Any computer gurus here?

16 October 2006
Johnson City, TN
My computer has developed a problem over the last three-four months in that internet explorer freezes several times a day. I found that it is related to an "application hang" but can't seem to find a SOLUTION to it. It's been worsening lately to the point where it freezes a few times an hour at time. No viruses/spyware turn up, so does anyone here know what to do? I am not changing to mozilla or anything, and I unfortunately have no 'system reset points' stored. I also can't find any new programs that were installed just prior to this that might be the culprit....


Error 5/9/2009 12:12:19 PM Application Hang 1002 (101)

Is what i get.... :(
Not what you want to hear, but get a Mac....

I was a hard core PC user for 20+ year and switched to Mac last year and haven't looked back. The nice thing is that you can get Parallels Desktop and run Windows at the same time. My computer crashes, ah... never. And when a program crashes in Windows, I just select Force Quit and it shuts down that application without the whole operating system crashing and having to reboot. They really are that nice.
Did you look at the event viewer? Sometimes that helps, often times it does not.

It could be a hardware issue, RAM going bad, etc. See if you can run memtest on the PC and get any results.

Quite often the best thing to do is if you can eliminate the hardware causes, then reinstalling windows is best. I use Acronis True Image to back up my PCs and restore the image when it comes time.

Good luck.
I assume then your avatar is NOW refering to your PC...
Without more info I can just give you a few suggestions. I assume that it is only IE hanging, no other program.

First cleanup. There are many tools for this, these are FREE!!!

Fix any soft errors on your hard drive
run a windows disk check (requires a reboot)

Clean your junk files

Clean your registry

Disable all IE add-ons (Java, adobe, 3rd party toolbars)
From the IE menubar
Tools -> Internet options -> Programs tab -> Manage addons
Disable all then turn them on one at a time.
reinstall the problem one if it is needed

Set IE back to installation defaults
From the IE menubar
Tools -> Internet options -> advanced tab -> Reset (button)

Don't know what version of IE you're using. Upgrade to 7 or 8.

A REPAIR reinstall of Windows. It will not affect your data or settings. Takes about 30mins to 1 hour depending on speed of your PC.
+1 for turning off ie addons. That is usually what causes issues like that. Once in a while i go through all my computers and disable things i dont recognize or need
ckjinNo i'm not getting error messages, it's locking the browser. The message is from the "event viewer" function. Can't use mozilla etc b/c some of the programs I use at school won't work right (i have no idea why) and as for my deleting anything I don't recognize.... yeeeaaaaaa.... I doubt my laptop would ever START again... (computer illiterate here.)
yep, no easy way to diagnose a problem like this, even for an expert sitting in front of the pc. an expert on the internet just guessing from the info provided is doing nothing more than providing some basic best practice ideas, but there is no way to give you a real answer.

if it started happening after installing something you may want to try to uninstall it or going back to an earlier restore point (google it).
You're not giving us much info to go on to aid in troubleshooting.

- What version of Windows? (XP, Vista, etc.)

- What version of Internet Explorer?

- Are you current on Service Packs?

- When was the last time you ran Windows Update or Microsoft Update?

- Other than Google, a good place to begin searching for info about various Windows event ids is

But without the above, it's hard to diagnose and fix problems like this.
Not what you want to hear, but get a Mac....

I was a hard core PC user for 20+ year and switched to Mac last year and haven't looked back. The nice thing is that you can get Parallels Desktop and run Windows at the same time. My computer crashes, ah... never. And when a program crashes in Windows, I just select Force Quit and it shuts down that application without the whole operating system crashing and having to reboot. They really are that nice.

Macs crash too... our graphics designers mac crashed ALL the time. That is not a solution.

theman1990 -- are you running IE 8 yet?
My IE hangs 50% of the time with no virus. I went with Mozilla, and no issue with Mozilla.
im a firefox fan myself but as he stated some sites/programs won't properly work with it. i had the same problem with a previous job as our main distributor's site would not work with firefox and i was forced to use IE(just for that one site) blechh.

as for the op, just save what you need and do a fresh install. i like to do it anyways every year or so as even with reg cleaners and all the other whatnot its nice to have a fresh start.
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Macs crash too... our graphics designers mac crashed ALL the time. That is not a solution.

theman1990 -- are you running IE 8 yet?

You're right, for his problem, it's not a solution. He needs IE, and IE for Mac is no longer available since 2006(it was IE5 btw).

TheMan, try reinstalling/upgrading IE, if that doesn't work, your best bet is backing up your harddrive and reinstalling Windows.

In any other case, I too would recommend a Mac.

BTW, IE sucks. ;)
You're right, for his problem, it's not a solution. He needs IE, and IE for Mac is no longer available since 2006(it was IE5 btw).

TheMan, try reinstalling/upgrading IE, if that doesn't work, your best bet is backing up your harddrive and reinstalling Windows.

In any other case, I too would recommend a Mac.

BTW, IE sucks. ;)

IE 8 is actually pretty nice. I use it and FF 50/50.