Annoying trend lately

that happened to me recently at a gas station…

guy: How do you like your nissan?

Me. It’s not a nissan, it’s a honda.

Guy: No it’s not. It’s a nissan.

Me. No. Sorry but it’s a honda.

Guy: Well, i know it’s a nissan.

then i thought, why am i having an argument with this bozo about the type of car i drive.:confused:

20mins ago, I heard:

"dude, what kinda car is that"

"um, I think it's an Acoora"

"yeah, a 3000GT"

"I always get confused by those"

Two college guys in a STI. :rolleyes:

The 'NSX' sticker on the door is too small. :tongue:
this summer i was going to see dark knight and when i wasleaving there was a bunch of college kids walking around the car (now granted i'm 30, i look 18, literally i do) and i hit the remote unlock and they see its me and my girl (at the time anyway) and they are like hey bra these things run what 300 grandish? I tell them no, new they were around 100 if you count dealer markup, they all were like man, this is my absolute favorite car EVAR!

Greatest thing that ever happend to me was when I went to vegas with it the first week of sept. Me and my buddy are cruising the strip during the day checking out all the casinos and this 60 year old homeless black guy walks up to me at a stop light and is like "MAN i saw this coming a mile away, the NSX was always my favorite car ever. All aluminum, mid engine, rear wheel drive, these things are what made ferrari and lambo step up their game in the 90's. THen he starts rattling off specs for the car. I was like GTFO this homeless guy knows everything about my car!. Then he says "if your rollin in this, you can definatly front a brother 5$ right? I looked at him and smiled and gave him a 20$. Then he gave me and my buddy VIP passes to that club "PURE" at ceasars palace. We thought they were fake or expired but we tried it anyhow. We rolled up and showed the passes to the door guy and he had the valet park the car in front of the front door to the club and had security watch it the entire time i was there. Was a great night.
I think the guy said this on purpose, but he said is that a Ford. I was like seriously..... i replied with as i'm opening the door to leave it's a Saab man! I was clucking to myself as i reversed and drove away..
Pulled up in front of my Mom's house a couple weeks ago and the guy and his wife across the street were out working on their yard. I saw the guy watching as I pulled up and as I got out he stopped working and shouted "is that the new one?". I said "Uh, the new one?" He came back "Yeah, the new one. The new Corvette." I smiled and replied "Oh. No, this is a Honda, a NSX, and it's 14 years old." "Hmmm" says he, "nice car, never seen one like that, but I guess I don't know much about cars". Conversation ended "thanks, yeah they didn't make too many". Gave me a chuckle all day. Tony
="MAN i saw this coming a mile away, the NSX was always my favorite car ever. All aluminum, mid engine, rear wheel drive, these things are what made ferrari and lambo step up their game in the 90's. THen he starts rattling off specs for the car. I was like GTFO this homeless guy knows everything about my car!. Then he says "if your rollin in this, you can definatly front a brother 5$ right? I looked at him and smiled and gave him a 20$.

i know all about your car, will you hook me up with a 20 as well? ill tell you even more about it
Man....I have never experienced anything other than Wow...beautiful car!!! I have seen people speed up on the hi-way and then see their girlfriends leaning out the window with a camera taking pics...more than once this type of thing has happened. I get people yelling things like "sweet ride man" and "awesome" etc.... Of course some folks have no idea what kind of car it is and I am only too happy to tell them it is a Acura/Honda. So I suppose I have yet to run into the jealous jackholes a lot of you guys are describing!!!
Wow, some very bold people out there. Most people who make comments about my car are very respectable. They might not know what it is but it doesn't take much brains to know the car is pretty uncommon and (probably) expensive.

I do like it when people come up and start telling me what they think the car is. I always just smile, and nod in agreement. "Yes, thats a Nissan. Yup, you're right, it is awd and yes, twin turbo. You really know your shit sir!". Eventually it usually dawns on them that I'm being sarcastic, but all in good fun.
My 3 year old daughter and I returned to my parked car to find a 14 year old guy taking pics. I smiled at him as I helped my daughter into her car seat and the kid smiles and starts to walk away. Then he comes back and says "that is the coolest looking Acura I have ever seen." How'd you make it look like this? I explained that it was a ltd prod. car called the NSX and told him a little bit about it. He just kept staring at it. I asked him if he wanted to sit in it. He grins as big a grin as you can imagine and says "really, you'd let me??" I say sure, so he hops into the driver's seat while I'm still on the other side with my daughter getting her situated and comfy in her chair. The kid just beamed.
Just tell him that "My japanese crap will run circles around whatever your driving and still get 30 MPG" :tongue:

If I said anything, I'd say:
"Ignorance is bliss" or "I've heard worse from better!"

BUT in reality, I would NOT say anything...
I have had (as (I am assuming) most North Americans on this forum) a number of different brand/style/origin vehicles and any person who stereotypes this overtly is not someone you want to get into a discussion with...wrestling with a pig...
My 3 year old daughter and I returned to my parked car to find a 14 year old guy taking pics. I smiled at him as I helped my daughter into her car seat and the kid smiles and starts to walk away. Then he comes back and says "that is the coolest looking Acura I have ever seen." How'd you make it look like this? I explained that it was a ltd prod. car called the NSX and told him a little bit about it. He just kept staring at it. I asked him if he wanted to sit in it. He grins as big a grin as you can imagine and says "really, you'd let me??" I say sure, so he hops into the driver's seat while I'm still on the other side with my daughter getting her situated and comfy in her chair. The kid just beamed.

Not sure I would let a teenager stranger sit in the drivers seat as I buckled in my 3 year old :eek:
Next time your in Kansas and the comment on "japanese crap" comes up again, let them know that the Japanese crap has taken over the U.S. auto market.
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What should have happened:

person: Is that your nissan outside?

Me: Its actually a Honda

Person: Same thing.

Me: No, not really.

person: yes, yes really, its all japanese crap.

Me: Isn't the Klan waiting for you somewhere?
This happened yesterday as I was sitting in the parking lot of a yacht club going to a dinner for the wife's work.
While sitting in the car overlooking lake St. Clair I hear a voice talking to someone else saying "Look how beautiful that car is"...seconds later there is a guy at my side window (introduced himself as Joe, offering a handshake) asking what year it was and if they are still making these etc... I told him the skinny about our cars and after saying again how beautiful the car was...his final words were "Who needs a Ferrari!!!!" :biggrin:
I went to get a chip fixed on the car last month at "the windshield shop" and when he was running the receipt they didnt have nsx in the system as a model for acura or honda. conversation follows

windshield shop: What is that again

Me: an NSX

windshield shop: Sure its not a prelude?

Me: yes, here's the keys, see.. NSX

windshield shop: Looks like a prelude, probably just has a bodykit

Me: No, its mid-engine, its rear wheel drive, its not a prelude, its an NSX

windshield shop: Well, probably just a prelude variant then.

Me: .......
i could never waste my time talking to people that retarded. I get Ferrari, Lambo, and Vette all the time but never nissan. Then again I did have a guy in a 80s pick up ask me if my car was an integra. I said yea and walked away. At least he guessed closer then most.
I went to get a chip fixed on the car last month at "the windshield shop" and when he was running the receipt they didnt have nsx in the system as a model for acura or honda. conversation follows

windshield shop: What is that again

Me: an NSX

windshield shop: Sure its not a prelude?

Me: yes, here's the keys, see.. NSX

windshield shop: Looks like a prelude, probably just has a bodykit

Me: No, its mid-engine, its rear wheel drive, its not a prelude, its an NSX

windshield shop: Well, probably just a prelude variant then.

Me: .......

:mad: Oh I would so love to sock that guy in the face and have him wake up out of dreamland. LoL. If by the second time he doesn't get it, I just won't say anything and leave him thinking whatever he thinks. At least I'll drive off knowing that the NSX is that much uncommon, to some or if not to a lot of people.