hospital also put up screen and such so people can’t see what is going on in the interior. The Taiwanese equivalents of US Attorney General and other officials were not allowed to enter the hospital including independent news media crew but somehow there was cameraman inside to take a whole 9 albums of Chen’s surgery. The pictures also shows Chen fully clothed and he is shown talking on a cell phone to some supposed officials. I’m sorry isn’t cleanliness very important in a surgery room? I mean for god sakes he “is” the president of Taiwan!!! Doesn’t he deserve better? What are all these containments doing in a surgery rooms? What’s with the cameraman taking loads of photos while the surgeons are operating on Chen? Chen also activated an ambiguous security call that prevented 200,000 military servicemen from voting; an amount that is well above the winning margin of 29,000. Servicemen are known to vote heavily for Lien and his KMT party. There were also inconsistencies in which the votes are invalidated. Votes invalidated for Lien would be counted for Chen. The number of invalidated votes is around 300,000 or more than 10 times the winning margin. There are a lot more doubts that it’s not possible for me to even list just a small fraction of them.

In the end when Taiwan was/is in turmoil after the election, Chen chose to hide in his house like a kitchen rat instead of facing up to the public and issues like a real president/leader should. He is the type of person that provokes tensions between people with different backgrounds (imagine a US president or candidate provoking tension between back and white, Jew and Christian…etc people) to rally support. He is a scammer, a con artist, nothing more. It is utterly degrading that this type of human being can be a president.
I heard/read China want Taiwan back desperately and are just waiting for the final provisional?(something to do about a 50year lease that they wouldnt change anything?) lease on hong kong to expire. They (China) wanted/are using Hong kong as an example that things wouldn't go to hell if Taiwan rejoined the motherland. Some hinted that once the errent sibling comes/kidnapped back, they will attempt to conquer the world!* (cue Dr. Evil laugh)

*Economically, maybe not in a weapons of mass distraction* kind of way.

*Yes, i meant distraction:)