Anyone ever heard of a 7 to 10 day funding period on an Acura lease?

hey 2793, sorry to hear of all of these problems. just make sure you sent back the form that is the same as their temporary title. in ny it is a mv50 and every one needs to be accounted for whether voided or not. the rest is bs. and people back out of car deals every day, most of which due to lame ass reasons. your concerns were legit and a refund is always "refundable" hence the name. don't get to upset, you will receive your money :smile:
zanardi43 said:
hey 2793, sorry to hear of all of these problems. just make sure you sent back the form that is the same as their temporary title. in ny it is a mv50 and every one needs to be accounted for whether voided or not. the rest is bs. and people back out of car deals every day, most of which due to lame ass reasons. your concerns were legit and a refund is always "refundable" hence the name. don't get to upset, you will receive your money :smile:

The only "paperwork" they sent me other than business cards and a letter was the standard fill-in the blanks contract with all the numbers on what you are paying for the car over the course of the lease and payment amounts. They didn't send the form that is the temporary title or any other kind of form.
Basically, the paperwork they made me send back to them is just junk to them now that it has been filled in and I did not sign it and am not buying the car.
I know they are just being jerks and I know AMEX will get my money back, they have already given me a temporary credit until they finish investigating so I don't have to pay it with the rest of my bill.

It's just incredible to see how the supposed General Sales Manager of an Acura dealership is willing to stoop to such low levels of lying and deceit just to punish someone for deciding not to buy his car with the ridiculous stipulations they wanted me to follow just to be able to get it.

They know they got their stupid piece of paper back and they know AMEX is going to get my money back. Yet they would rather fight with me in emails and in an online forum and drag themselves through the mud than to just refund my money. How mature of them.

Again....I warn anyone who reads this.....think long and hard before dealing with Libertyville Acura. What they have been doing to me could be done to you next.
How about everyone just refrain from any further diatribes and just let the parties work it out. The only productive posts will be confirmation that the deal has been cancelled in its totality and all appropriate monies refunded.
I, too, would like to see this brought to a resolution. Our time is too valuable to spend defending against prevarication...

Attn: 2793-- Just drop it, send the paperwork back, and move on with your life. We will deduct the overnight mail costs that you are aware of and refund your money. We have more productive things to do than to spend this much time conversing with a non-customer. Let's bring this to an end. Just PM or email us and advise the contract is on the way and we can all move on.

If any other users want to chat about this thread, contact us. We have a great reputation. :smile:

Man, something does not sound right here. I don't know what, but I suspect there is more to this story than we have been told. If I am wrong, I apologize; but, I find it difficult to believe an Acura dealership would act like this with a genuine qualified buyer looking to buy a car that really is not a hot seller.
I hope this buyer actually gets the car he wanted. If that happens, I would take a picture of me IFO the selling dealership with the NSX and the salesperson handing me the keys and mail it to the salesperson he was dealing with at the other dealership, along with a note saying, "This could have been you".
Good luck.
Cairo94507 said:
Man, something does not sound right here. I don't know what, but I suspect there is more to this story than we have been told. If I am wrong, I apologize; but, I find it difficult to believe an Acura dealership would act like this with a genuine qualified buyer looking to buy a car that really is not a hot seller.
I hope this buyer actually gets the car he wanted. If that happens, I would take a picture of me IFO the selling dealership with the NSX and the salesperson handing me the keys and mail it to the salesperson he was dealing with at the other dealership, along with a note saying, "This could have been you".
Good luck.

Exactly....they made me cancel the deal with their ridiculous demands saying I had to put the car in my name and pay for the car but couldn't have it until the lease was fully funded by Acura.....but they didn't even have a window sticker to fax to my insurance company so my insurance wouldn't be cancelled in 7 days as required by Florida law if the car isn't inspected in that time or a window sticker isn't faxed in.

1) Why did they not have a window sticker for a car that was in their showroom for 2 weeks?

2) Why couldn't they just do a power of attorney like all other dealerships for if there were any paperwork mistakes and release the car??

3) Why are they now claiming to not have their stupid contract that we all know they really do not need and trying to use it as an excuse to keep my $1,000?

4) Do they have that bad a financial probem at this place that they need money that bad?

5) They keep saying over and over for me to move on........well why don't THEY just return my money and move on themselves????

6) What kind of a dealership carries on like this online with someone who TRIED to buy a car off of them?
I just don't get it. Hey Libertyville pretend it was lost in the mail. What court in the land would ever award you $1000 for a lost piece of non binding mail. Enough already give the man his $1000 bucks. This has already cost you much more than that in your reputation being tainted. My guess is you'll be blowing out of that dealership sometime soon anyway. Hell the turnover in your business is laughable. You actually held his deposit hostage over some posts? Dude you got some nerve...
nsxster1 said:
We have a great reputation.
Not with me, that's for damn sure. I'd never heard of you guys before but your dealership's name is burned forever in my brain now.

Registering a new ID here and making that first post without identifying yourself was a serious error. It puts your willingness to be deceitful front and center for all to read.
Ummm, tbck2793, I think Cairo94507 may actually be saying that he thinks it would take real unusual circumstances for a dealer, like us, to go to this much trouble to defend ourselves.

Plus, tbck2793, you are not being really very truthful in most of your posts. (I've addressed some of this in earlier posts and don't want to address it further here--if anyone wants more info, PM me.)

FYI to all: The $1000 deposit (which we don't want anyway) is our only leverage to get our forms back. One form will cost us a flat fee of $650.00 if we don't have it to show that it was voided. (The IL tax form, see earlier posts). For some reason, tbck2793 wants to keep the forms (just to aggravate us I'm sure) and FedEx'd us an empty envelope and lied about it. Tsk tsk...

Must apologize for the first post. SORRY! Since I didn't say: "Hey I'm I customer and these guys are great", I assumed it wasn't necessary to say "Disclaimer: I'm Acura of Libertyville". Plus it was just straight facts with no angle. And, four links were provided to let others speak for us. We do have many happy customers.

Anyway, to address the questions from tbck2793, here we go:

1) Car was not here quite two weeks as of last Friday (when the window sticker arrived). Why did it take as long as it did? Things take time coming from the manufacturer.

2) The mistakes that we were concerned about were contract-related. We don't utilize Power of Attorney (POA) documents for contracts. Most dealers don't as far as I know. Plus, even if we did, Honda Finance wouldn't accept it.

3) We need our forms back. For some strange reason, you don't want to send them. You sent an empty FedEx envelope back. FedEx will verify that the weight of the envelope you sent back weighs the same as an empty FedEx envelope with just an airbill. Adding a contract or IL tax form into the envelope does increase the weight be 1 oz+ (they are 3-part forms and the contract is longer than a legal size sheet of paper). The IL tax forms are numbered, and if we don't have every single one on file (even voided) we are assessed a flat $650.00 fee by the Illinois Dept of Revenue. (They have this law in IL to prevent manipulation of tax forms and dealers cheating on remitting sales taxes) And here is the bottom line: We don't want your $1,000! We have provided simple instructions on how to get it back. We really need our forms back and it is our only leverage. Trust us, we don't want to deal with you any longer than necessary!

4) No. Again, we don't want your money.

5) You have our forms. Send them back and then we can part company and go our own ways. You can be some other dealer's problem, bud.

6) A dealership that has a good reputation and is faced with baseless allegations. Unfortunately the general public will believe a head case customer over a good dealership every time. This is because there are some really bad dealerships out there. We aren't one of them. We can't change the entire industry, just our part of it. By posting here, at least customers who read this thread will have an easy way to contact us and ask questions.

Congratulations. You have done a great job making us look bad and pretending to fight the good fight against a big bad dealer. Now please send the forms and we can get back to selling cars.
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From my perspective nothing matters except that LA wants their form and TBCK wants his $1000. Seems simple enough. TBCK says he sent the form, LA says he didn't, so we're in a he-said-she-said situation. I'd still say it falls on LA to prove it though, since $1000 has value to them, while a form has no value to TBCK. It also strikes me as odd that TBCK would go to the effort to send an empty Fed Ex.

TBCK - If you really sent it, did you get insurance on the Fed Ex? If the form is worth $650, then file a claim with Fed Ex for $650 and collect the difference from LA.

Both parties should check their desks and trash cans to make sure it wasn't a simple mistake of misplacing the forms.

Regardless, this is just one more in a huge list of reasons why I:
Don't lease.
Don't buy new cars.
Don't buy from dealers.

I've only had one out of three dealer transactions go smoothly, while I've never had a bad experience buying from an individual.
Dave Hardy said:
From my perspective nothing matters except that LA wants their form and TBCK wants his $1000. Seems simple enough. TBCK says he sent the form, LA says he didn't, so we're in a he-said-she-said situation. I'd still say it falls on LA to prove it though, since $1000 has value to them, while a form has no value to TBCK. It also strikes me as odd that TBCK would go to the effort to send an empty Fed Ex.

TBCK - If you really sent it, did you get insurance on the Fed Ex? If the form is worth $650, then file a claim with Fed Ex for $650 and collect the difference from LA.

Both parties should check their desks and trash cans to make sure it wasn't a simple mistake of misplacing the forms.

Regardless, this is just one more in a huge list of reasons why I:
Don't lease.
Don't buy new cars.
Don't buy from dealers.

I've only had one out of three dealer transactions go smoothly, while I've never had a bad experience buying from an individual.

It was Fedex'd back in a self-addressed pre-paid envelope that they sent to me in the original envelope.
nsxster1 said:
FYI to all: The $1000 deposit (which we don't want anyway) is our only leverage to get our forms back. One form will cost us a flat fee of $650.00 if we don't have it to show that it was voided. (The IL tax form, see earlier posts). For some reason, tbck2793 wants to keep the forms (just to aggravate us I'm sure) and FedEx'd us an empty envelope and lied about it. Tsk tsk...

Congratulations. You have done a great job making us look bad and pretending to fight the good fight against a big bad dealer. You must be an excellent timeshare salesman. Now please send the forms and you can get back to selling timeshares and we can get back to selling cars to real customers.

First of all.....YOU know as well as I do that you NEVER sent me any kind of IL tax form. The ONLY form you ever sent to me was the standard fill in the blank Acura contract that states the cost of the car, down payment, lease payments and what it all breaks down to along with the terms of the contract.

So now, not only are you LYING about not getting the stupid form back, but you are NOW LYING about sending me a form that wasn't even sent to me. You know it is impossible for me to send you back a IL tax form when I never even had an IL tax form from you.

By the way, since you have decided to insult my job should take a look at yourself in the mirror.......because you are the epitome of why people don't like car salesman.

I'm done talking with you and I'm done with your lies. You can keep posting all the lies you want on this thread because I will NOT be responding to you again.

Unlike you who keeps posting that you have better things to do, but still keeps posting...........I actually do have better things to do than deal with you. Now watch how unlike you, I actually live up to what I said about having better things to do and don't post on this thread again. So go ahead and post whatever other lies you feel like posting now that you know you are safe and won't be disputed or called out for your lies.

From this point out you can deal with Acura client relations and AMEX. I have all the info I need for them between this thread and all the nasty emails you sent me.

nsxster1 said:
6) A dealership that has a good reputation and is faced with baseless allegations. Unfortunately the general public will believe a head case customer over a good dealership every time. This is because there are some really bad dealerships out there. We aren't one of them. We can't change the entire industry, just our part of it. By posting here, at least customers who read this thread will have an easy way to contact us and ask questions.

ABOVE is just one more example of the HIGH REGARD this dealership hold it's customer's in. You need to look in the mirror bud....because if anybody is the "head case" here, it's you. I've bought MANY brand new Honda and Acura cars over the years and have NEVER had any kind of problem with a dealership before. BOY am I glad I didn't buy your car. I feel bad for anybody that has to deal with you.
First of all.....YOU know as well as I do that you NEVER sent me any kind of IL tax form.
Incorrect. We made a photocopy before we sent it off. Anyone who would like to see it, PM or email us. We are interested in continued business with the NSX clientele that frequents this board and don't want anyone to be scared off by this very special customer.

The ONLY form you ever sent to me was the standard fill in the blank Acura contract that states the cost of the car, down payment, lease payments and what it all breaks down to along with the terms of the contract.
Wrong. In addition to the contract, we sent an IL tax form, a Privacy Policy that you need to sign, "We Owe" form stating that the vehicle was equipped as agreed and no additional accessories were owed, a "Declaration of Identity" that required notarization, and a Power of Attorney for license and title issues. We also sent a cover letter, a couple of business cards, the return FedEx envelope and an airbill.

By the way, since you have decided to insult my job now
Not an insult, a compliment. You have done a fine job of selling your story on this message board.

.......because you are the epitome of why people don't like car salesman.
Speaking of insults... [look at my post, I made no comment that was condescending like this one]

I'm done talking with you
Great. Now all we need are our forms, particularly the Illinois tax form.

So go ahead and post whatever other lies you feel like posting now that you know you are safe and won't be disputed or called out for your lies.
Check out the tenor of our posts and tbck2793's. Quite a contrast, isn't it?

all the nasty emails you sent me.
Bizarre. There were no nasty emails. (from us anyway)

ABOVE is just one more example of the HIGH REGARD this dealership hold it's customer's in.
That was in no way referring to our customers. Just you. You're very special, and plus-- you're not a customer.

I've bought MANY brand new Honda and Acura cars over the years and have NEVER had any kind of problem with a dealership before.
OK. We have been involved in more new car transactions that you have and you are more unique to us than, I would surmise, we are to you...

BOY am I glad I didn't buy your car.
I knew there was some topic that we would reach agreement on!

I feel bad for anybody that has to deal with you.
Find someone who concurs with you on that and we will all be amazed.

One final note: Please send the forms. We would not go to this much trouble if you weren't playing games. We do need the forms and for some reason you want to keep them.

By the way, we issued a credit to your credit card yesterday.

Even so, you seem dead-set on not returning the forms and publicly blasting a respected, award-winning Acura dealer on a well-regarded forum no matter what we say or do to try and rationally convince you to drop it and move on.

So, one last time, please send the forms. That is all we are asking for.
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nsxster1 said:
Incorrect. We made a photocopy before we sent it off. Anyone who would like to see it, PM or email us. We are interested in continued business with the NSX clientele that frequents this board and don't want anyone to be scared off by this very special customer.

One final note:
Please send the forms. We would not go to this much trouble if you weren't playing games. We do need the forms and for some reason you want to keep them.

By the way, we issued a credit to your credit card yesterday.

Even so, you seem dead-set on not returning the forms and publicly blasting a respected, award-winning Acura dealer on a well-regarded forum no matter what we say or do to try and rationally convince you to drop it and move on.

So, one last time, please send the forms. That is all we are asking for.

I KNOW I said I wasn't going to post again.........

............but you claim to have refunded my card and if you did I THANK YOU and I will let everyone know that what you said is true when it shows up on my AMEX online account. That usually happens in 48 to 72 hours.

Wouldn't it have been easier to just say that yesterday instead of going through all the arguing in public? If you TOLD ME you refunded the card yesterday, I WOULD HAVE dropped it then.

But you chose to play games instead.

I must state again though, that you did NOT send me an IL tax form.....check your desk or whoever else's desk it may have been on....I bet you still have it there somewhere.......just because you photocopied something, doesn't necessarily mean you put it in the envelope.

Regardless of what you choose to believe, I HONESTLY never had your IL tax form. do need to look around your dealership to find the IL tax form.

Again.......just as soon as the refund shows up on my AMEX in the next few days.....I will let everyone know that my money was really refunded.

nsxster1 said:
As of 5-24-05 -- Thread counts: tbck2793: 103 (quite a few for someone who doesn't even own an NSX) and nsxster1: 7 (well, now 8...)

Just for your future information.....there are MANY people who post on this board and do NOT own NSX's so you are insulting them with your remark as well. This board is for people who like the car as well as people who own them.

Not that it's any of your business either but I owned an 03 NSX until Feb 18 of this year and have an 05 on it's way from Japan.

And yes, many of your your posts to me were rude and insulting just as much as mine were to you. For mine I apologize.
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tbck2793 said:
. Also, if you HAD been a member of this board would KNOW that this isn't the first time a "BRAND NEW" poster posted on someone's thread in defense of a dealership and then turned out to be the dealership..

This sounds like Ryans Open Road Acura.... :biggrin:

As a fellow Acura dealer this is simply a ridiculous situation. The dealer should have released the car even before recieving a funding notification. Acura of Libertyville what were you worried about? As long as all the stips (if any) were accounted for than the $$$ would have been transferred into your escrow account. The answer is clear cut. Give Tim back his money. You dont need any paperwork back. This is why people call dealers - "stealers". Tim, send me some pics of your new ride whenever it becomes a reality. I wish I had access to one here or one locally so I could have assisted you in some way, shape or form. You got my #, call me if you want :wink:
I personally was a service manager for an Acura dealer, and if I or another employee had made these posts that Libertyville has made in a public internet forum, my arse would be getting a pink slip instead of a paycheck. Hope your dealer principal does not get wind of it. Then again, maybe he/she actually breeds this attitude that seems to be coming off in the posts. Either way, if I were in the market for a new NSX to replace mine, I would not have your organization on my list of potentials based on the thread. If I were on the receiving end I would have just called AmEx first. I had a similar situation in 97 when I was buying a new SVT product they could not deliver 3 months after the agreed to date, and the dealer tried to tell me the deposit was non-refundable. I called Citibank, and signed one form. End of problem (plus they would likely give you the full $1000, and any interest you had paid back, if it were a Blue card that you paid interest on).
Hey guys, just wanted to thank you all for your support and wanted to let you know that a refund of $979.14 showed up on my AMEX today from Libertyville.
tbck2793 said:
Hey guys, just wanted to thank you all for your support and wanted to let you know that a refund of $979.14 showed up on my AMEX today from Libertyville.

Great news, now get that new ride and come to NSXPO 2005