Another taillight removal thread... or is it?

18 March 2005
Houston, TX

Trying to get me LED's installed. Removing the taillight is taking a lot of time. Looks like one bolts has broken free from the assembly. I can't take the nut off. Any ideas?

Tried pliers and etc. Not enough room for a vice grip.

Also once all the nuts have been remove and connectors disconnected. I am having a hard time removing the taillight from the body side of the car. Seems to be a big chunk of foam thats stopping it from coming out.

Its not foam its rubber,, the best way I have found to take it off is a little bump,,inside the trunk hit the three screws near the fender first, dont hit it like you would a nail.hammer,, just a hard bump,,, remember you have to get past that piece of rubber, try and wiggle the part of the lens closes to the fender first,, the rest will come out easy,, once you see how they come out the next time will take you 2 seconds,, and as for the one nut that will not come out,, it sounds like it broke free from the lens, age kills plastic, so ignore it during remove of the lens as its probably not even connected anymore,, I had the same prob, so my lens is missing one nut and bolt its doesnt leak or anything,, OH yea when screwing them back up dont torque them down,, since one bolt has brittled off the plastic, just snug them with the 8mm socket,, and your good
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Thanks for the tip. The bolt broke free clean. Lol. Wasted hours trying to get that nut off when I didn't need to.

Still have problems getting the lights out though.

I appears to be foam... i'm assuming that's what's holding the far side of the lights in tack.


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Your right its foam,, but its black and i thought it was rubber never really looked hard at it,, yea thats whats stopping you,, if you pull hard enough it will come out clean,, when you put the light back in you need to use a butterknife to push that ( foam ) back in,
It's off.... and it's back on... Thanks for your help!



Looks outstanding...but is it LEGAL?
How do the signal lamps function? Does just a portion of a side blink or does the entire lamp flash?
A portion of the signal markers flash, with a design matching the parking/brake lights.

How do the signal lamps function? Does just a portion of a side blink or does the entire lamp flash?

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Is that the red or orange LED's? Can you take another shot with the brake light depressed and another with the turn signal flash?

Did the reverse lamps get white LED's? If so, can you take a photo of those lit as well?

To the person selling the LED kits - it would be really nice to see a before/after shot side by side just as a comparison. Photos sell products.
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Thanks for the idea. I will try to ask my next customer to do this for me.
To the person selling the LED kits - it would be really nice to see a before/after shot side by side just as a comparison. Photos sell products.

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