Amazing NSX Story (to me anyhow) Advice Needed

23 March 2005
Okay, I'm reposting this, since I couldn't edit the title to not say "EDIT IN PROGRESS" way to make my first post on NSXP.
I'll try to keep this brief, but it's a long story so bear with me.
I'll include cliff notes in the end, for those who don't want to keep with it.

I'm a 25 year old auto enthusiast, who happens to be enamored with VTEC cars, currently owning 2 of them. My first VTEC car was my 2001 Acura Integra GS-R, which I consequently still own, and a week ago to the day I added a 2005 RSX Type-S to that. In between the two, I also owned a Z28 Coupe, which solidified my love for VTEC cars, as I hated the 1 dimensional experience the Z28 had to offer. I feel somewhat differently about C5's, but still, high rpm corner carving is what brings me joy.

I am in the A/V sales business, and as humbly as I can say this, am fairly knowledgeable, almost to an alarming degree, when it comes to video, and pursuit of the perfect picture. As a by-product of this, my boss typically sends his well to do friends to me when they need something, because he knows they'll get pointed in the right direction, but I'll also calibrate their display, set up their audio, etc. myself.

Sunday, my boss informed me that his friend was coming to see me for a 62" DLP TV, a 32" LCD Flat Panel, and associated accessories, and I was going to go out to his place and tweak his TV's, set up his audio, etc.
I said "oh yeah? On my day off?" My boss then, knowing my weakness, said "Oh, he has an Acura NSX." I was sold. I just wanted a chance to get close to an NSX... which is my dream car. The gentleman comes in when he said he would, and we talk for awhile, and honestly build a rapport like I've never seen before. We chat away about all sorts of things, and I casually bait him with the "I heard you have an NSX, I'm an Acura fan myself." I mention my 2 Acura's, and begin to talk about NSX's, and he says "Man, I wish someone like you could own my car. That car needs someone who appreciates it." random banter ensues, he leaves, I made a new friend.

Monday rolls around, and I pull into his driveway, and see the classic look of the rear end of an NSX in the garage. "Today is a good day." I say to myself... but I'm all business. I calibrate his TV and audio, lay out where I want his contractors to run the cabling for his LCD, etc. When we're done, he asks if we can calibrate his sons TV. "Sure thing." I say, after all, at this point, the guy is my friend. "He just lives downtown." says my new friend, which in Indianapolis, downtown is only 15 minutes from anywhere. "We'll take the NSX."

FINALLY! My chance to ride in an NSX. Or so I thought. He tosses me the keys... and says "You can drive a stick, right?" I reply "You better believe it." and dumb-founded, I slide behind the wheel of the car that started it all. The last remaining japanese supercar. The first car with VTEC. The car that showed the world that the Japanese in fact COULD NOT do it like the Italians, but they COULD do it better. I acclimated myself to the controls, the shifter, the pedal feel of the clutch, adjusted the mirrors, and then we were off. I tipped into VTEC a couple of times, but never enough to excite me too much... but none of that really mattered to me. He mentioned that I was only the 6th person EVER to drive the car (I'm counting the test track run in Tochigi, at the NSX Factory, assuming only one driver did it)

After we got back to his place, I handed him the keys, thanked him heartily, and apologized for my quick departure, but I had another appointment on the other side of town in 20 minutes. He said "Why don't you keep the RSX here, and take the NSX out for awhile?" At first, I refused, saying I couldn't possibly, but he insisted. It should also be noted, that throughout all of our conversations regarding the car, he seemed to always come back to me eventually owning the car. He even (I assume jokingly) offered to carry the financing for me, when I said I didn't think it would be a cake walk financing a 15 year old car.

Before I departed, I asked him when I should return the car, because I'd likely be out for a couple hours. He said "Keep it overnight, bring it back sometime tomorrow." This is the guy who let a total of 3 people, excluding me drive his car in 15 years. I declined the offer to keep it overnight, because I just got divorced, and sold my house, and as such, am in an apartment without a garage. I told him I'd bring it back as soon as I finished my other appointment. He said "Nah, take it out, and pick up a girl, it'll make the car happy." I was beginning to feel guilty, but my boss warned me not to decline any offers he made me, as it could offend him, so I half giving in, half overcome with juvenile excitement took the keys back.

Monday night was like a dream come true. I put 130 miles on the car, driving everywhere, and anywhere it decided to take me. I pulled up to stoplights, reveling in the novelty of being "the guy in the supercar" that everyone gawked at. Boys pointed, gave thumbs up, girls craned their necks to get a closer look at the young guy in the exotic. I could just imagine the "Is that a Ferrari?" and the "What the hell kind of car is that?" being uttered everywhere I went... with the occasional "OMG AN ACURA NSX!" thrown in for good measure. (In Indianapolis, we don't see too many exotics, particularly not in March)

I brought the car back home around 11:30pm. I sat and talked with my new friend for an hour or so, chit chatted about the movies I had loaned him, to enjoy his new A/V setup, showed him some select "Eye/Ear Candy" scenes I have in memory, and before the night was over, it was very clear that I had unlimited access to his NSX... including a garage door opener, and a key. Not just any key either... the Monel key, which I had to correct him, from referring to as a Titanium key. (The 300ZX does, however have a titanium key)

Tuesday morning, around 11:30am, my cell phone woke me up. It was my new friend. Suddenly dread filled me... "Did I unknowingly scratch the car? Did I not do something right?" Quite the contrary... "Joe, it's Mike" he said "I thought since you were off today, you might want to take the car out for awhile." I respectfully declined, citing the glaringly obvious chance of rain, and overall gloom of the day. "Okay Joe, well anytime you want it, you know where it is." I hung up dumbfounded... this is really happening. I have unlimited access to my dream car.

Now here is where I begin to be bothered.
Why is a person who has never let anyone drive his car unsupervised suddenly let a person he's known for 3 days take out his pristine 25k mile 15 year old supercar?
I doubt it's the generous, but lonely old miser seeking companionship thing, because he's a very social guy, with a lot of friends. My boss mentioned that he was too nice for his own good, and was sometimes taken advantage of. I certainly don't want to do that. I'm not sure if I should feed the evil urges, and accept his offers to drive his car at my leisure, or not. What do you guys think? Am I wrong for doing that? What would you do in my position? Am I making this into a much bigger deal than it really is? I appreciate any advice you can offer.

Also, I want to do something nice in return.
I'm going to invest in a quality detail kit, and with the help of the FAQ's, and the "Search" function, take a day out of each week to give his car the attention it deserves. He's certainly not a bad owner, he takes above average care of the car with 90 day oil changes, routine maintenance, etc. but he is known to take the car to a wash bay, and blast it with the hose, dry it off, and call it clean. I'd like to TRULY care for this car, like it were my own... just because I have such admiration for it.

Do you guys have any recommendations on Detailing kits?
I was thinking of the kits, or one of Sal's kits from, I'm more familiar with Zaino, but definitely open to opinions.

as promised...
25yr old automotive enthusiast (me) meet super nice NSX owner
NSX owner gives me unlimited access to his car
I feel guilty for taking advantage of his generosity
I feel REALLY SUPER guilty for putting mileage on a 25k mile '91.
I seek advice of wiser members, more socially adept than myself

I appreciate the help, and opinions guys.

Dave Hardy's reply, from the original jacked up post.
Dave Hardy said:
Don't treat it as a daily, but if he's offering I'd be inclined to use it for special events. I wouldn't be comfortable with just taking it when I wanted to - I'd always have to ask just to make myself feel OK, but if he says yes I'd go for it. Maybe he just really enjoys seeing someone experience joy, that he's able to arrange. While not an NSX, I'm open to letting other folks drive my racecar for that - it's just nice to see somebody jump out of my car grinning ear to ear.
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Dave Hardy said:
Don't treat it as a daily, but if he's offering I'd be inclined to use it for special events. I wouldn't be comfortable with just taking it when I wanted to - I'd always have to ask just to make myself feel OK, but if he says yes I'd go for it. Maybe he just really enjoys seeing someone experience joy, that he's able to arrange. While not an NSX, I'm open to letting other folks drive my racecar for that - it's just nice to see somebody jump out of my car grinning ear to ear.
I wouldn't dream of treating it as a daily. Hell, I wouldn't treat it as a daily if I owned it... I'm just thinking it would be kind of cool for car events, show it off at track days (parked of course), occasionaly Saturday night cruising, etc.

btw, here's a terrible Camera Phone picture of the car at the dirtiest it's ever been...


  • NSX1.jpg
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Detailing the car is a nice gesture. If you are an experienced detailier, go for it. If you don't, maybe look into a pro job.

If I were you, I would sell what cars, etc you have and buy if from him. I think he feels guilty that he doesn't have the time or love for the car as others (like you) obviously have.

Is he interested in selling it to you? Are you going to own a home (and garage) in the near future? I would get the home before the car.

Sounds like he is either the nicest guy in the world or very lonely (or both).
Either way, it is great that you got to spend time with the car. I would have loved the opportunity back in the day.
That sounds like a great opportunity to enjoy a great car. But, I'm nervous about this relationship which lets you drive the car with nothing aside from a handshake (if that). What about insurance? I believe you have a sensible head on your shoulders, so talk to your new friend about accident contingency plans. This should relieve some stress you feel about driving his car, and it will remind your new friend what he needs to do to cover himself.
That is pretty generous for sure, but not unheard of. I got to drive some pretty cool cars when I was in highschool just for offering my detailing services.
Just be sure you have coverage adequate to cover the vehicle if something unfortunate happens. I am guessing you have decent insurance if you are financing the RSX, but then you didn't mention if you were or not.
Generosity is nice, but you want to make sure that if you bend it you can be responsible. (I don't know about your area, but in Texas insurance follows the car, not the driver- you as a driver would have the option of covering your own mistakes by using your policy, but otherwise it is your generous friends A$$.)
I am sure you are careful, but even the most careful drivers can become the victims of some of the uninsured morons that share our roads.
Lord knows when I am driving the NSX I am looking 3 times when I would normally look twice, it would break my heart to destroy it, but S--T happens. Trust me, I deal with the runoff everyday.

Just a little tip from your friendly neighborhood insurance investigator.

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I would be afraid of anything happening to the car if it were me. I probably would have taken him up on the first offer because it is super cool, but after that, I would rather not worry about wrecks, scratches, dings, etc. etc. to someone elses car - especially a NSX!
I wouldn't detail the car. The offer is a nice gesture, but... some people are very finicky about what they use on and in their cars. Also, all you need is for him to find some scratches or swirl marks on it, and blame you.

There are other things you can do to show your appreciation, that don't involve doing something TO his car. Take him and his wife out to dinner, or give him a gift certificate for a nice restaurant or a bookstore or Blockbuster, or buy him a membership in the NSX Club of America (if he's not already a member - you can PM me with his last name if you want to check), or buy him some sort of NSX memorabilia (you can buy him a gift card for NSXCA merchandise on the club's website), etc.
Gay crush? :eek: JUST KIDDING. He's probably just gets a lot of satisfaction seeing the happiness his car brings you.....or a gay crush. :biggrin:
A wet dream of Cable guy!!! Sorry, I have to :biggrin:

To me, it is a little bit too good to be true, and it's just kind of weird that he could count you are the 6th person, but giving how nice He seems to be, he could have let more people experience with the car... Maybe he already heard of you from your boss and know your personality/ driving habbits...etc?
More likely, he's probably having plan to sell the car, so, if you end up buying his, it'll be easy.. if not, he's making his new friend happy...

buy him a membership in the NSX Club of America (if he's not already a member - you can PM me with his last name if you want to check), or buy him some sort of NSX memorabilia (you can buy him a gift card for NSXCA merchandise on the club's website
Ken, this is hard-sell... :wink:
Now, help me "remember" filling out the form and fax it to you... (I'm not lying, I have the nsxca registration form over at my house, my parent's house, and my office, and I'm still not a member yet... :frown:
NSXDreamer2 said:
Ken, this is hard-sell... :wink:
Now, help me "remember" filling out the form and fax it to you... (I'm not lying, I have the nsxca registration form over at my house, my parent's house, and my office, and I'm still not a member yet... :frown:

Am I a member? I signed up a couple months ago. How can I tell?
nsxtasy said:
I wouldn't detail the car. The offer is a nice gesture, but... some people are very finicky about what they use on and in their cars. Also, all you need is for him to find some scratches or swirl marks on it, and blame you.
Ken, he said the owner doesn't do any detailing beside a light wash. So, I think anything done as far as waxing, buffing, etc would be appreciated, IMO.
Detailing NSX

Detailing a car is not that hard, but if you had never done it, I would suggest using a professional. Just washing it without using a two bucket method and approprate lambs mitt can and will leave swirl marks in the clearcoat. Drying the car without using MF, (microfiber) towels can also do damage. In other words, if in doubt, have it done. your gesture is nice, but there are things that you could do to the car that might require attention later.
I don't profess to be a detailer buff, but it took me many months of pure research just know what products to buy, not to mention how to use them. I think it's great he is willing to let you drive it, but as posted above, insurance is a must. I just finished detailing my NSX and it took two weeks on and off to complete the job properly. Now you don't have to go this far, but if you detail, then detail!
The link,(click here)

"Enjoy the dream for it is true."
caseycarson said:
Am I a member?

caseycarson said:
How can I tell?
I generally process any membership application within a couple of days of receiving it. (That means when you send it, if you fax or Paypal your membership; post office mail can take up to two weeks from the time you mail it for it to get to our post office box and then for me to get to our post office box, which I do about once a week).

I process the application by entering the information into the club's database. At that time, I send an e-mail confirmation with the club member number in it (assuming you've included your e-mail address on the application, which you did).

Larry Bastanza sends out the membership information packets (including your membership card, club by-laws, and usually, the most recent issue of the newsletter, if we haven't run out of copies) once a month, so it can take up to 4-6 weeks after you receive the e-mail confirmation before you receive the packet in the mail.

If you're ever not sure about your membership status, just send me a PM or an e-mail and I'll be happy to let you know.
Hello!! Okay...this is pretty cool. As one of the only other people you will talk to who has had something like this happen to them, I find it equally funny that I ALSO live in Indiana!! LOL!! :D

When I was only about 17 or 18 years old I worked at the Acura dealer washing cars and such. There was always a guy who came in with a low mileage '92 Sebring Silver/Onyx NSX that was terribly dirty. I would occasionally chat with him while he was getting his work order written up. Then one day he came in with the NSX to get some work done and he had no ride back to work. I kindly (and jokingly) offered him my '90 Honda Accord EX to take back to work and I would bring him his NSX all cleaned up when it was done (the car was FILTHY when it arrived). To my shock and surprise he said, 'Okay...sounds good. Just bring it by the house tonight,' so I did. To keep a long story short, after that day he would call me when the NSX needed cleaned or taken in for service. He was middle aged, family, normal guy, just really generous. Eventually he and his wife would just let me take ANY car they had and keep it for a while since they were not using it. Over the years they have become like parents to me, and a lot of times they introduce me as their 'oldest son' to people (they have 4 other kids as well).

During the years that they owned the NSX they pretty much gave me the car to use as my own daily driver vehicle as they promoted using cars (see where I get it), and knew that I liked the car and treated it with respect. I always kept the car clean, and I payed for all the services on my own since I was pretty much the only one driving the car at that point. By some odd twist of fate I had discovered a 'second set' of parents almost. It has been about 10 years now and they are still like family to me. I even get to pick out new cars for them, and do all the negotiating. There have been multiple occasions when I have received the call, 'Mitch...we are looking at a (Fill In Car Here), could you go find one, do the deal, and let me know how much to make the check out for,'...and so it is.

What I can suggest to you is this. You have been given a TREMENDOUS gift here. Make sure you DO NOT abuse your luck. Always respect the car, and remember that it is someone elses property. You only get one shot at this, so behave accordingly. The last thing you need is for someone to see you in a bright red NSX driving like a tool and calling the cars owner. Bad move! Until then, I do recommend discussing with the owner what would happen if an accident occurred. That way he knows you really do care, and are responsible. In Indiana it is the car owner who takes the hit if the car gets wrecked, so remember that. Until then.....maybe I will see you on the road. :D
Re: Detailing NSX

skyguy said:
Detailing a car is not that hard, but if you had never done it, I would suggest using a professional. Just washing it without using a two bucket method and approprate lambs mitt can and will leave swirl marks in the clearcoat. Drying the car without using MF, (microfiber) towels can also do damage. In other words, if in doubt, have it done. your gesture is nice, but there are things that you could do to the car that might require attention later.
I don't profess to be a detailer buff, but it took me many months of pure research just know what products to buy, not to mention how to use them. I think it's great he is willing to let you drive it, but as posted above, insurance is a must. I just finished detailing my NSX and it took two weeks on and off to complete the job properly. Now you don't have to go this far, but if you detail, then detail!

I like the way you think :smile:
Formula Milanesium said:
Now here is where I begin to be bothered.
Why is a person who has never let anyone drive his car unsupervised suddenly let a person he's known for 3 days take out his pristine 25k mile 15 year old supercar?
...What do you guys think? Am I wrong for doing that? What would you do in my position? Am I making this into a much bigger deal than it really is? I appreciate any advice you can offer.

Instead of asking the Internet, ask him. You will get the answers to your questions, and figure out what the deal is rather than here where it's anyone's guess.
To address some of the above issues, in Indiana, insurance follows the car, if I'm not mistaken. Either way, we're both very adequately insured (I actually checked his glovebox for insurance, and registration info, to make sure everything was current, also checked plates to make sure they were current)

I can certainly understand the concerns about me being an inexperienced detailer, however I have owned Acura's for 4 years, and a red one at that. My car was often referred to as "the zaino whore" because it was ALWAYS sporting a fresh coat of Zaino. (I went through a painful addiction to Z2-Z5 combo's, mixed with a slight Gloss Enhancer Spray problem, as well)

That said, I'm certainly not a professional, but I know enough about detailing a car to not harm it. I used to check for swirls at night with a fluorescent light, so swirling and scratching won't be an issue. I intended to order the appropriate materials for the job today, but wanted to do a bit more research first. When I mentioned to him on the phone today that I wanted to show my appreciation, by giving the car a proper bath on Monday, he exclaimed "I'll help as much as I can!" so he seemed pretty excited about it. I'm wondering if maybe he's not just excited that someone is loving his car like he wants to.

this guy said:
If I were you, I would sell what cars, etc you have and buy if from him. I think he feels guilty that he doesn't have the time or love for the car as others (like you) obviously have.

Is he interested in selling it to you? Are you going to own a home (and garage) in the near future? I would get the home before the car.
I think you might be right. I'm going to discuss the issue with him tonight, to make sure he is 100% percent comfortable with the situation, and discuss the issues of being pulled over, getting into an accident, having a run-away shopping cart hit the car, etc.

Is he interested in selling it to me?
He was asking me what sort of sports car would make a good replacement for the NSX. I suggested a Lexus SC430, as he already owns Lexus cars, loves them, and would like something a bit more refined, while still being sleek looking. Also, he asked what I thought the car was worth on the market, and what it was worth to me. He has dropped several hints about me buying the car.

I have no intentions of buying another house anytime soon, as honestly, I truly enjoy apartment life. I owned 2 homes, until very recently, and sold one. I still keep one as a rental property, because it generates positive cash flow, and honestly, I could afford to keep it, even if it were vacant for 6-12 months. I really dislike having a house right now. I have lived in houses my whole life, and the 0 maintenance apartment life is very appealing. So is moving whenever I want, and not being tied to this city, if opportunity knocks.

I can, however get a garage in my apartment complex, for a mere $60 a month. Small price to pay for a place to store an NSX, if it were to come to that. I will cross the "Buy an NSX" bridge when I reach it though.

Maybe he already heard of you from your boss and know your personality/ driving habbits...etc?
More likely, he's probably having plan to sell the car, so, if you end up buying his, it'll be easy.. if not, he's making his new friend happy...
I'm sure my boss told him a lot about me, because my boss really likes me. I don't know, I may decline to take it out much anymore, because I just feel like I'm taking advantage of a situation, and putting miles on a soon to be classic collectors car, but I do want to be involved in maintaining it. I have already printed him off several things that we could do to the car to improve it's current condition (drivers left bolster wear, etc.) and will present him with a packet of useful information about his car on Monday. He truly knows nothing about the car, besides the fact that it's an NSX, and it's fast, looks sexy, and handles well.

I think if he were to attempt to sell it to me, it would be WELL below market value, because I immediately dismissed the idea of adding a 15 year old $30-$35k exotic car to my collection. He seemed to gawk when I told him it was worth more than $30k, like he expected it to be worth $16k or something. If he does decide to sell it, and I decide not to buy it, I think I will try to broker a deal with an NSX enthusiast who is simply unable to attain his dream of purchasing a quality specimen. Then again, I'd have to make sure they were prepared to maintain the car also, but it isn't nearly so bad as many other cars. Again, I'll cross the "NSX for sale" bridge when I near it.

Detailing a car is not that hard, but if you had never done it, I would suggest using a professional. Just washing it without using a two bucket method and approprate lambs mitt can and will leave swirl marks in the clearcoat. Drying the car without using MF, (microfiber) towels can also do damage. In other words, if in doubt, have it done. your gesture is nice, but there are things that you could do to the car that might require attention later.
I don't profess to be a detailer buff, but it took me many months of pure research just know what products to buy, not to mention how to use them. I think it's great he is willing to let you drive it, but as posted above, insurance is a must. I just finished detailing my NSX and it took two weeks on and off to complete the job properly. Now you don't have to go this far, but if you detail, then detail!
Maybe if it were my car, I'd be inclined to do a detail job like that... but I'm really not prepared to undertake something of that magnitude. I would much rather try that on my own car first, so if I mess up, I am liable for my own actions, and consequences, not his irreplaceable NSX.

I'm planning something more along the lines of:
Clay Bar (very experienced with this)
Basic Zaino Bath, followed by a 3-5 coat Z2/Z5 combination, with Gloss Enhancer spray mixed in where appropriate. (I've probably spent 70-100 hours applying Zaino to a red Acura... just one that I had to reach higher on, to get the top)
Leaf Blower Dry, with the 220mph electric leafblower, and then a basic Lexol bath on the inside (utilizing the FAQ's leather or vinyl section, and believe me, I'm reading everything I can about detailing NSX's when I have time.)

I honestly feel like this cars stepdad. I feel a bond to it. Very weird, no?
I'm still leaning towards not driving it alone anymore, just to feel less evil.

What I can suggest to you is this. You have been given a TREMENDOUS gift here. Make sure you DO NOT abuse your luck. Always respect the car, and remember that it is someone elses property. You only get one shot at this, so behave accordingly. The last thing you need is for someone to see you in a bright red NSX driving like a tool and calling the cars owner. Bad move! Until then, I do recommend discussing with the owner what would happen if an accident occurred. That way he knows you really do care, and are responsible. In Indiana it is the car owner who takes the hit if the car gets wrecked, so remember that. Until then.....maybe I will see you on the road.
Don't take this the wrong way, because it's not meant as a stab at the NSX, but you won't catch me driving the NSX like an idiot, because truthfully, it isn't that exciting to me. It isn't all that fast (relative to many of my friends cars) and it does handle well, but again I reserve that sort of behavior to a roadcourse, with a helmet, in a car I either own, or rented and insured.

I have a lot of friends with VERY fast cars (in fact Meeyatch, John Firth is a friend of mine, that lives in Ft. Wayne, and owns a single turbo Supra) I haven't spoken to him over the winter too much, but I know his setup was very capable of well over 1,000rwhp, and the car is easily capable of streetable 9 sec passes. Two other friends in Indy run the same setup.

Actually Meeyatch, I think I know you from, or possibly do you own an auto NSX? I post as Red2001GSR

Great story btw, I don't think that a situation like that would be impossible, or unlikely, even.

Anyhow, thanks a lot for the feedback guys.
That is too generous, Unlimited access to NSX.

Maybe he has many other toys and NSX is like nothing to him. Some people would not even allow their son to drive it.
Seems strange to me...
I enjoyed reading your story (and Mitch's story too). Some people just enjoy being nice to others and you are fortunate to have a friend willing to loan you his NSX.

I did notice your sig though - it has a '91 NSX listed? Did you really get the NSX and are just making us wait in anticipation? :biggrin:
Formula Milanesium said:
...I have a lot of friends with VERY fast cars (in fact Meeyatch, John Firth is a friend of mine, that lives in Ft. Wayne, and owns a single turbo Supra) I haven't spoken to him over the winter too much, but I know his setup was very capable of well over 1,000rwhp, and the car is easily capable of streetable 9 sec passes. Two other friends in Indy run the same setup.

Actually Meeyatch, I think I know you from, or possibly do you own an auto NSX? I post as Red2001GSR...

John with the black Supra and Volk wheels?? Yeah, I know him too. Cool guy, and that car is SWEEEET!!

Yes, I own an automatic NSX (my '91) and a manual NSX (my '94), and I used to post on for stuff on my '96 Integra GS-R. Next time I am down in Indy, maybe I will let you know.
mickeylex said:
I enjoyed reading your story (and Mitch's story too). Some people just enjoy being nice to others and you are fortunate to have a friend willing to loan you his NSX.

I did notice your sig though - it has a '91 NSX listed? Did you really get the NSX and are just making us wait in anticipation? :biggrin:
No sir, I listed the '91 NSX as my mistress... meaning she's not officially mine, I don't tell the RSX about her, and I can't claim any rights to her, but I can go for a romp, if I so choose. That's just me being silly. If people start thinking I'm actually an NSX owner, I'll take it out.

Meeyatch1 said:
John with the black Supra and Volk wheels?? Yeah, I know him too. Cool guy, and that car is SWEEEET!!

Yes, I own an automatic NSX (my '91) and a manual NSX (my '94), and I used to post on for stuff on my '96 Integra GS-R. Next time I am down in Indy, maybe I will let you know.

Yes sir, that's John Firth.

That picture is actually rather old, when he was only putting down 740rwhp @ 32psi, before he got his cams, and other goodies he's acquired over the past year.

I'm sort of bitter, because that Supra could have been mine, but I didn't want to buy a '97 Supra for $33k 2 years ago... so I let John know about it, and he called, and put a deposit on it. Apparently, Penske Honda had been having SERIOUS trouble financing the car for people, and since John was willing to forego financing, they made him a very, very nice deal on the '97.

I'm honestly glad he got it, because in under a year of ownership, he turned it into a car (if you aren't familiar, it's sort of the pinnacle of Supra's) and less than 2 years later, made it one of the biggest hp Supra's on earth. I simply do not have the resources to do that. The scary thing is, he has 2 friends down here, who seem to match him mod for mod, in Tim, and Eric. The 3 cars are all simply amazing to watch run.

I've never ridden with Tim, or Eric, but I rode with John a couple times, and the car pulls like crazy... the day he installed his cams in the Sharp Ford install bay, we were playing with the backfire at rev limit, and shooting 6ft fireballs out of his exhaust. That was loud in the bay. Shop manager didn't like it. Then we took it out, and shot fireballs in traffic, and made a couple highway pulls at 15psi to begin to tune the AEM EMS. At 15psi, the car made power in such a linear way, that I never realized how hard we were accelerating, until he let off the throttle, and I was thrown forward. Ultimately I will own an NSX for the roadcourse, and a Supra for the dragstrip/highway.

Also Meeyatch, if you're ever wanting to sell the '91 auto, I know someone who wants an auto NSX.

Update to the earlier story, I went and visited the owner again tonight, as he was having a bit of trouble operating his audio system. We discussed my plans to give his NSX a bath, along with my GSR, and my RSX. He is 100% comfortable with me, although I am bringing my friend who is a professional Lexus detailer along with me. He is very used to working with high end automobiles, and is helping me, just because we're friends, and showing me the ropes. We're going to make the two red cars look extra pretty, while just doing the basics on the RSX... because on Tuesday I'm going to bring all three cars to Indianapolis Raceway Park.

I'm going to be getting baseline acceleration numbers on the stock RSX, experimenting with launch techniques, and basically feeling the car out all day on Tuesday, while the NSX, and GSR are going to sit side by side in a highly visible area. The NSX will act as bait, to attract attention to the GSR's FOR SALE sign. If that isn't good advertising, I don't know what is.