AMAZING: 23-inch dancing robots from Japan!


Wow that was cool..:eek: :eek: :)

More info here

We downloaded all the clips on Sony's QRIO a few days ago. You should have seen the way we all reacted...we must have one of these for our new office.

Animators, like myself, would love to animate one of these guys.

Sony's website has a lot of good stuff on these too.
anymore of these video? i really enjoy watching them. for some stupid reason, i find sand art very soothing and relaxing to watch. more more more more... :D
I heard a long time ago that SONY rrinted one of HONDA's robots. Could they have possibaly stole some of HONDA's technolegies?
Amazing how fluid the movement is. Seeing things like this makes me very sad to know I will not be around 100 years from now to see what things will be like then.