amazing experience with a 7 year old kid

Thank you for sharing your story. The thought of my daugther losing my wife or me is the one thing that scares me in this life.

You've made the world a better place and through this experience with you, that kid will go on to make this world a better place. :smile:
Touching story Bro, but be careful giving such a young kid the famous Turbo advice on women.....It's like giving a 16 year old keys to the Lambo :smile:

In all seriousness, when we talked that one time and you mentioned that you had a little brother, I didn't expect to hear that you were in the BB program. You have a good heart
Now it is really hard for me not to cry.

I don't think anyone could keep from crying, I know I can't. It's amazing how little it takes to make a huge difference.

Here is a funny story... When I was a kid my mother would sponsor kids from the 'fresh air program'. Inner city kids would come up from NYC to stay in the country for a month. This one kid came up and he was straight out of the ghetto, he gets to our house looks around and says "Damn you guys are Poor." LOL

It was the first time he had ever seen a cow in his life. I always wonder what became of him?
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That's pretty awesome, thanks for sharing. Made me tear up reading the daddy don't leave me part the telemarketer over heard :(.

I put my 5yo son in his place and it's just heart wrenching.
One of the best stories I've read on this site and others in a long time. You have a very big heart and have made a difference in his life.

Thanks for sharing
Touching story Bro, but be careful giving such a young kid the famous Turbo advice on women.....It's like giving a 16 year old keys to the Lambo :smile:

hahahaha.... he's already the best wingman...
If you have anymore room to adopt, I would like volunteer to be your younger good looking bro......You can say hey I bought ediddy a turbo kit with a fully built motor and that would put a huge smile on my face.


Good job on being a big bro to the kid man....just make sure you remind him who the nba champs are. :wink:
Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
Whose side are you on Jim ? :) Great story turbo, you're doing the right thing!

Jim I told Jay that you think a Ferrari is better and he said he wants to have a talk with you. He said you don't know anything. :D
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What an amazing story. So much so, I have sent in an application to be a Big Brother after reading this. I have thought about it for years but never did anything about it. No excuses anymore. Simply amazing. You just paid it forward! Thank you for your inspiration.
What an amazing story. So much so, I have sent in an application to be a Big Brother after reading this. I have thought about it for years but never did anything about it. No excuses anymore. Simply amazing. You just paid it forward! Thank you for your inspiration.

Holy DJD!! I was just thinking the other day I haven't seen you around in forever... in fact this thread has made a lot of people I haven't seen in a while re-appear and reply.

I think that's super cool that you sent in an application. What I learned is that it SEEMS sometimes things are just mundane, but they really aren't. IT may take years before he really opens up to you. I used to think I was just the guy that bowled and played lasertag. I had NO IDEA until his mom told me all this stuff. Well I hope you get a good match. Be specific about what you like. The program matches you up. So speak up. Mine did a good job. They did say "we won't give you a kid with problems because this is your first time". I don't know how long they thought I'd do it for, but I can't let him go now. I really love the kid!
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What an amazing story. So much so, I have sent in an application to be a Big Brother after reading this. I have thought about it for years but never did anything about it. No excuses anymore. Simply amazing. You just paid it forward! Thank you for your inspiration.

Well done man. Way to step up to the plate. I am on my way to the website right now. Haven't been able to volunteer as much as I used to due to work. But I really have to get it back into my life. It is so rewarding. Turbo, again, thanks for making this thread! I will gladly cut off any Laker I see on the road for you :).
One of the best stories I've read on this site and others in a long time. You have a very big heart and have made a difference in his life.

Thanks for sharing

2nd. My area director is involved in this program. He goes to the park nearby for a few times a month and plays Frisbee/football with the kid and talks to him for a while each time. The potential to do something like this is just one more reason working as much as I do is probably not worth it.
Good post. Reading this reminds me of what I thought of certain car owners when I joined car clubs. I would find these people that thought their cars and possessions were everything in their life. My last 3 years have tought me a lot in the ways of meaning something in life. I would do the BB program if I didn't already have a 2 year old and a 5 year old son. Kids are amazing. They change your priorities and make you do things to take you out of yourself. When you hang out with kids you get to see how important little things are compared to having a nice car, a watch or other similar things. Helping others out is a big deal in this world and it keeps people sane.

Kids are good for picking up girls though. The problem lies if you answer, "Yes, that is my son." It doesn't work out so well after that usually.

Good post again.
I've thought a lot about doing the exact same thing recently. There's so much we can give to the lives of children just by being ourselves. And in return, it awakens something in us that allows us to be kids again :)

I'm kind of the neighborhood dad around here.....whether my boys (7 and 10) are here or with their mom, there are always kids around my house. Helped teach two of the boys to repair small engines, and now in their early teen years, they make extra cash buying and selling lawnmowers and doing yard work. A couple of hard working kids that are saving up money for their first cars. It's great to see that work ethic is still alive and well for the next generation.

It's not just kids without fathers that need a dad, in many cases I'm shocked how little the dads pay attention to their little ones growing up, which is very sad. I live in an average 1950's middle class neighborhood, and what constantly amazes me is how so few of the kids around here are ever fact, I can't remember the last time I saw a man playing ball with his kids around here. But that's okay, I don't mind picking up the slack :)
Just got confirmation of my Big Brother Big Sister orientation meeting on the 31st of July.

Thanks for motivating me! Hopefully I can be as important to a little kid as you have been :cool:
Great experience I'm sure. You have also made a major impression on the boys mother. You mentioned that you had split up with your girlfriend. You're a shoe-in for the boys mom, cause she already hears what a good impression you have left on the boy. This whole story could really come full circle if you hooked up with his mother as well. She probably could use a caring sole to lean on as well. Talk about a win, win, win situation for everyone.

Could make a great TV movie out of this. (NSX's involved of course)
Just got confirmation of my Big Brother Big Sister orientation meeting on the 31st of July.

Thanks for motivating me! Hopefully I can be as important to a little kid as you have been :cool:

Wow 2 guys now... I am so glad I made this thread! That's awesome. Remember ask about someone that matches YOU, and be patient. Kids, especially these kids sometimes take a LONG time to open up. Once they do, it's a whole different thing. He still doesn't want to talk about his dad with me.

Great experience I'm sure. You have also made a major impression on the boys mother. You mentioned that you had split up with your girlfriend. You're a shoe-in for the boys mom, cause she already hears what a good impression you have left on the boy. This whole story could really come full circle if you hooked up with his mother as well. She probably could use a caring sole to lean on as well. Talk about a win, win, win situation for everyone.

Could make a great TV movie out of this. (NSX's involved of course)

LOL... OK exit romantic movie world please. Her mom is now engaged. I called the program and aksed what my role would be since he may have an actual father again. If he still needs me. The girl laughed and said "are you kidding? he needs ytou even more now, because of all these changes happening to him". I asked once and he said he doesn't like the new guy. I asked why and he said "he is mean". I asked how and he said "he won't let me play video games and tells me to go read a book". LOL.... I like this big brother role a lot better than the father role.
Great thread. Really impressive that you got yourself involved, and stayed committed.

It looks like you have it figured out. The best part? Both you, and Jay benefit.

Great post turbo, inspiring yet so sad to hear of what the little boy went through. The boy needs a role model in his life. Keep on!!