Any interest in Houston Bluebonnet drive ?

25 July 2004
Houston, TX
Looks like the bluebonnets are starting to bloom around Brenham area. Any interest on having a drive around the bluebonnet areas ?? Should be some nice photographic settings, along with some spirited driving .. :biggrin:

I'm thinking of Sunday, March 26 ... Any ideas ??

Cheers .. Gus
Either date is fine by me. I'm just throwing out a date to see what's most convenient for us to do the drive.

Cheers .. Gus
Wish I could make it, but I'll be in Marshall TX at a motorcycle rally.

Coming in from Wimberley last weekend, I-10 had a lot that were just blooming, so your timing is looking just right.
Lots of interest, but I've just been informed by my co-pilot that I'm attending a wedding Saturday and a brunch Sunday. Funny, I don't recall ever agreeing to that schedule. Amazing what you can learn you've agreed to.

I'd rather drive, in fact, I'd rather chew my own arm off than attend the wedding or brunch, but it's all about picking your battles. Maybe next time.
Drove around and looked for bluebonnets yesterday, looked like they're out in full bloom. Unfortunately the weather was quite bad yesterday, .. Here are some photos, the rest can be seen on this gallery.
Some of the roads are quite nice and empty, the only problem generally will be where to park the NSX, since the roads there are quite narrow. (I did not drive the NSX yesterday)

Cheers .. Gus



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Nice pictures, as always, Gus!

Has a date and time been finalized? If so, do you have a place (Brenham-area, I suppose) where we could meet?
Thanks, Ojas .. :-) ..
Looks like Saturday, March 25th is the preferred date.
We can meet in Brenham and then drive to the backroads from there. I think there's a Starbucks & Chili's by 290 and Hwy 36 where we can meet up. The parking lot is quite big there.

As for the Houston guys, we can meet at the parking lot of Randall's on Barker Cypress exit of 290.

Cheers .. Gus
Hey Guys. I will be joining up with you all hopefully, just not this go around. My NSX is being shipped to me from IL hopefully this coming week. I look forward to meeting up with everyone here in the Houston area.

We can meet at 9, then start heading to Brenham at 9:30 the latest, so we should be there by around 10:30.
Ojas, we can meet up there ,. and continue on to the backroads from Brenham.

Cheers .. Gus
This is not a very long drive .. so if we include lunch, etc .. I think we should be back to Houston around 3-4 in the afternoon at the latest.

Cheers .. Gus
A quick reminder, .. The gathering place for tomorrow morning is at Randall's parking lot on Barker Cypress exit on 290. The parking lot is behind the Shell gas station, I believe.

The planned meeting time is 9 AM and we'll start around 9:30.

Cheers .. Gus
I think between the 4 of us today, we took quite a lot of pictures. I have to convert mine to JPG first though. I think I got some interesting photos from the drive.
It was quite a pleasant drive, Ojas came down to Houston, but not in the NSX, so he was my passenger. Tony & co-Pilot made up the second car of the drive .. :biggrin:
The weather was really pleasant .. and the road was pretty much empty most of the time. We ended up having burgers at a 50-s style burger restaurant at Brenham airport.

Will post photos later on ..
Cheers .. Gus
I've had my NSX out with the Z Club of Houston group several years although I may take the S2000 this year. Love the top down motoring. Here's the info if anyone is interested.


Is the energetic, eclectic, exciting, electrifying, enigmatic

(I’ll wait while you run to the dictionary)


That’s right…it’s that time of the year again.

Time to take the Z out of storage, dust it off, gas it up and let’s go “stretch our springs” down some of Texas more picturesque roads.

Here are the rules of the day:

RULE #1…DO NOT PASS ME …I am your leader…except in one scenario.

If I am pulled over by the local constabulatory (a.k.a. – the police), keep driving right on by like you’ve never seen me before!


Other than that, stay behind me…even involving u-turns and other strange and unusual driving maneuvers ! (if you’ve ever been on one of my Bluebonnet Runs, you’ll know that I’m prone to do that)

RULE #2…When we pull over for one of our various and assorted stops along the way; and it is time to “hit the road” again, you do not have to get back in the same exact order in which you were in before…remember…we’re all going in the same direction (hopefully).

No cutting in line, no tailgating, drive courteous with your headlights on.

In other words…PLAY NICE !


9:00am (oh come on…it’s not THAT early)

Meet at the Academy Parking Lot on Hwy.290

( North of Baker-Jackson Nissan).

It’s almost on the corner of Hwy. 290 and FM 1960.

Come a little early so that you can walk over to La Madeline’s for a morning coffee/snack. We’ll be pulling out at 9:30am - SHARP !

We’ll be heading out on Hwy290 West towards Brenham.

This year, we’ll be having lunch at Purcell’s Country Style Buffet…a popular place that we’ve frequented during past B.B. Runs. What makes this most attractive is that it’s buffet style, reasonably priced, good parking lot and conveniently located for us, and our friends in the Austin, San Antonio, and Brazos Valley Clubs, who we hope will join us for lunch.

It’s always neat to meet some of the other Z Clubs.

After a great meal, what better way to finish up (other than dessert) than to get to kick some strange, new tires out in the parking lot afterwards.

Purcell’s is located just South of the intersection of 290 and 36, on the South Side of Brenham.

After a great lunch, we’ll cruise over to the Pleasant Hill Winery (which is located VERY closely to Purcell’s) for a tour of their facilities.

Than a leisurely cruise back home, down some “back roads” J.

We’ll probably wind up on I-10 and come back into Houston through Katy (note I say “probably”. Remember…part of the adventure is getting there and getting back ! If you’re unsure about this concept, go back to the top of this page and read rule #1 !

Having just returned from a long road trip myself, we drove through this area.

As predicted, the Bluebonnets are gonna be kind of “thin” this year due to lack of rainfall.


I’m sure that we’ll still have a lot of fun seeing what there is to see.

Bring your camera, take lots-o-pictures.

Hope to Zee you there !

David Morreale

If you get hopelessly lost, call me on my cell (which I hope to remember to bring) @:


If you can’t make it to the 9:30am “launch”, feel free to join us at any point along the way.

Driving a Z is suggested, but never a requirement !
ZClub of Houston having one this Saturday, March 31st.

I have finally gotten an evening off of work, and have finally thrown this thing here it goes...

The date is still the same...Saturday, March 31st...but as for the changes....

We'll be meeting at Champion Nissan out on I-10 West. It's out by Katy Mills Mall. Take the Pin Oak Road Exit
We'll be getting there any time after 9am, but we will be leaving (I repeat, LEAVING Champion Nissan at 10am !!!! If you can't make it by that time, I hope you can catch up .

We'll be heading West on I-10 and taking the Sealy Exit, where we'll head North on FM36 through Bellville.
We'll take a left on FM159 and going through the town of Industry and on into Fayetteville for our first (and most important) stop of the Orsak's Restaurant.
There is PLENTY of parking around the town square.
After Lunch, we'll stroll around a little...there are several neat little shops...and take a group photo in front of Orsak's.

We'll leave town, going North out of town on FM159, which T's into FM237 and go right into Warrenton, where we'll turn left and go to Ledbetter.
Here, we'll hang a right onto Hwy.290 and drive past the town of Brenham and turn North off of 290, onto FM1155 and into the quaint little town of Chappell Hill. We'll do a slow little cruize through town (there ain't much to it) and through the picturesque neighborhood.
What unique feature does the water tower have, here in Fayetteville? Don't know?...Well...I guess you'll have to see for yourself

We'll get back on FM1155 and go North for approximately 7.5 miles until it dead-ends, then we'll turn right (FM1155N) and travel 1.3 miles to Dillard Road. We'll turn left on Dillard Road and we'll be visiting the Chappell Hill Lavender Farm (on the right)

From here, we'll double back through Chappell Hill and turn left onto FM290 and from there it's pretty much a straight shot back into Houston.

Things to expect on this trip:
A fun day with your friends.
A delicious lunch.
Fun Roads.
Beautiful scenery.
A couple of photo stops.
At least one gas/potty stop.
our traditional club U turn (if you have to ask, you haven't been in the club long enough )

Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
How is the Orsak's restaurant? When Gus and I drove last year, we stopped at the Brenham airport at the 50's diner. It is a great stop for milkshakes and burgers.
Thanks for the details of the route.