Anybody know a car transport trucker TX - CA? Cut out the middle broker.

Have you looked into Basically it's the ebay of shipping for cars, motorcycles and freight. I've had good results shipping bikes and large freight. You place an "ad" listing what you want to ship, from where to where. Then, truckers "bid" on doing the job for you. The bids get lower and lower and you can choose and haggle with whoever you want. There is a feedback system so you have some assurance of who you're dealing with. Pretty cool way of finding a good shipper at a good price. Good luck.

This is the site I used to find my transport company between Chicago and So Cal. Look on the right side and you can type in the origin and destination, places. Also, you can read if they are brokers or not. And then you can also read reviews by people who have used them. Worked for me.
just drive it dude! It takes about a day and its loads of fun...
I would like to buy my fiance doesn't want to and I don't have that much time.

then leave her at home lol :biggrin: I bought my NSX in houston and drove it back to LA... took me about 24 hours depending on where u are in TX....