Alert valet-joyriders


15 July 2009
Was at a club last night for their Holloween costume party, after paying the Valet guy 20 bucks to park my NSX near the front door so I could get my Usual, Wow what kinda car is that etc. saw the valet guy park it where I wanted, he then got out of my NSX and moved on to the next car to park. My car is safe so I thought!!
Was drinking in the 1200+ people club,, was on the Balcony with my girl when I look over and see my car Hauling ass, I mean you could hear the RPMS in the 6-7000 range down the strip going twords where my car is supposed to be parked,,, I tried to run thru this club,, but you all know how hard it is when its 1200+ people to get to the front door! finally got outside 10 minutes later my car was not parked in the spot I last saw it,, I was like what the F,, wheres my car??We had to move it,, the car is now parked over there,, they fingered it out,,, I was screaming at the Valet Supervisor,, told him that I Actually saw my car hauling Asz down the strip from the Balcony,, he said it was another car and that I was mistaken,," Like NSX's are everywhere" and I know I am the ONLY BLACK NSX in Tampa,, I tell him to give me my F-ing keys NOW! he said they needed room so they needed to move it,,, so I looked at where my car was originally parked and now a minivan is in my spot, I said "so you move my car to park a minivan in front of this club",, he didnt say anything,, I told him if my car has any damage/or engine damage from you f-g Joyride I will sue his 5 dollar an hour asZ,, he told to to get outta here.
Long story short,, I didnt notice anything driving it home besides the burn of the clutch,,, well this morning I moved my NSX to wash the driveway,, huge puddle of something under the car,, what should I check,, its not oil,, it has a yellow color to it,, I mean like at least 3-4 ounces of something, I dont know what I should I do next! Dont Valet your NSX is one thing that comes to mind!! what would you do in my shoes?
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Was at a club last night for their Holloween costume party, after paying the Valet guy 20 bucks to park my NSX near the front door so I could get my Usual, Wow what kinda car is that etc. saw the valet guy park it where I wanted, he then got out of my NSX and moved on to the next car to park. My car is safe so I thought!!
Was drinking in the 1200+ people club,, was on the Balcony with my girl when I look over and see my car Hauling ass, I mean you could hear the RPMS in the 6-7000 range down the strip going twords where my car is supposed to be parked,,, I tried to run thru this club,, but you all know how hard it is when its 1200+ people to get to the front door! finally got outside 10 minutes later my car was not parked in the spot I last saw it,, I was like what the F,, wheres my car??We had to move it,, the car is now parked over there,, they fingered it out,,, I was screaming at the Valet Supervisor,, told him that I Actually saw my car hauling Asz down the strip from the Balcony,, he said it was another car and that I was mistaken,," Like NSX are everywhere" and I know I am the ONLY BLACK NSX in Tampa,, I tell him to give me my F-ing keys NOW! he said they needed room so they needed to move it,,, so I looked at where my car was originally parked and now a minivan is in my spot, I said so you move my car to park a minivan in front of this club,, he didnt say anything,, I told him if my car has any damage/or engine damage from you f-g Joyride I will sue his 5 dollar an hour asZ,, he told to to get outta here.
Long story short,, I didnt notice anything driving it home besides the burn of the clutch,,, well this morning I moved my NSX to wash the driveway,, huge puddle of something under the car,, what should I check,, its not oil,, it has a yellow color to it,, I mean like at least 3-4 ounces of something, I dont know what I should I do next! Dont Valet your NSX is one thing that comes to mind!! what would you do in my shoes?

I would be ultra pissed off for one thing....I guess I would try and round up witnessess to the sight that you saw and then do my best to talk directly w/ the club manager......Go to small claims and file, and then get a bud to serve the valet manager while he's at work...that should get him to reconsider defending his employee.....Hopefully RSO 34 will see this thread and offer his expert advice. Obviously, your biggest hurdle will be linking whatever engine damage you might have to the joyride taken by these clowns.
First answer you're going to get from most people...the one that would piss me off too.....don't valet your car. Lol right. We all know how cool it is to go somewhere and get a little above average treatment because of a car we invested in. As far as what to do...I would as calmly as I could call the daytime manager and ask him what he thinks on the situation. Tell him you had you car a safe location then they supposedly moved it and you saw them from the balcony ferris buelering your car. Be a're in a classy car so definitely show some class.ask him what his procedures are about joyriding and go from there. I'm sure he doesn't want a bad wrap or rep so....just talk to him and work it out. Attract more bees with honey kinda thing if you get my drift
I am very sorry this happened to you, however....

What would I do in your shoes? Hmmm.....

Don't valet. Don't valet. Don't valet.

This story is NO surprise to anyone on this forum, or any car forum for that matter.

The ONLY black NSX in all of Tampa?? That's hard to believe.
Yes the Only Black one! there is a yellow 97 in brandon, 2 reds in tampa, and 3 reds in St Petersburg that I know of!! so it was def my car driving down the strip like a bat outta hell!!
and the way the Supervisor acted I am thinking it was him!!
what i usualy would pay the guy $20 and let me park the car myself and keep the keys on me.
Thats the only way to valet. KEEP THE KEYS!!!

College Kids that can run fast...and like cars...

You brought a prize to them...

To them your a rich guy at the Club... (Take it your not the owner's friend)

You surrendered your car to them the "Professionals" willingly.

The "professionals" moved "your car" to another one of "their parking lots"

NO damage from a wreck, Can't report it to the Popo because you've been

drinking, can't report it stolen because you gave them the keys as valets.

It sucks, pay them so YOU can park it yourself and KEEP the KEYS!!!

If you want to read more horrors stories go to the Viper America site

where every yahoo in the Dodge service dept has to take you car for a

test drive after an oil change.

Guess what, you've got the cool car now that every dreamer wants to

take for a no strings attached test drive.

Remember, it wasn't Ferris' dad's car they left in the valet garage...

This situation sucks, but I don't see any real recourse...

Even if there is a leak now... how can you prove the leak was not there

before the valet adventure? Difficult.
Well a friend of mine had her 2006 TSX valet at another night club, they reversed her car into another one and said oh dont worry we will get it fixed for you no prob!! dont call your insurance company our insurance will take care of it no prob,, ok she didnt report it,, you only have so many hours to report it i think 48 she waited a week for them to call they didnt ,, she called them they said that they discused it with the owner and they decided not to help her out,, that their insurance wouldnt cover it,,, she called her insurance and they said that she waited to long to file the claim,, so I dont think I will get anything out of this situation, F me,, I will never valet again,, I have heard a guy on here had his 05 wrecked by the dealer,, and he got shafted for the wreck to!! the mechanic was driving his NSX in the rain and had the TCS off!! drove it into a ditch!! yikes,, no-one is gonna drive my NSX again!!
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Sorry to hear about your car. Its a valuable lesson learned. I won't valet my car ...EVER!!!

Not sure what is leaking, maybe brake fluid from ABS reservoir???
There are no fluids that come yellow that I can think of. However, it is not uncommon for shops to add an ultraviolet dye to help detect leaks, and the dyes are often yellow or orange. It may be oil from your AC system, as that is a common place to add dye. If you can get your hands on a UV light see if the oil will glow, and try to find the source that way. Also be aware of any changes in AC cooling or in the sound from the rear with the AC turned on.
what I have done in the past when valet parking my car is keep the alarm fob. After they park the car I arm the alarm then take the fob with me. They can still get in the car but now the alarm will be going off and the ignition kill will be on so they cant go anywhere. AND my alarm FOB is a pager type alarm so it would go off and I would know something is up.
I wont say the obvious but i completely agree with the parking your own car. Steve, another member here, has one of teh sickest nsx's out there i would say and he told me when he went to vegas, the valet people told him to park his own car cause it is super low and they didnt want to mess it up. So to me, this car can be valet parked but by yourself, then you dont have to worry. Me personally, i would park it myself on a corner so i only worry about one side, perferably park it on a right corner so maybe the car next to me has no passanger. Hope you car is no longer leaking. I forget from reading but was it in the front or back of car?
she called her insurance and they said that she waited to long to file the claim

If a person has a policy for collision coverage in effect on their vehicle there would be no exclusion for the length of time and circumstance in the illustration you've given. Someone's got the facts of that story wrong.
This is why I have a second car. I park it in the lot like everyone else and the NSX is safe in the garage.:wink:

David, I am assuming that you, like me, are about 20 years past the "club scene" and therefore you don't understand the importance of the NSX parked out front :cool:
So what do you guys who say "Never valet" do when the place you are going is valet only, and there is no self park option, and they turn down your offer of $50 tip to park it yourself?
what i usualy would pay the guy $20 and let me park the car myself and keep the keys on me.

Thats what I do also....theres no point in leaving the keys....its safer on the streets IMO then with a least insurance will cover anything that happens on the street
So what do you guys who say "Never valet" do when the place you are going is valet only, and there is no self park option, and they turn down your offer of $50 tip to park it yourself?

Have your friends drive your lousy Lexus LS or Mercedes S-class to the Club... with you and your special friend in the back... nothing like having a designated driver for your daily driver (sled) on a party night... and your NSX waiting for you at home safe and sound, ready for the AM drop off...
Because of his income, the only chance a valet has of driving a car like this is if you give him the keys. Would you expect a starving dog to resist a meaty bone? People will be people and there's nothing they won't do - nothing! Proof of actions is hard to prove without witnesses. Good Luck, and I doubt you'll give your keys to anyone again. Sorry dude.