Another Tampa area meet/brunch/cruise?

30 January 2005
Sarasota, FL
As of 2/19


Roll Call as of 2-16-06:

* Tentative or has not RSVP'ed since the date change

*Joe Gliksman +1 (+1 S2000+1) = showoff JK
Brookland NSX



We did this last summer and it was great but it was also hot as hell with recently flooded roads and whatnot taking a bit of the shine off the event. At the time, there was talk of doing it again in the winter.

I'm not really the organizing type (plus I live an hour south of Tampa) but I'd be there in a heartbeat if we could organize another get-together. Anyone else interested in doing this before the hot weather and rainy season are upon us?
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I am ready name the place and time.
Great time of year for a cruise with the top off. I'm in.

Oystercatcher's, next to the Grand Hyatt in Tampa, has a nice Sunday brunch on the water for $35, and plenty of paved parking.
I'd love to come over from Orlando. I probably cant do the weekend, but if on a Sunday and it works with my schedule count me in. :biggrin:

Count me in. I have crossed over to the other side, sorta. My son and I are doing a frame off resto on a 66 Corvette coupe. We just sent the body to a new paint shop in Tampa and now that I am not so focused, I would love to get together for brunch etc. Jerry
I'll plan another one with Robert. We had 15 NSX and 13 S2000 at the last gathering. You guys loved the roads we drove. Pics here:

I joined the S2K group a few weeks ago in the Dade City area. The roads were great, no traffic and no police. If you guys want to meet up there, I can get the ball rolling. Give me a day/date to work with.

I think this is a great idea. We just need to see who wants in for a lunch, or drive or both, where we want to go as far as the drive is concerned and and a location to meet and end. The course Todd is describing is fantastic but it is out of the way. The Brunch ideas sounds good but to take advantage of the EXCELLENT course we have found up in Dade City we would need to meet in the morning, Drive and then end in the early afternoon at a central location for those driving to this event.

To take advantage of that course we would want to meet out there at some time in the morning and then, depending on who is coming from where, (orlando, tampa etc etc) plan the course to take us to some central location as an ending spot. I will check my schedule as far as meets are concerned (I recently got promoted to Community Organizer over at and we can start planning ASAP. Lets start the fun right now by having everyone who is interested in attending start chiming in with info formatted like so:

Name: please designate +1 or not if attending the brunch
Want to attend: (Brunch/Drive/both)

Me first:)

PrimoGen (RoB)
Largo, FL

More to come soon. Are the S guys allowed to come out and play??? :)
Great guys and gals, another drive we're aplanning. Good to see everyone attending especially Joe, Todd, Sinbad, Scott, Oster, Rich and we always welcome a super nice Basch Boosted NSX.

Rob we will need to top the last drive. Dade City here we come!
The S2K guys are 1st class and drive real good too!

How does February 19 or the 26th sound? If we choose the 19th better for JCarlton to attend me. Big track event on the 25th for the 2NR Werks crew.
So 19th is good for me.

Todd +1
18th is a huge poker party for the S2k guys so it will be a late night and hard to organize for the 19th (you dont want a bunch of hung over, tired S drivers out on the road.)

I am pushing for the 26th since it will afford a little more planning and room to manuever if something goes wrong with reservations etc etc

I am in for either date but the 26th seems mo better :)
Hey guys I might be able to go on the 26th, but the 19th is better for me.
Let us know the definite date. I'll try to get Nabil to come over also.

Fla Nsx Fixer (Oster)
Okay, I'm going to try to make it to my first outing...

Todd, Rob, Tentatively count me in.
