Refurbishment of the head unit is not a good option. Broadcast standards have changed and users require additional features such as Bluetooth. Refurbishment is a dead end, it needs to be remanufactured which is what we are/were doing.
We are close, but the last 10% takes the other 90% of effort and time. I had a personal confluence of events that sidelined me. Too bad COVID didn't last another year and it would be all done
Japan is just one big black box that doesn't respond. Honda, Alpine, and Nippon Seiki simply do not wish to deal with outsiders. And I have tried.
I can't even get Kenwood USA to respond to requests other than "NLA" and "NFI". I even got the insulting "did you try online?" a couple of times. I drove down to Kenwood and got nowhere with $100 bills. I've spent hours on the phone with the folks in Texas. I'm about ready to start cold-calling workers on LinkedIn and Facebook to see if I can get anywhere. (Anybody who knows how the migration from Irvine was handled, please DM me).
The trunk mat, car cover, and service mat should be able to be revived easily with the right information. Again, I don't even know who to contact. The service mat was made in the USA too and, yet, I can find nothing. (On a side note: Hrant and I reproduced the Ivory floor mats *perfectly*, I see them being resold as OEM. I lost my shirt on the deal. I was selling them at 75% of my actual cost and people were grumbling. My set of floor mats effectively cost me +$1500.)
I have several NSX head units that I have taken apart. It seems that Alpine lost its institutional knowledge and redid things. I might be asking for things that do not exist. It might be like Japanese homes that are built, not maintained, and then torn down after their useful life is over.
Ford, Chevy, and Mopar will license and their OEM's will give up specs on their parts. There are published Tier suppliers that will at least respond and be helpful. They also have not issue selling off their molds and production equipment once it becomes obsolete.
The trail is growing cold as all the production agreements were +35 years ago and production stopped 20 years ago. A lot of key players are dead or on their way out. The next five years will be crucial and there isn't anybody else rooting around as far as I can tell.
tl;dr my goal is to get the radio off the ground. It is a very promising project. And it can be done without support from the OEMs.