
6 September 2002
Northern VA
I hate calling customer service and to find out that they are in freaking india!!!! I am not a racist, but can I have one that can understand me and my problem? grrrrrrr...sorry guys, I just had to vent a bit.
PoohBEAR said:
I hate calling customer service and to find out that they are in freaking india!!!! I am not a racist, but can I have one that can understand me and my problem? grrrrrrr...sorry guys, I just had to vent a bit.
I feel your pain. I spent over 6 hours last week in telephone "H-E-Double Toothpicks" with Dell just trying to buy a second Dell laptop. I gave up on them and now spread the word about my frustration with that company. I evan began insisting on talking to a "U.S. rep" and that only made the hold time worse.

I ended up buying a different brand laptop this weekend.

I am a much happier person now. :D
Heh, I don't know why but this kinda reminds me of one my class where the professor is from an ex-soviet country and a student of Asian origin asking a question. Watching and listening the two of them going back and forth with their heavy accents and them not understanding what the others are saying because of their own unique accents are just kinda funny. :D
I’m Arabic and English is a second language to me which I rarely ever have a chance to practice speaking but I still can speak English as fluent as an American would. I wish I could say the same about my spelling though. I spell like a 12 year old.

I hate it when someone speaks in a language that’s not his but insists on keeping an accent. I find no reason to do so. If you learn a language, learn it the right way. That’s why I’m very cautious now to pronounce Japanese words properly since I’m learning it.

But seriously, accents are really ugly and I don’t understand why people don’t make an effort to pronounce words properly.
I always seem to get the demur Indian female who speaks so low it almost sounds like a whisper. Of course the whisper is with an accent.
gheba_nsx said:
I have some kind of "accent" while speaking english... and both with UK and US girls it always helped a lot! :D

OK we'll make an expetion
Because of my line of work, I am constantly getting support from India. And i hate it. What used to take 5 minutes with Aussie support (which included some light hearted humour) is now a 20+ minute chore ... I end up spelling EVERY word including my name, suburb, state... asking them to repeat what they mumbled over and over again because they dont talk clearly... and finally when i make a quick light-hearted comment to brighten up the conversation it is always met with blank silence because INDIA's CULTURE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND AUSTRALIAN CULTURE OR HUMOUR! :( Sorry for the caps... i feel better now though. :D

Whenever i call and get aussie support I always say i appreciate being able to speak to someone in Australia because it saves me time and frustration (only if their service is good :) ). It's not a racist thing because Australia is very multicultural. Even with Aussie support I often get Asian people with broken English providing support and they are easier to communicate with and, more importantly, they understand my jokes. :p

gheba_nsx said:
I have some kind of "accent" while speaking english... and both with UK and US girls it always helped a lot! :D

LOL... <B>Gheba</B>, like you need help with girls. :rolleyes: ;) :D
Like Neo I talk to these people as part of my employment - thank heavens not as much as I used to. What really, really frosts me about it is when they act as if it is MY problem that they can't make themselves understood. In general they seem to make absolutely no effort to speak clearly.
Forget any attempt at adding a human element to the conversation I'd be happy if they would just make an effort to be understood.
I watched a TV show about outsourcing a couple weeks back. It was pretty interesting. They focused on India, obviously, and showed the schools that are now setup over there that teach local people how to be phone support technicians for American companies. Apparently they spend a good amount of time learning the american accent and some american cultural traits. Watching a class room of people who have strong native accents learn to speak american phrases was pretty amusing.

I read that Dell has moved a lot of their tech support (business customers i think) back to the US because their support ratings have dropped drastically since they offshored them (and great tech support is how they originally ousted Gateway so it should be important to them).
dawggpie said:
I read that Dell has moved a lot of their tech support (business customers i think) back to the US because their support ratings have dropped drastically since they offshored them (and great tech support is how they originally ousted Gateway so it should be important to them).
I had heard the same, but my recent experience with Dell did not reflect customer service coming back stateside. They are still relying on outsourcing.
FuryNSX said:
I had heard the same, but my recent experience with Dell did not reflect customer service coming back stateside. They are still relying on outsourcing.

I've also read that Dell can not keep support people here in the US. From what I heard 80-90% of each new "class" of support people are gone within like 6 weeks!

As for the schools for support people in India there was a story the other day about them being encouraged to take American-sounding names so the one guy picked "Abraham Lincoln" :rolleyes:
lemansnsx said:
"Dell said its call center in Bangalore, India would remain fully staffed, with some consumer calls still being handled overseas."

Hmmm, after reading that, I guess "some" = 9 out of 10 times = times I got a foreign Dell rep.

"The practice ... has come under fire from some U.S. workers' groups."

Also, the article seems to make it apparent that Dell is making the change after opposition from the U.S. Labor sector, not because of customer complaints.
Mr.Wolf said:
The only thing they are good at is making a good curry. And I don't like curry. :D

This was kinda interesting and funny until somebody say a comment this STUPID. Get a life. :rolleyes:

Ritesh R. Prasad