Anybody else have sleep problems?

U know I had this problem for years. I tried everything. Then I resorted to drinking a few hours before bed. Works like a charm. I know this won't help you. It might not be healthy but how healthy are all those pills you taking.

Enter the unlikely hero – magnesium/calcium supplements. I have done a lot of reading about insomnia and magnesium deficiency was one of the things that kept popping up as a cause of insomnia. Since it is likely that I do have a magnesium deficiency I decided to buy 15 tablets and give it a try.

This stuff is magical. I stupidly took the first dose about 3 hours before my usual bedtime and within 30mins I was struggling to keep my eyes open, so now I take it just as I’m going to bed. This gives me time to read before entering the land of nod. I find I am falling asleep easier and staying asleep for longer. I still wake up during the night but now it is only once or twice rather than 5 or more times and I can fall back asleep. For the first time ever, I’m waking up before my alarm and feeling like I have some energy.

Scientific study on magnesium and insomnia:

Supplementation of magnesium appears to improve subjective and objective measures of insomnia in elderly people and may become a useful instrument in managing sleep disorders in the elderly, which could also be extended as a helpful aid to the general population.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the number of people that are reporting loss of sleep has been increasing since 2001. With sleep becoming such a problem many of my patients come in to ask for help with this, along with their other complaints. I have used magnesium as one of my principle minerals to restore health in patients with insomnia. I use it for patients who have had problems both getting to sleep and those that have difficultly staying asleep. One of the main reasons for insomnia has to do with anxiety or worry over problems that occur in daily life.
Alcohol may help you get to sleep, but it actually disturbs sleep patterns so you get less rest throughout the night.
I know this is about as low-tech as you get, I force myself to read a really super boring non-fiction book
Puts the brain into "I'd rather be asleep mode", works fairly well unless you like super boring non-fiction books

Been a "semi-short sleeper" since I was 16, ex-gf that was a neuropysch confirmed it
Same symptoms as others describe, brain never turns off.. just runs in "think about stuff" mode
Tried some prescriptions a few times, with really odd results, one pill actually wired me.. that sucked
I'll try that magnesium supplement and see what it does

Just a theory, that there is so much more visual information presented to us from various sources that our minds are addicted to it.
eye candy, info candy, nsx candy, etc...
I'll order magnesium and look for the brand of melatonin mentioned above today. Worth a shot. Basically knocked myself out last night. 100mg trazodone at 830, read from 8 to 9 (kindle of course) out at 9,wide awake at 2 for bathroom,50mg trazodone, asleep again at 230 up at 430 for bathroom and managed to fall back asleep for a couple more hours but feel pretty good this morning. Hate all these drugs though, hope the supplements work. I drink a lot of water during the day but don't drink much after dinner hoping I won't need the bathroom during the night but never works.

Can't really change up CrossFit schedule during the week because the only time there are classes when I'm not working is either 5:30am (and I'm too exhausted from lack of sleep) or 7:15pm. I do the 8am class on Saturday (VERY rough for me at that hour!)
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I tried melatonin for a few days. I took it several hours before bed. Still slept like crap and literally fell asleep with my head on my desk at work a couple days.
make sure you don't have a physical issue like sleep apnea.The problem with many holistic sleep aids as well as complex suppliments is that the act of oral digestion breaks the compounds apart rendering them great on paper but useless in the body.
My friend started taking sleeping pills woke up in the middle of the night drove his new truck into a wall walked 2 miles and woke up in his bed with all his cloths on covered in mud. Did not remember a thing. You couldn't pay me to take sleep medication.

That being said I did have issues sleeping. Mine were mostly stress induced. Cold sweats, waking up in the middle of the night not being able to get to sleep and stay asleep.

Things I did that solved my issues:

New memory foam mattress (Best $3k I have ever spent!)
I started eating better and exercising a few hrs before bed. (not heavy just taking the dog for long walks)
I stopped watching TV.
At work I transferred to another position less stress inducing.
Reevaluated some of my hobbies that were actually causing me stress.
make sure you don't have a physical issue like sleep apnea.The problem with many holistic sleep aids as well as complex suppliments is that the act of oral digestion breaks the compounds apart rendering them great on paper but useless in the body.

No worries. I took the melatonin rectally.

Maybe I should pay this guy a visit:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I'll order magnesium and look for the brand of melatonin mentioned above today. Worth a shot. Basically knocked myself out last night. 100mg trazodone at 830, read from 8 to 9 (kindle of course) out at 9,wide awake at 2 for bathroom,50mg trazodone, asleep again at 230 up at 430 for bathroom and managed to fall back asleep for a couple more hours but feel pretty good this morning. Hate all these drugs though, hope the supplements work. I drink a lot of water during the day but don't drink much after dinner hoping I won't need the bathroom during the night but never works.

Can't really change up CrossFit schedule during the week because the only time there are classes when I'm not working is either 5:30am (and I'm too exhausted from lack of sleep) or 7:15pm. I do the 8am class on Saturday (VERY rough for me at that hour!)

How much sleep are you trying to get? The 9 to 2 stint is five hours all by itself. If you had knocked off at midnight and up at five would you be tired all day? If not why not just get up when you wake up the first time. That's pretty much what I do cause when I wake up I'm wide awake, especially after five hours. If I sleep too much I feel groggy all day. I got six hours last night. I feel great. Going go fly a kite, seriously!

Did you get my pm?
another common problem with sleep deprived folks is they get into a vicious cycle of needing stimulents during the day which linger into the night..Caffeine is no joke.People don't realize they are caffeine addicted.So many drinks have caffeine in them.

- - - Updated - - -

No worries. I took the melatonin rectally.

Maybe I should pay this guy a visit:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> choice not withstanding ......rectal doseing for drugs not designed for it will give very unpredictable blood levels.
I did get your pms Steve and ryu, no time to respond yet, sorry. Yeah when i quit caffeine years ago I had withdrawal headaches for 3 days.

I'm a night owl. Bed around midnight, read until 1, up around 7 or 730. At least that would be my ideal choice :). Last night was catch up night from the lack of sleep the prior 2 days. But I feel human today and since I'm working from home today I'm going to hit the earlier 430 xfit class.
I too have problems sleeping and I do Crossfit 3x a week. For me I think it's because I'm so uncomfortable after my workouts that I can't sleep. It's not that I'm not tired enough (which I am), but my muscles either ache or so uncomfortable that it's difficult for me to sleep.
Hahaha Hapa, I hear you there. I'm OK after CrossFit.... until the following evening. Then the soreness kicks in. But usually doesn't affect me enough to mess up my sleep (at least any further than it's already messed up). I'm still sore today from the 90 wallball part of the WOD on Monday.
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I'll order magnesium and look for the brand of melatonin mentioned above today. Worth a shot.

Awesome, I'm very curious if it will help you. I would personally suggest trying the magnesium before taking melatonin, as I've felt groggy every time I've taken melatonin. I'd take 400mg (4 pills) before bed and go from there. You feel the sleepiness set in pretty quickly.

As a related note, my GF used to wake up in the middle of the night and think about all the things she had to do the next day, and it'd keep her up. After taking Mg, she doesn't do that anymore. If she wakes up, she doesn't have the anxiety related to waking up, and is able to fall back asleep pretty easily.
I can't seem to sleep at night....but day time, I have to fight myself to stay awake. When night time comes, I am wide awake again. Been that way for 3-4 months now.
Melatonin always gives me a headache when I wake up..... Ive had insomnia ever since high school almost 25 years ago and the only thing that has helped is benzo' also takes care of my anxiety issues but the downside is that the withdrawals are very unpleasant unless you can only take it every once in a while. And don't mix it with any opiates like pain killers etc... another weird downside is that my wife tells me about sleep walking around the house at night and talking gibberish lol
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watch you don't crap your pants
Score! Wife has 250mg magnesium in her vitamin bin.

What kind of Mg is it? There are many different types. The one I linked is very easy on the gut and has a high absorption rate. Too much of certain kinds can give you the runs.