Air temperature sensor

24 August 2006
Jupiter, Florida
I was told by a friend that if you were to install an aftermarket thermistor in place of the OEM air temp sensor that the engine would be fooled into thinking the air temp was 34 deg. I assume that this would allow for an increase in the fuel density to match the increased air density. Is this correct? It would seem that the engine would simply be running rich since the air density is in fact not denser... Is it a viable form of an increase? Next question: Where does one find the air temp sensor?

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance"
Yes you can dummy up any signal you like. In normal driving it may have little affect because the O2 sensors are used to adjust the mixture. At WOT you would run richer but it all ready runs rich. You may also get CEL/MIL light. For sensor locations see the online service manual in the reference section of the FAQ's here on NSXprime.
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