Another "impulse" purchase.......

28 March 2002
After being envious of The Don all these years and his ability to accumulate cars, I finally broke down and picked up another ride. I generally drive close to 40,000 miles per year so my cars tend to rack up higher than average mileage. This has resulted in my second "impulse" purchase in the Benz world.

I had over 250,000 miles on an S class in 2003 when I brought it in for servicing and a part was back ordered. While sitting in the service area I saw an E55 AMG being off loaded from a trailer and decided on the spot that it would "better" to drive that home than drive a loaner for a week while waiting for the part to come in. That impulse purchase resulted in 215,000 happy miles to date.

The AMG was in for servicing last Friday and I was told that the front right perch was cracked and a body shop needed to work on it. Of course Pbassjo was the only person I would consider so I called him and asked if I could bring it in at some point. While talking to him I saw a E350 4matic being offloaded at the dealership with a sports and premium package and, once again, decided that I could use a car while waiting for Joe to take a crack at the AMG so.........

Oops, I did it again...........




The only "problem" is that I hate the colors of the new New York license plates so I need to order a vanity plate immediately to get these tags off the car.
Good job RSO, you are starting to catch up. Now try to buy a car that isn't black.....:smile:
Very nice car Bob, I just picked up a SLK55 AMG myself. Perfect color choice by the way.
Bob have they told you that the custom plates will come in the blue and white ?

In order to get a blue and white plate you need to order one of the "specialty" plates such as a sports team, college, county or professional organization. I figure I will get a NYC plate that not only is blue and white but also has the rendering of the Brooklyn Bridge with the Trade Center in the background.
Very nice "E Class"......good luck with it. Well, at least you have one of the Metsie's colors on the plate; the important one that distinguishes it from that other team. :biggrin:
Those plates are FUGLY, they force you to pay up and get vanity plates, helps the budget deficit too!!!! The car looks great, wishing you many miles of trouble free driving!!!! I want a new toy too!!!:eek:
Bob self medicating again?:tongue: Best of luck with the new ride.
Not my fault your handwriting sucks. I thought when you wrote the script that it said "Take 2 Benz and call you in the morning".

You never could spell............

And you can't remember too well....i diagnosed you with the "benz" after your little diving accident, I can't help you with your missinterpretation.:eek:
And you can't remember too well....i diagnosed you with the "benz" after your little diving accident, I can't help you with your missinterpretation.:eek:

That's the last time I even consider an opinion from a film critic.

Note to self: always and only seek opinions of real doctors........
Look for me next year on lifetime cable in "the real doctors of Lackawanna county":wink:
Look for me next year on lifetime cable in "the real doctors of Lackawanna county":wink:
don't bet on it ... the Team;
Any procedure that may cause pain utilize "tranquilizers, analgesics, and anesthetics", with exceptions when "scientifically necessary". It is not defined "scientific necessity" or regulated specific scientific procedures; instead, approval or rejection of individual techniques in each federally-funded lab is determined on a case-by-case basis by a committee, which contains at least one doc, one scientist, one non-scientist, and one individual from outside the university.

Congrats on your new ride!

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