Midnight_Raven said:I can see that the stealing of NSX is getting popular or is very wanted in California. I say find a NSX member from this community that we have and use his car as bait. I bet you if you park in a certain area everyday of the week for just a couple of hours another thief will try to steal one. Forget trying to find the guy, let the guy find you. Get what I mean. You guys could stake out in a certain area so that you could find the guy while he is trying to break in. Then when you see him doing it, just try to block him in the car using a truck, like an SUV. You could box him in too if you want.
Just trying to give you some hints that most people won't do. Most of the time I hear people saying we will keep an eye out when you should realy do something about it. Also don't forget maybe the police towed your car. Just check and try to do something about it.
Good luck on your search.
Midnight_Raven said:Joel
What doesn't make sense about the idea or plan. The plan or idea itself I think anyone could understand. Are you saying that it doesn't make sense to do it or that the idea itself doesn't make sense.
I don't think a thief especially a car thief would have a gun.
I'm not stupid I know people would not do stuff like that but I thought you guys realy, realy liked your cars. The way you say stuff about your cars gives me the impression you would try anything to get it back. Oh well my mistake then.
Hope you at least appriciate the help I tried to give.
Ryanmcd2 said:It's not the end of the world. A car can be replaced.
Originally posted by Darkcyd
On top of that you can pretty much kiss any money you spent on aftermarket parts goodbye.