Any suggestions on free anti-virus software downloads?

2 March 2003
San Francisco
Any suggestions on free downloads for free/shareware anti-virus software? I use Cablevision for my firewall but just purchased a new laptop that came with Norton. I really don't like Norton but I am using it until it expires.

Thanks in advance.

Avast for me too. Been using it for a few years now without issue. (knock on wood):wink:
Advast had been my free antivirus of choice, until I decided to try Avira as suggested to me elsewhere. On multiple similar sites Avira would pick up viruses much more frequently and faster than Avast did. Both are free but the only catch is that Avira pops up a window to buy the software once a day. It's a PITA, but to me it's worth it for superior virus protection.
Military = free McAfee

Aren't you retired military Doug?

No David. I was in the military and I am retired, but not from the military. Hope your information helps those retired military on Prime.