Anybody know this NSX JH4NA216XYT000260

I've only talked to the man once about his car. He told me why he was selling it, and that it would be first come, first served - obvious as there are many people who'd want to buy a low mileage, NA2 for a good price.

Therefore I can conclude:

1) NSXR-NH didn't put down a deposit, and he is out of line posting the owner's info and talking smack.

2) You're missing the point. Everyone knows the previous owner's name b/c of NSXR-NH's posts, and I'd be pissed if someone did the same to me. My original question to you is why add to the injustice by continuing the conversation?

Chew on that while you compose your essay-like response.

Read the other post. I was not told it was a first come first serve deal. He told me he would give me until monday but someone on here posted that they called John on Monday and he said it was sold. My loan was aprroved late on Monday. I didnt want to be rude and call him that late so I called him the next morning. At what point did I do something wrong?
NH- You didn't do anything wrong. At some point this issue should be left alone, as what has transpired cannot be reversed.
Everyone should just put down the stick and back away from the horse!
I've only talked to the man once about his car. He told me why he was selling it, and that it would be first come, first served - obvious as there are many people who'd want to buy a low mileage, NA2 for a good price.

Therefore I can conclude:

1) NSXR-NH didn't put down a deposit, and he is out of line posting the owner's info and talking smack.

2) You're missing the point. Everyone knows the previous owner's name b/c of NSXR-NH's posts, and I'd be pissed if someone did the same to me. My original question to you is why add to the injustice by continuing the conversation?

Chew on that while you compose your essay-like response.

I'll put down the stick after I respond to "chew on this a while". PV, this is a public forum - we here investigate all kinds of cars and issues to see if we can steer someone in the right direction with any information we have. Did you read the title of this thread??? Man - you don't post a lot or I don't see your posts in the first two thread sections often. You came out making suppositions and acusations of NH - man get a grip. You also were wrong in you suppositions - weren't you - guess you've already had to "chew" on that.

Further, If you would get pissed if someone "exposed" some background info about you as an NSX seller - then you don't get this site at all. I haven't missed any point - you've missed the point of this thread and the point of this site. We're here to help those that ask for it. As far as I knew John may not have even been a member any longer - I haven't seen him post in probably 4 or 5 months and only once or twice before that in the last year - guess what - that doesn't matter. You see I'm very active here - I am only trying to give others the benefit of my insight and knowledge like most here do when trying to get to the bottom of what's up with a seller or a car for sale, etc. So, in my opinion, if you don't want to be examined on this site as an owner or not then don't sell NSXs, cause if you do you will be "exposed" here on this site one way or another and even talked about but that isn't "smack" it's called corespondance and sometimes venting - and there are always two sides to every story. I for one don't know if anyone needs to chew anyone out as NH mentioned cause things like this usually occur because of a lack of communication.

Like I said I have nothing to retract in my comments - they were not hurtful to anyone. If that is supposed to be "private" info cause a member didn't advertise on Prime - then that is a mistake on the sellers part - info is offered up and other members many times aren't just mentioned with some back ground they are raked over the coals if something seems amiss or they seem to be unscrupulous and there are folks calling those types "out" left and right around here. That's just the way it is on a forum like this. And that is all I have to say to you or anyone else about that. So "chew" on that a while and maybe you'll start to get this site and what's happnin around here. And maybe if you think just a bit and ask a few questions before you start blasting someone for "whinning" you might not have to appologize to anyone.

SOoooo, to NH first of all, in my opiinion, after reading all the posts now - you should have contacted John on Monday to let him know what you were doing. If I was holding a car for you till Monday and I had someone with cash in hand waiting and I didn't hear from you and hadn't heard from you on Friday, Sat. or Sun. - it would be sold. Many times what happens is we don't communicate enough over the course of a deal and then something like this happens. I know what it's like to miss out on a deal - this was a damn good one in my opinon - and it's no wonder there was someone waiting for you to slip just a bit. Believe me I know the feeling - I waited a month on a deal that fell thru at the last hour - talk about being dissappointed - try hanging in the balance for a month on THE car. It was an NSX too and it was white - my favorite color but silver isn't bad either. It is tough having to lament over the should haves and could haves. I really feel for you. Something will come along though - it may be a good thing.

Now I've put down the stick Barque.....I believe this horse is now completely thrashed....:wink: PV no hard feelings - just have to speak up when someone calls me out.
Perhaps I shouldn't have been so abrasive, but I still think you're wrong Tim. Why name the seller and reveal information about him? Have you noticed that other members are careful not to expose too much personal information about sellers unless they've been ripped off and are looking for that person? I think it's common courtesy to treat personal information this way.

And although I feel for NSXR-NH, I'm sure he's learned a valuable lesson. He should have put down a deposit if he didn't want to lose out on such a good deal.
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Perhaps I shouldn't have been so abrasive, but I still think you're wrong Tim. Why name the seller and reveal information about him? Have you noticed that other members are careful not to expose too much personal information about sellers unless they've been ripped off and are looking for that person? I think it's common courtesy to treat personal information this way.

And although I feel for NSXR-NH, I'm sure he's learned a valuable lesson. He should have put down a deposit if he didn't want to lose out on such a good deal.

PVmike, I dont understand why you are still talking about this subject. When someone buys a limited production car as the NSX, The first place to look for information about the car and its past owners is NSXprime. The more information I get about the car and its past owers, it allows me to make a better decision on wheather to purchase the car or if its even legit (33K for a GPW 2000 NSXT with 45k miles?). Wheather the information is personal or not it helps in the decision making. John himself told me that he is a well known prime member and i could come on here and ask fellow prime members about him. So what is the problem? I had a couple prime members contact me about my old NSX asking about its history and ownership. I was glad to tell them everything i knew. Isnt that what where here for? To help each other?

I also spoke with John on the phone for about 20 minutes just getting to know each other and talk about cars. He told me the story behind the car and it seemed to match what i read about on prime. John told me that he use to own 5 NSXs and usually has two of them at a time. He also said he had family up here in MA and that he convinced his son to buy a silver 2000 NSX.

I guess I could have offered to give him a deposit but I wasnt asked to. I would have defianatley sent him one, But he could have disappeared like he did now and also how do you know he would have accepted a deposit? I thought the verbal agreement we had should have been good enough. Thats how it was with my last purchase. He would have had the cash in a few days. That itself would have been safer for both parties. The car was also sold before the timeline he gave me. I still havent received a single word from John on what happenned. Did he sell it to someone else? did he decide to keep the car? I dont have any hatred or bad feelings torwards John he seemed like a decent guy when I spoke with him . It would be nice to know what happened.
Perhaps I shouldn't have been so abrasive, but I still think you're wrong Tim. Why name the seller and reveal information about him? Have you noticed that other members are careful not to expose too much personal information about sellers unless they've been ripped off and are looking for that person? I think it's common courtesy to treat personal information this way.

And although I feel for NSXR-NH, I'm sure he's learned a valuable lesson. He should have put down a deposit if he didn't want to lose out on such a good deal.

You know Mike, you probably have a point but I think that you're being just a bit sensitive for the owner of this white one - John. John's a big boy and he knows there is scrutiny waiting for all of us. Me included.

I could be less open about what others share with me - but I saw NH kind of standing there with no closure. I don't know his situation exactly cause I didn't listen to all the conversations. I believe that there was a communication issue as I've said. I don't understand anyone just not communicating and you know what - if you were in NH's exact situation - even if you thought or realized you should have done a little better communicating to be totally cut off from understanding what happened without so much as a friendly response from an individual you THOUGHT you had a decent rapor with - well it's a bit perplexing to say the least and unerving and would at least cause one to be confused. I really felt for NH and I really empathised with him - so I told him somethings about John that I felt might help give him some closure. I wish someone would give me a little closure on my relationship with John.

If that is "too" private - then I'm sorry but on the other hand - that's just too bad. I still say although I gave out some "private" information - it was not giving away any big deal "personal" or hurtful information. I would have done the same for you if I could. You see my take on things like this is - I'm an open book - maybe to my own detrement sometimes but you konw what - it hasn't really ever hurt me, I mean really hurt me. Maybe I've had my feelings hurt but hey we all get over that now don't we. We are mature individuals on this site - well for the most part - and I think ole John can take care of himself. I surely wouldn't worry too much about John. He's doing fine - he lives his life to suite himself and in the future if anyone has to deal with him if he ever sells his beautiful 05 I suggest you make sure on no uncertain terms exactly what the terms of your deal is or you may suffer the same outcome as NH. And at the end of the trail and in summation - that's all I said. Anyone can find out whatever they need to about me - I have nothing to hide and if anyone wants to know something - they can expect to get the full story from me. I have a tendency to expect the same from others - I don't always get it and that's something I have to live with - right!

Over and out - if you feel you'd like to PM me that's fine. If you want to reply to this here - fine - but I have said my last at this point on this subject here on this thread. :smile:


A 2000 white/black NSX with 45k miles for 33k, clean title. Deals like this don't come around every day. I guarantee you someone who knew not to dick around showed up with cash. What do you think any seller would say, "No thank you, I'm waiting for Joe Blow to get a loan because I promised him?" I feel for you, but it's your bad. Don't hesitate next time, or ask the seller to take a deposit so he has a legal obligation to hold it for you.


You're talking about closure for NSXR-NH. It's a car purchase, not a divorce. If you yourself need closure from the seller, please contact him outside of this thread.

And if you're having trouble discerning what is and isn't private, I think a good rule of thumb is to reveal only what the individual himself has revealed online. Not everyone's screen name is first initial, last name.

I'm out, guys.

If you consider me not having 33K cash laying around to buy the car then I guess I was dicking around. After talking to John, I took the following day off of work to get a loan and it took less then two bussiness days to get the loan. Maybe I should have stopped dicking around or I would be rolling in an NSX right now.

What im trying to say is John and I had an agreement . He did not stand by his word. You dont go telling someone that your going to sell them the car and go selling it to someone else before the deadline. That is shady as hell. Especially after I finalized the loan. I would think people in the NSX community would have more class then to do something like that. I dont care if someone showed up with cash. Its not like the cash wouldnt be there if the deal fell through.

When I sold my 97 NSX, I agreed to sell it to a guy from NY. He was suppose to come look at it over the weekend. During that week I got a higher offer from another guy from CA. I told him to hold off until he heard back from me and that he was second on the list. I did not ask anyone for a deposit, I just gave each person a timeline. Well the guy from NY ended up buying the car. I lost a few thousand dollars on that deal but I knew I did the right thing. I guess we all have different morals. Anyways the guy I sold it to ended up selling it the following year to the guy in Cali.

Im done..



A 2000 white/black NSX with 45k miles for 33k, clean title. Deals like this don't come around every day. I guarantee you someone who knew not to dick around showed up with cash. What do you think any seller would say, "No thank you, I'm waiting for Joe Blow to get a loan because I promised him?" I feel for you, but it's your bad. Don't hesitate next time, or ask the seller to take a deposit so he has a legal obligation to hold it for you.


You're talking about closure for NSXR-NH. It's a car purchase, not a divorce. If you yourself need closure from the seller, please contact him outside of this thread.

And if you're having trouble discerning what is and isn't private, I think a good rule of thumb is to reveal only what the individual himself has revealed online. Not everyone's screen name is first initial, last name.

I'm out, guys.
Wow, this kinda went down in a bad way since I looked at it last. I caught up on all the posts and have to say I feel bad for everyone involved in the deal. Even the actual buyer of the car.

PV seems really sensative for some reason. He may be the actual purchaser of the car for all we know. Or he is friends with the seller. In any case when emotions run deep logic fails and fights break out. Whatever the case, and I hope to be friendly with EVERYONE on prime, take a deep breath before posting. All of this would have gone down much easier with no emotion.

NSXR - Im sorry you lost the deal. Sounds like you did everything you could have to get the car, and that you had a verbal agreement in place. Think of it this way though, if you got this car youd have 7k in maint. to do. Maybe this will force you into a better car with less headaches. You might be mad now, but I have an inate feeling that its a blessing in disguise. IM guessing that John got the car for 34 and found out its a mess and wanted to dump it... im glad you didnt get dumped on.

Bromley - As I read your posts I saw nothing wrong whatsoever. This place was created for open discussion. Freedom of speech and all. Its not like you disclosed anything private like his medical condition or embarassing facts of his family. We discussed an NSX, and last Ive looked that is the basic idea of prime. I hope you didnt let that discourage you from speaking up in the future... anything that stifles freedom of speech is a crime IMHO. Also, as I was reading what you wrote I was thinking to myself, "thats exactly how I would have said it".

NSXR - please keep us in the loop while you find the next NSX you are going to buy.


Thanks for the kind words I sincerely appreciate it. Hadn't thought that PV might be the new owner - funny. He did say he talked to John - wonder what about???? Interesting. I will not say what I'm thinking if this is the case. We can all interpelate that from some of my past posts....:biggrin:

Otherwise, I too enjoy friendship here on Prime and hope to be fostering that as well. Oh, and never fear that this might disuade me from posting - uuuummmm- that won't happen - not becuase of this slight altercation. I've got a pretty thick hide as you will discover. I like a good "tussle" every now and again....:wink: Cause I'm basically a happy go lucky kind of guy.
That makes me happy :biggrin:

Where did NSXNH go?? I hope he isnt too upset to ever use prime again



Thanks for the kind words I sincerely appreciate it. Hadn't thought that PV might be the new owner - funny. He did say he talked to John - wonder what about???? Interesting. I will not say what I'm thinking if this is the case. We can all interpelate that from some of my past posts....:biggrin:

Otherwise, I too enjoy friendship here on Prime and hope to be fostering that as well. Oh, and never fear that this might disuade me from posting - uuuummmm- that won't happen - not becuase of this slight altercation. I've got a pretty thick hide as you will discover. I like a good "tussle" every now and again....:wink: Cause I'm basically a happy go lucky kind of guy.
What? Is someone looking for me? lol..

no im not upset at anyone, Im just curious why PV keeps attacking me for no reason..

On a side note, Theres a silver NA1 with 82K miles that just popped up forsale here locally. Since it was only 20 miles away from me I had to go check it out. The dealer was asking $26800 for it but I talked him down to $22000. Even at that price I dont think it was worth it. The paint had deep sctraches on the front and rear bumpers and in some other areas. The inside looked worn out, wrong tire size, lip was held on with screws, left blinker looked like it was submerged in water, and supposidly the 3rd gear syncros were going bad. The thing was just a mess. The dealer wouldnt let me test drive it unless i put down a deposit so I just walked away. I wasnt planning on buying it anyways but I had to go take a look.

That makes me happy

Where did NSXNH go?? I hope he isnt too upset to ever use prime again


NH is still out there looking - never fear - he's just regrouping. He'll find the right one....he's lurking I'm sure!
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I assume you want to keep looking in the 33k range, I will keep my eye out for one and let you konw what I find. What color / config are you looking for?


That makes me happy

Where did NSXNH go?? I hope he isnt too upset to ever use prime again


NH is still out there looking - never fear - he's just regrouping. He'll find the right one....he's lurking I'm sure!
I assume you want to keep looking in the 33k range, I will keep my eye out for one and let you konw what I find. What color / config are you looking for?



I was just browsing until i saw that white one on sale for so cheap. I wasnt planning on getting one until summer time. I would like to get into another NA2if possible. It doesnt have to be a perfect one because I know im going to be driving the hell out of it.:biggrin:
Now that the dust has settled I didn't mean to kick off a fire storm with my question. But it shows the passion this group has and I definitely learned alot from the various posts.
NSXR-NH, I'm glad to read that you were very gentlemanly where you kept your word and still sold your car to the guy that you had first promised it to. However just because you are a generous enough guy to take a few thousand dollar loss and sell it to your first interested buyer, I think it is a bit naive to expect all other car sellers should do the same. Props to you though.

I recently was on the opposite side of the coin where a buyer pressured me into a "gentleman's agreement" to hold my Porsche Turbo for several days until he could come and buy the car. I ended up turning away 2 serious buyers that offered to buy my car at asking price, only in the end to get screwed by the original buyer who backed out and never returned my calls. Then I contacted the other 2 buyers who had made me offers, and they both told me they just bought a different Porsche Turbo because they thought mine was already spoken for, and that they would have preferred to have bought mine. It took me another month and a $2K lower price to eventually sell my car.

Trying to do the "gentlemanly thing" definitely opens you up to getting burned. Hopefully being "stand up" will result in some good karma for both of us, but in the future I can say that I will only hold a car with a cash deposit in hand.

Tbromley, I do appreciate all the extra information you and other members share regarding a car that's for sale, so I think the information you posted was appropriate and helpful. However I just found the timing of it to be a bit suspect as you posted John's personal information after it was already known that the car was sold. It kinda came across like everyone was trying to take out some revenge on John for selling the car to someone else. It may just be me, but that's how I took it.

It sounds like everyone had good intentions posting on this thread, and I think some of these comments will be helpful to someone reading it.

All the best :smile:

sorry for your lost, but i believe everything happens for a reason...

On that note...I just wanted to add...

Nh is truley a classy guy,

when i was in the process of buying my nsx ( still in the process) i sent him a quick email because i found out he was one of the previous owners. He replied instantly and was really helpful in providing information about the car. With what he told me, I was more confident about the car i was purchasing. :smile: . He is indeed a true gentlemen in the prime community!

NH, incase your wondering what happen to my purchase..
- after i did alot of research and read your email

The owner accepted my offer, and we had a verbal agreement. After a couple days, the owner sent me an email telling me there was other interest aswell and asked me what he should do. I immediately told him that i would leave him a deposit. He responded by telling me he would honor his word and indeed will take me up on my dep, with it being non refundable.

I left him a deposit..unfortunelty I am from Canada, and didnt have time to go get it ....

I have then gone on vacation for the whole month and still on the trip as i am replying to this thread...

The owner has been awesome in sending me updates on PPI and recall stuff while i am on holidays..... thanks paul! incase you are reading this.,..:tongue:

i will be coming back from holidays at the end of the month, and hopefully make a trip to pick it up early next month..

Everyone should honor thier word, because thats just the prime way of dealing!

Anyways.. i just wanted to say thankyou for your help, it was really nice of you...

i sent pms to other owners aswell, and no one responded:frown:, except for you!

Good luck with the purchase of your next nsx... maybe you will wanna buy the one that iam buying back!:biggrin:

