ALB Problem

16 October 2003
San Francisco, CA
I think I have the same problem with another guy who post same topic here; however, here is the difference.

When the ABS motor is running, I try to speed up a bit and nail really hard on the brake (tried for about 10 times already). The ALB light still goes on. :( I've seen some people have done this and was ok after doing the speed&brake test. It seemed not working for my car, so I am wondering if there is anything I should notice ? Or it is the time for me to change or repair something of the ABS system ?:rolleyes:

So even though you "excercise it", you cannot build pressure in the system. I assume the light comes on, just as the pump stops. This is typical after about 30 seconds or so of the pump running but pressure is not building.

So you need to test the pressure switch, look for leaks, check accumuator. The service manual can take you through it. If you have fluid overflowing out of the reservoir, then you have a stuck selonoid, that is not freeing up. has a great DIY procedure for working each selonoid individually to try to free them up. Check this out. LAST resort would be a new ABS valve assembly, or even see about repairing it, but I have been told this is not really an option. Never had one to open up:).
