Alert valet-joyriders

Haha, I don't even like to valet my other car! :tongue:

I don't either, but if I really had to I would choose, I will choose the one car that I would less likely to feel bad about if a mishap was to occur.

I think the only car that's ever been valet is my minivan. The valet parked it out front by the entrance, and I didn't even have to tip him extra.:cool::biggrin:
That was my minivan. I told them to get that NSX out of there FAST. Guess I'm a bit jealous since mine is in the shop.
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Just playin, but seriously ...

Shawn, you are not the only black NSX in Tampa. The guy that owns Z Fever has a black one with same exact wheels as yours. He goes clubbing too.

What club was this so I know not to go there? Was this channelside?

I swear I want to install spy cameras or something in the cabin. I have a fantasy of busting someone red handed with concrete evidence, and then forcing them to eat a fresh piece of dogshit if they want to avoid me pressing charges. I would capture it and put it on youtube too and make a few grand from ad hits.
Just playin, but seriously ...

...I swear I want to install spy cameras or something in the cabin. I have a fantasy of busting someone red handed with concrete evidence, and then forcing them to eat a fresh piece of dogshit if they want to avoid me pressing charges. I would capture it and put it on youtube too and make a few grand from ad hits.

As long as they have to collect the dogshit first. :biggrin:
Just playin, but seriously ...

Shawn, you are not the only black NSX in Tampa. The guy that owns Z Fever has a black one with same exact wheels as yours. He goes clubbing too.

What club was this so I know not to go there? Was this channelside?

I swear I want to install spy cameras or something in the cabin. I have a fantasy of busting someone red handed with concrete evidence, and then forcing them to eat a fresh piece of dogshit if they want to avoid me pressing charges. I would capture it and put it on youtube too and make a few grand from ad hits.

I think someone did exactly that once when he took his Subaru to the mechanic and they joyrided it.
Call the cops, FBI, insurance, their management, Bbb, Media, everyone you can think of and make a stink. They vandalized your property and commuted a crime.
Funny Kyras, lol. Oh boy this is running away with itself. I hope something good comes of this like some payout to you the one that suffered the crime! Let us know what you really do about this.
I valet. I like the spot up front. Nobody drives my car but me. Nobody. Ever.
I park it myself, I give $20 to a $3 valet, he asks for the keys in case of an emergency but promises not to move it, I give him the door key but not the ignition key. :wink:

You can valet your car if you like that special spot.... but always park it yourself. I usually pull up with the $20 in my hand and give it to them as I'm asking them to park it myself. If they refuse and say "they have to park the car", I ask for the $20 back. At that point they'll usually say.... "well..... just put it right there". :rolleyes:
LOL, I understand the importance of it being out front since I was once that age but yes I'm about 20 years past it. Priorities change I guess.:cool:

Not only do I like it up in front of the club / restaurant because it looks cool, but I like it for security reasons too. I figure the 20 bucks is a little insurance while I'm inside.
I know someone who owns a Valet service and have talked to him about these type of situations. He normally tries to "fix" the problem in house without going to the insurance company. If its a reputable club they should insist on the valet service having insurance.
Say if you are not pleased with whatever placations they may offer to report it to the club itself. Enough complaints and they will find a new service.

I almost never valet unless it is required.
Somebody here should make a chip/module for valet.Flip a swich and if your car goes over 5k rpm report it stolen. You dont need more that 5k to park or even to move it to another spot. Unautorized ride = theft.
Did the valet look like these guys?


I've seen them catch some air in a customer's car and reassuring them that they are "professionals"
Yeah no kidding, I totally argree. I guess if you must be seen as the cool cat with their ride out front to impress others, then you must also understand and accept that there are possible negative consequences that may occur. Bottom line is you got to pay to play.

AGREED~ of course it's the valet's fault, not yours but if you are going to show off by parking your NSX up front, then you also agree to the risk by leaving them the keys.

Drive ANOTHER car (don't know too many nsx owners who can only afford one car) or be ready to take the risk.

Valet guys are never trust-worthy :eek:

Kill switches and all these other great ideas still does not protect your car from dings, getting hit, etc. I leave my nice cars at home if I want to truly party. Leave the showing off to young guy or rich guys who don't care.
what I do is when I give the keys to the guy I always go back and say out loud so the guy who parks the car can hear. I say " Hold on let me check he miles on the car" then I wirte it down in fron of him. My GF get imberesed when I do this but I always tell her that I rather look like a asshole than look like a fool.