Another rip off for California Biz owners


Legendary Member
18 September 2005
Southern California
The bar behind my shop, and my competing hookah lounge down the street were cited for not having an Entertainment License because of weekend DJ and Karaoke. Out of curiosity, I did some research since I play sports and movies in my shop. The city of Huntington Beach requires business owners to get an entertainment license if there are "entertainment." So business owners will have to hire a lawyer, apply for the license, which will cost $5 to $12k depend on the size of the biz, meet with the city counsel for approval (which is not guaranteed even after you submit the application fee).

Pertty soon they will tax me for emitting carbon emission because of the cigars and hookah I sell in the name of Global Warming.
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How come your handle is BD now?

I think this license might have something more to do with complying with copyright law. They are probably making sure you are complying with a content owner's right to public performance.
California Law: Tax anything and everything! :mad:

BD: Blue Devils?

Smart man.

The Concord Blue Devils, and BullDog lounge (My biz name).

I talk to them about it, it was not about the copy right law. After couple of phone calls to the city, they realized I'm not a party central so they told me to go in and fill out some kind of examption form. My place never play music, just mostly Sats and DVDs. The bar next to me, actually two bars next to me will take their chances. They rather be cited occasionally than paying for the license.

I wonder what they are going to try next.
Thread title is misleading... it's not California, it's the city of Huntington Beach that's the problem.
Thread title is misleading... it's not California, it's the city of Huntington Beach that's the problem.

Actually, I just found out they have it in most of the cities in Orange County, LA county as well as Nor Cal, more specifically SF, Sacramento, Walnut Creek as well as San Jose. The cost of being a small biz is something like 50 times more than national average. No wonder all the big companies fled the state.

There is a California site with the listings.

I think it has been around for a while and due to the recession, they are policing more to get the revenue.
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Wow I can't believe that. People try to make money on this economy and get taxed for it. Maybe you should close down and go on unemployment because it looks like that is what Cali wants every one to do.
I wish, self employed is not eligible for unemployment benefit.

Time is tough right now in S. Cal. There is a very nice sports bar next to my shop and they often close before 10 when their official time is 1 am. People are not drinking either.
I wish, self employed is not eligible for unemployment benefit.

Time is tough right now in S. Cal. There is a very nice sports bar next to my shop and they often close before 10 when their official time is 1 am. People are not drinking either.

I'm set up as an scorp so I can lay myself off if need be according to EDD :eek:
You have to apply for a permit even if you just want to replace the toilet. it's all about license and permit LOL.That's HB.

You are absolutely right. I'm considering a new toilet for my shop once the lease is renewed and the permit fee is more than the