Announcement: 7/5 South Bay NSX Club Lunch Details


25 November 2000
You are coordially invited to be my guest for the July 5, 2003 NSX club lunch to be held at the San Jose Country Club, 15571 Alum Rock Ave., San Jose, CA 95127. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience so that I may get an accurate headcount. I will initially plan for a total party of 16 (due to the 7/4 holiday) but will be happy to extend that number if the RSVP count is higher. Please be advised that the Club dress code prohibits shorts, blue jeans, T-shirts, etc., but anything approximating business casual should be fine.

If you wish to participate in the scenic Mt. Hamilton run, please arrive at the Club parking lot between 9:30 & 10:00 and bring your club radio. Otherwise, you can just meet at the Club at 11:00.

The lunch menu will be as follows:

Hors D'Oeuvres:
Premium Canapes (smoked salmon mousse, smoked oysters, ham and asparagus, etc.);
Mini Crab Cakes; and
Spanakopita (spinach filled phyllo trianges).

Traditional Caesar; or
Spinach Salad (w/mushrooms, bacon, cheese, mustard, tarragon vinaigrette).

Tortellini or Ravioli with
Fresh tomato, basil, and garlic sauce or Pesto Alfredo Sauce.

Iced Tea or Soft Drink.
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Thanks for the generous offer/invitation. I will not be able to attend due to the July 4th festivities. However, I want to join your August meet. What's the club radio about? It would be an honor to meet with fellow NSX enthusiasts. I'm sure there are many experts on the car that I can learn from.

Anyone can refer to a dent removal specialist? Some jackass kicked my car (low rear quarter panel). Wonder how much it's gonna cost.

The following is the headcount as of 6/24/03:

Confirmed RSVPs - 18
Maybe's - 4

A question arose a couple of times as to the cost of lunch, so to clarify, there will be no charge for lunch at this event. Max headcount will be restricted to about 20 or so, hence if you wish to attend, please RSVP sooner rather than later.
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That is a very generous offer that I wish I could go to but I will not be able to attend. If it isn't work, it is family functions that are keeping me away from joining all the fun. :mad: Hope you guys have a safe and fun 4th of July :)
finally got my nsx back yesterday......ready to rumble for next sat....thanks again for organizing, ted.

thanks for coming with me to check out the paint work, vytas.....

thanks to gary for checking other details.....
Hi Ted
Did you already count me? (Honestly not sure if I formally signed up!)
My 16 yr old daughter will be visiting next w/end - she may come - that will likely be a last minute decision, you know how 16 yr olds can be!
So one definite & one maybe I guess.
I still don't have a firm commit from Gerry - he's still unsure of his schedule.
Yep, still on. I'm pretty sure I confirmed everyone who RSVPed via email. Try to arrive between 9:30 and 10:00 if you want to do the Mt. Hamilton hillclimb. Otherwise just meet at the club between 11:00-11:30. Lunch will be served starting promptly at noon. See you all there...
Ted, thanks for the great hospitality from you & your wife - very nice!
Some familiar faces & some not-so - good turn-out with a more family oriented theme this time (too bad mine didn't come!)
All-in-all a pleasant departure from the norm - sorry I missed teh drive in the morning.

p.s. Sorry to Greg - we kinda lost you, hope you made it back onto the freeway- too bad, we had a pleasant drive through Niles Canyon.
Thanks to Ted and Greta (?) (I think I have that right) for the nice lunch. Had a wonderful time. Sorry I misunderstood the "Club" meeting point as now that I have re-read the post, I understand "Club" meant San Jose Golf Club parking lot, not NSX club parking lot. Oh well, I got a chance to meet Steve and his new bride, Nancy.

Ken, and Joe took off like bats out of Hell. I got behind some traffic and lost sight of you. Ended up in some town and turned around to get back to Auto Mall Parkway. Didn't get lost, just lost you and Joe. The drive back was uneventful and traffic was not bad. Still had a great time.

Thanks to all for the pleasant company. I only took five pictures as the batteries in the camera were dead/dying.

To view the pictures, click the link --> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" BORDER="0"></A>
Thanks again Ted. It was loads of fun and it was a great opportunity to meet members (put faces to the usernames). Nice meeting all of you and Greg... thanks for keep Nancy and I company at the wrong meeting place.. :)


Thanks for planning such a nice event. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there the whole day, but something happened to me just after the drive started. I got really light-headed and dizzy. I thought I was going to pass out at one point so I had to pull off the road. It was best for me to just head home and recover. Heck, I felt so bad that I even let my wife drive the NSX home!

I figure it was a combination of my new medication (since my anyeurism), staying out late on July fourth, and the twisty roads. I hope it's more the former and less of the latter!

It was nice to meet you Jeff and Noah. Hopefully next time I'll have a little more staying power. And John, I look forward to seeing you next month.

Thanks again Ted, and I hope to see everyone at the Concorso Italiano on the 15th of August. I promise to feel better that day, after all, it's my birthday!
Ken, I'm glad you made it home ok and are feeling better. I'd also like to thank Ted and his wife for hosting such a fun event. As a recent NSX owner it was great to meet some new people with so much enthusiasm about their cars. I look forward to seeing you all again at future evevts.

first of all, thanks for ted and greta's excellent hosting at the SJ golf club....the drive was nice and relaxed with a few excitements along the way.....

ted, i totally agree that more club drives will be nice.

also, nice meeting most of you that attended....made new friends, saw new toys (nice child seat, doc) and had some great food.
Thanks Ted & wife,
this was my first meeting, and everyone is really nice :)
too bad I did not meet ChopsJazz (Ken), I hope you are getting better.
Nice to meet you all & looking forward to learn ways to "do it your self stuff" on maintenance & mods. So I hope you guys care to teach me lots of new stuff :)

Thanks to Steve who wants to share how to install HID kit on NSX. Anyone else interested?

I hope someone will let me seat on the passenger seat of an SC or turbo NSX on the next meeting.

It is nice to meet you all :)
insx said:
I hope someone will let me seat on the passenger seat of an SC or turbo NSX on the next meeting.

Nice to put another face to the 'Prime name, too!
Stay tuned for an upcoming event we're planning at Gerry's, maybe in 2 weeks - never mind, passenger seat, you might actually get to drive one!
thanks again for staying on top of this event, ken. i'm really looking forward to gerry's turbo setup.

by the way, anyone heard from chris? (ciaoboy) he mentioned about doing this turbo setup.....
by the way, does anyone have ken's contact info? (FSTR N U)
i borrowed his club radio last sat but he didn't return for lunch.

greatly appreciated if someone could give me his contact info (phone or email)

insx said:
I hope someone will let me seat on the passenger seat of an SC or turbo NSX on the next meeting.
And once again our host had the nerve to drive his OTHER car to the NSX lunch.
Setyo would have been able to check out the real Number 9 with Comptech supercharger in its full glory.:D
Otherwise, for the Chans, thank you so much for hosting such great event.