Ahhhh stressful driving!!!

I can generally tell when people are trying to incite a race. Usually they're in "street" performance cars like Camaros/Firebirds and rev their engines next to me at a stoplight. I just let them take off and flush out any cops.

I've also had normal cars and trucks speed up trying to catch me to get a better view of my car, and while I appreciate their enthusiasm, I don't like it either because they're not always driving safely. People can check out my car while I'm waiting to turn at a stoplight, or stopped at the gas station. :biggrin:
Well, unfortunately I can't drive both of my cars at the same time, but it sure is nice to have a family member who also owns an NSX. Cruising around town with my brother (and not during an NSX drive/event) has been some of the most enjoyable times behind the wheel. Everyone should try it! :biggrin:
I'm actually going to my first meet up with other NSX's there and GREATLY looking forward to it! I think it's going to be pretty amazing cruising with other NSX's. While I was up in Ohio, at the fore mentioned meet, I let a good friend, who owned a shop I learned my foundation at, drive my baby. It was surprisingly satisfying seeing her driving down the road and the sound! WOAH! They are just some bad ass machines.
Yeah theres no need to sugar coat it I know how this area is...
Most towns don't have thousands of compensating testosterone raging marines driving around in em. I'm a "Doc" so I deal with them on a daily basis and live and do what they do, but they are a whole nother breed. Like I said I'll just keep the car out of J-vegas.

That's funny, the "Docs" that I served with LOVED "their" Marines. I'm sorry to hear that you feel that you have to "deal" with US and find US onerous but that's part and parcel of being a Marine: zero to hero and back in a heartbeat. Maybe you'd be better served on a sub.

Out of my decade served I spent 5 years stationed at LeJeune and loved every day of it. Hundreds of miles of beaches up and down 17 and great weather year-round. Sorry that we ruined it for everybody else and put the world's largest amphibious training base there. Ooo Rah.

...( I couldn't slam my breaks in a turn!)

That's brakes Doc, not breaks.

Semper Fi !!!!!
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I'm honestly glad that I had a motorcycle and have taken all the popper training when I was younger. When I'm in the NSX, I revert back to that extreme defensive driving style because as the OP has said, other cars (when beside you) just don't see you.

+1 I drive mine like I'm riding my bike...pretend you are invisible to other motorists and stay away from anything that looks like it ever carried gravel !
Dark side window tint saves having to eyeball the "racers". Haven't had my NSX for long but especially creepy when the RHD (Skyline, RX7 latest two) are right beside ya looking to race. They eventually give up and go on their way...could be the grey hair:wink:.
Never had the racer boy problem with the PCar
That's funny, the "Docs" that I served with LOVED "their" Marines. I'm sorry to hear that you feel that you have to "deal" with US and find US onerous but that's part and parcel of being a Marine: zero to hero and back in a heartbeat. Maybe you'd be better served on a sub.

Out of my decade served I spent 5 years stationed at LeJeune and loved every day of it. Hundreds of miles of beaches up and down 17 and great weather year-round. Sorry that we ruined it for everybody else and put the world's largest amphibious training base there. Ooo Rah.

That's brakes Doc, not breaks.

Semper Fi !!!!!

Don't get too huffy there. Every military base (and service) tends to have its overcompensating types just off the gate also, not just LeJeune. It seems every new guy has a GSXR and Evo or a lifted truck to prove his worth.

Back on subject, every week I would nearly get run off the road in the NSX by someone in a lifted truck and I had to wonder if it was accidental. If you drive this car, people will mess with you. It's just something with which you'll have to deal. I never took the car to the theater or left it too far out of sight. People enjoy destroying things they can't have nowadays.
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That's funny, the "Docs" that I served with LOVED "their" Marines. I'm sorry to hear that you feel that you have to "deal" with US and find US onerous but that's part and parcel of being a Marine: zero to hero and back in a heartbeat. Maybe you'd be better served on a sub.

Out of my decade served I spent 5 years stationed at LeJeune and loved every day of it. Hundreds of miles of beaches up and down 17 and great weather year-round. Sorry that we ruined it for everybody else and put the world's largest amphibious training base there. Ooo Rah.

That's brakes Doc, not breaks.

Semper Fi !!!!!

I was stationed at Lejeune from 1998-2001 and I have to agree with the Doc. I think the base and attitude of those there (for the most part) is horrible. I spent most of my time down on the golf course or on a private beach in Hampstead just to avoid the used car dealers, strip clubs, pawn shops, and ego filled "jarheads". It's one of the main reasons I only did four years and then started doing Gov work here in the DC area.

It's unfortunate, completely different and much more enjoyable when I spent my final year in service at Okinawa. Either way, it is what it is and that's my opinion based on my experience. Semper Fi.
In my 2 months of ownership so far, I've mostly encountered the "thumbs up" people quite a bit. Sometimes when I look in my rear view mirror I can see people taking pictures/recording video. Other than that, no one has tried to race me but every now and then a truck pulls up beside me while cruising, matches my speed for about 5 seconds, then floors the gas.
I had a cop pull up to me yesturday and say "want to race?"


I said "Lets do it!" .... but he followed with "I'd probally loose" and then slowly drove away.

So close.....

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