Another MAC virus

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
For those of you using macs, just a heads up.

The “Flashback” trojan virus affecting at least 600,000 Macs was discovered last week that is capable of intercepting passwords and other private data. The discovery prompted Apple to release a Java update for OS X users that removed a number of common variants of the virus. Securelist on Saturday found another Mac trojan that is also spread through Java exploits, however. The malware, called Backdoor.OSX.SabPub, can take screenshots of a user’s current session, execute commands on an infected machine and connect to a remote website to transmit the data. It is not clear how users get infected with the trojan, but because of the low number of instances and the trojan’s backdoor functionality, Securelist speculates that it is most likely used in targeted attacks, possibly launched through emails containing a URL pointing to two one of websites hosting the exploit.
Could this be the FIRST OSX virus? There's been several trojans before, and this one actually was a trojan at first. It required user input to infect a machine, but this latest version seems to take advantage of a java vulnerability.
According to wannabe hackers this virus was not targeted to Mac's and actually it had nothing to do with Mac. It was Java that didn't protect their system. The trojan is loaded then sits, when receiving the right trigger it changes and moves itself into other files. If it can not contact the (owner) sender it morphs again into another file and makes a 2nd attempt, it will follow this for several stages till it ends up just sitting idle and not able to do anything. The biggest thing coming out of this is PC users get to say "na na" you are just as bad. Mac users get to say, "ok thats one for us and.... 10's of thousands for you". I'll keep my Mac. :)
Also to add. The next trojan is LuckyCat. It is once again a Java trojan. The first virus effecting 650k Macs in the world had no reported loss of information or system data in the 3 weeks after it was reported. The latest is more of the same (yes a 2nd virus). The biggest virus scanning company's are pushing the news the hardest, why would they because they see green and a whole new market to make money on. JMHO