Alpine IVA-W205 & TME-M740BT Install

I have a question about the install of the TME-M740bt. With the parking brake wire and the foot brake wire what needs to be done with these to get the tv to work while driving? Some models you can ground out the wires and some models you need the pac-7 module to bypass alpines sequence needed to get the tv to work. I have this tv and just need some info from someone that has installed this tv before on what needs to be done. There is nothing in the instructions about a sequence needed for the tv just that the foot brake and hand brake wires need to be hooked up. Any help from anyone is greatly appreciated.
I can't personally tell you about the 740BT but I'm almost done with a TME-760 and IVA-w200 install. Both of these units require the same sequence to view video so I would assume the 740BT is the same.

1) Key in the ACC or On position.
2) Push foot brake. Engage parking brake.
3) Keep pushing foot brake and release the parking brake once then engage it again.
4) While the parking brake is being engaged the second time, release the foot brake.

Whoever designed this at Alpine should be shot.

The best fix I found for this was to use a video bypass unit called the R3 Black Box. I actually needed two (one for each unit). I tried the PAC-7 first but it was quirky and didn't bypass every time. The R3 bypasses every time. I got them from from Specialty Electronics on EBay.....great company, fast shipping, The R3 even comes with cutoff switches so you can make it appear that the video is not bypassed. Hid them in case I get pulled over. The R3 is a little pricier but worth it. I'll be posting some pictures of my install soon.