AHHHH!!!! Oil change from He!!

Well, I've got my hole in the filter, so in goes the screwdriver. Hmm... I'm pulling pretty hard, but oddly, the filter isn't moving. No wait, it is starting too... Uh, no... that's the screwdriver bending... Man.... this sucks. Okay, larger screwdriver... Hey, it's working, the filter moved. I'll spare you the next 20 minutes devoted to moving the filter 1/4 inch at a time. Anyway, I finally get the filter off.
This amazes me! Drill a hole in a filter? :confused: Hammer and screw driver should be all that's required. Am I missing something or is this filter made of stainless steel and not pot metal like the other ten million filters? If you can get a drill in there you should be able to poke a hole through it with a hammer and screw driver. The times I've had that happen I poked the screwdriver through the filter without the hammer.

At least you didn't strip any threads!:rolleyes:

I was wondering the same thing. I keep a filter wrench handy for working on friends' cars but almost never need it for filters I've installed. Someone mentioned torque specs earlier on--does the NSX have a torque spec for the filter? I've only ever seen turn-specs--hand-tight + 1/2-3/4 turns or similar.
We all learn the hard way sometimes. I once removed the spoilerr from a car to replace the brake lamp because I could't figure out how to pry the lens off. No small task! Found out 2 weeks later that you just press on the darn thing and it pops out. :rolleyes:
She's frustrated that I keep messing up the garage floor with oil and paint... I can understand where she's coming from...

My wife wouldn't notice if I was storing an atomic bomb in the garage....she would say "huh???...atomic bomb??..is that it over there next to your old mountan bike?":biggrin: :wink: