Ages of NSX owners

16 April 2008
Im not really sure if this is the right place to put this thread but oh well lol Ill start of course Im 25 but Ill be 26 in less then a month
Not quite 50 (49)
Had the "mid life crisis" and the money at the same time!
32 0n saturday

Presents are welcomed:biggrin:
I need to get one of those "Older than dirt" shirts. Well at least one that says "in training". I will say that I got my NSX back when I was 29, how the years fly by. :cool::biggrin:
Just turned 40 but I've had it since I was 36.
i'm 34... 35 on september... bought mine in sep/2005, so consider it as my 31 year's birthday present :biggrin:
27. And no. Daddy didn't buy it for me.:biggrin:
29 (30 in july), bought mine when was 27.
I got mine a month after I turned 30. :biggrin:
Just turned 48 and have owned mine for 10 years now.
47. First saw one at 29. Bought first one at 37, second one at 46. I like 'em.:biggrin: